A teenager couldn't help the pain in his body, and finally broke out.

In his opinion, Jiang Ran had only joined halfway, and they had been standing for at least two hours.

Both feet are about to cramp, and they have not even rested, and they have long been unable to bear this feeling of tiredness.

"Talk back?"

A fierceness flashed in Fei Lao's eyes, and the rattan in his hand continued to greet him.

The boy was soon beaten to death, wailing loudly at the beginning, and lying motionless on the ground in the back.

Seeing that there is more air out, less air intake.

"You, go and call a guard and ask him to be sent to the mine to be a mine slave."

"Dare to talk back to the old man, this is the end!"

Fei Lao's methods were fierce, and his face was fierce, and at this time, he was even more ruthless than in his previous life.

Fei Lao, who had just become a deacon, acted in a much more fierce style than seven or eight years later.

The other teenagers' faces had turned pale, and no one dared to talk back, not even to see Fei Lao.

And at this time, Jiang Ran finally couldn't help but fall to the ground.

The clothes on his chest were already wet with sweat, and he knelt on the ground and kept panting, his mouth was dry and his vision was even a little blurry.

But this feeling of physical exhaustion made Jiang Ran feel very comfortable.

Because every time his physical strength is overdrawn, it means that his physical strength has increased.

It may be a little bit, but it's a real improvement.

"Not bad, boy."

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran in front of him and felt more and more pleasant.

The talent is good, the bones are different from ordinary people, the young age is polite, and it seems that the heart is also very good.

If it is an ordinary child, I am afraid that it will be unbearable to fall before the physical strength is exhausted.

"This son's future achievements may be above me."

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran in front of him, and his eyes also showed a touch of essence.

If this is the case, he will also receive a lot of benefits in the future.

Looking at Jiang Ran, his gaze also softened slightly.

This is the benefit of talent, a person with good talent, even a civilian.

will be valued by others because of their interests.

Although Jiang Ran still didn't understand what Fei Lao thought.

But at least what is certain is that Fei Lao in this life will probably cultivate him more attentively.

"Boy, can you still stand up?"

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran, who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, constantly gasping, and asked with a smile.

After seeing Jiang Ran nodding, he walked towards the door.

Jiang Ran also immediately got up and kept up with Fei Lao.

The eyes of the rest of the teenagers were full of envy.

They all understood that Jiang Ran had not been whipped just now, and he was definitely weighed down for some reason.

Soon, Jiang Ran was taken to Fei Lao's small courtyard.

There was a firewood room in the corner of the small courtyard, and Fei Lao threw a few quilts into the firewood room and let Jiang Ran clean up by himself.

Jiang Ran dragged the wooden bed outside the door into the firewood room with difficulty, and then cleaned it up.

A good small bed had already appeared, and Jiang Ran fell on the bed at once.

He began to cultivate the Brute Bear Breathing Method to speed up the recovery of his physical strength.


The door of the firewood room was pushed open by Fei Lao, who threw out a book from his hand.

It is the manuscript of Brute Xiong Gong.

"Give you half an hour to memorize the book, and then come out to eat."

Fei Lao's words were very concise, and he directly indicated the meaning and left.

But Jiang Ran did not look at the Brute Bear Gong, this exercise he had already memorized by heart.

You don't have to look at it at all, you can recite it backwards.

Now he pretended to be a man, turned over the brute bear gong, and began to operate the breathing method.

Soon half an hour of hard work had passed, and Jiang Ran, who had exhausted his physical strength, not only had some soreness in his body.

My stomach has long been gurgling with hunger.

When the time came to go out, the wooden table outside the door was already full of hearty food.

As the deacon of the outer gate, Fei Lao, three meals a day were naturally specially sent by someone.

And it is very rich, much more hearty than the meals in the cafeteria.

Jiang Ran looked at it, and his mouth couldn't help but drip down.

"Recite it and then you can eat."

Fei Lao picked up the chopsticks and took some beef, and took a sip of wine while sipping his mouth.

And Jiang Ran also stood aside and began to carry the brute bear gong.

It was very smooth, without a trace of stagnation, and even Fei Lao's face showed a little surprise.

Originally, I planned to starve Jiang Ran this meal, and then hone this kid's character and make him more obedient.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Ran memorized it all word for word.

"What do your parents do in the family?"

Fei Lao knocked on the table with chopsticks, signaled Jiang Ran to sit down, and at the same time asked Jiang Ran's life history like the previous life.

"My father is a carpenter, and my mother is an ordinary woman."

"My mother taught me to read, and I came to Luofu because my mother was sick and had no money for medical treatment."

Roughly the same as in his previous life, Fei Lao also nodded and signaled Jiang Ran to eat.

Jiang Ran was also not polite, and a large bowl of rice began to take a few bites.

"Eat more meat, so that your body and bones can be strong and grow up faster."

Looking at Jiang Ran's gobbling appearance, Fei Lao couldn't help but laugh twice.

He tore a large chicken leg for Jiang Ran and put it in Jiang Ran's bowl.

In his opinion, the Jiang Ran in front of him may not be any different from a piece of gold ingot.

He couldn't finish these meats alone anyway.

With Jiang Ran, the meal for these two people may have just finished.


After about a moment's effort, Jiang Ran's mouth full of oil burped.

That little belly was already slightly bulging.

There was a pile of bones left in the roasted chicken and duck in front of him, and the large bowl of rice was also dried up by Jiang Ran.

Even Fei Lao didn't expect Jiang Ran to be able to eat so much.

And Jiang Ran also began to clean up the table after eating.

Seeing this, Fei Lao also nodded secretly.

"No need to clean up, someone will come and clean up later."

"Go take a break and come with me in half an hour."

"In the future, what they do every day, you will also do."

Fei Lao looked at Jiang Ran, and after speaking, he also stood up and walked into the room with his back hand.

Jiang Ran also put down the things in his hand and returned to the room alone.

While simply leaning against the wall to digest the food in the body, he also runs the breathing method.

When the digestion was almost finished, Jiang Ran also began to cultivate the Yuan Refining Body Method.

Taking off his coat and biting into his mouth, Jiang Ran began to push the weak qi and blood to continuously flow back around the blood vessels in his lungs.

The breathing method can strengthen the function of the lungs and organs, and it can also be more convenient for Jiang Ran to reverse the flow of blood vessels to enhance the strength of the flesh.

In this life, his skin refining consummation will be faster, and even stepping into the bone refining realm will be faster.

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