However, when they were in the school palace, they had already experienced militarized guidance, so now their mentality can be stabilized.

However, the high battle intent before had completely calmed down, and for them, this kind of battlefield was really not interesting, and even the Grandmaster powerhouses under Jiang Ran's subordinates who wanted to show their strength here couldn't help but be a little silent.

Jiang Ran was still calm, he just stood at the front of the team, looking out at the farther west.

But his heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface now, and now he is already looking forward to what the warriors from the West are like~.

As time passed, Jiang Ran's team also entered the city with the large army.

And not long after entering, someone found Jiang Ran.

"Centurion Jiang, the general is invited. "

The soldier stood respectfully in front of Jiang Ran and opened his mouth to pass the news.

"Got it. "

Jiang Ran nodded, and after instructing the coachman to move the books and some simple living utensils in his carriage to his room, he followed the soldier who found him through the layers of soldier checkpoints and came to the center of the city.

That is, the city lord's mansion of this city, and now it is also the command center of this city.

Here Jiang Ran is to meet the general who is now sitting here, General Chen Huang, a martial saint.

And when Jiang Ran saw this Martial Saint, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because he actually saw a burly Martial Saint powerhouse, and his face was actually exhausted at this time.

Even Jiang Ran could see a trace of dilapidated breath from Chen Huang's face.

Jiang Ran could only see this situation from the time when the Martial Saint was about to die.

As martial saints, their body's blood and qi can be called almost endless, but in such a situation, this situation actually appeared, which made him almost have to be surprised.

What the hell is going on on this battlefield?

"Oh, you're the young master of the Jiang family who has been delivering food to us before?"

Chen Huang let his eyes take his eyes off the sand table and looked squarely at the overly calm young man in front of him.

Jiang Ran nodded, he couldn't see any debilitating aura from Chen Huang's tone.

But the dilapidated look on his face has always lingered.

"Thank you, a rough person like me doesn't understand these things, if it weren't for Young Master Jiang's funding, I'm afraid this city wouldn't last so long. "

Chen Huang laughed.

"Today evening, I will ask the adjutant to report a welcome party for you, Young Master Jiang will have a good time here for a few days, and I will definitely let you return to the capital safely." "

Chen Huang continued, and the words he said made Jiang Ran raise his eyebrows again:

"What does the general think I'm here for?"

Xu is Chen Huang saw a trace of displeasure on Jiang Ran's face, and his face gradually returned to calm.

"Young Master Jiang, who can make His Majesty tell me a thousand times, I naturally know what you are here for, although I know that Young Master Jiang has a heart that wants to be loyal to the country, but I'm sorry, even if two hundred strong grandmasters have never been on the battlefield, they are still a powerful nail on the battlefield, I can't let these people obey your command. "

Chen Huang showed his strong side at this moment, from the very beginning of his friendliness to Jiang Ran, in addition to his gratitude to Jiang Ran for funding their food, more importantly, he fell in love with the two hundred strong grandmasters under Jiang Ran's hands.

At this time when an innate martial artist can become a ten-master, the grandmaster powerhouses are at least starting from a centurion.

But these two hundred people who are at least centurions are being the most ordinary soldiers under Jiang Ran's hands at this moment, this is Qu Cai, Chen Huang is unwilling, and the current situation is not willing.

"No problem, but I can't lose my centurion title, I want to have a team of 100 people, and if anyone in my team wants to follow me, I want me to have the right to keep them. "

To Chen Huang's surprise, Jiang Ran agreed neatly.

And Jiang Ran's side actually expected the current situation, and he estimated that Liu Yan's side must have a certain understanding of Chen Huang's temperament.

This is the way to throw the two hundred Grandmaster powerhouses under Jiang Ran's name, all of which is actually to appease Jiang Ran's heart.

But when Jiang Ran arrives here, he will be quickly taken down by Chen Huang, and these two hundred Grandmaster powerhouses will eventually go to the most important position in this war.

In war, the Martial Saint is a deterrent, and the Grandmaster is the mainstay in this war.

Moreover, the grandmasters and powerhouses here have all been trained by the Academy Palace, and everyone has a certain military literacy, even people like Li Ji, who have already served in some teams after graduation and have a certain amount of experience, can quickly take over a war zone.

0 for flowers0

How could Liu Yan be willing to give this kind of talent to Jiang Ran as a soldier under him?

Therefore, when Jiang Ran said every day that the group of Grandmaster powerhouses under his hands was not worthy of being their leader, Jiang Ran didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

If it weren't for Li Ji's provocation, he wouldn't have paid attention to these people at all.

After coming here, Chen Huang couldn't wait to recruit him back, and he also saw Chen Huang's eagerness.

So when he said this, Jiang Ran's mouth was already on his lips, he was just waiting for Chen Huang to take the initiative to speak, so that he could offer his own conditions.

And Chen Huang was also slightly stunned, and soon he reacted, Jiang Ran had already calculated all this, so this is the way to calmly negotiate with him here.

"Hahaha, I see, you already knew that something like this would happen, just wait for me here. "

Chen Huang laughed, the smile in his eyes was real at this moment.

"You are also a grandmaster realm, I will naturally let you lead a team of 100 people, as for the later requirements, I can agree, but I only need them to voluntarily join you, if they find out your other behaviors, your plan will be in vain." "

Chen Huang said.

"It's nature. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Ran nodded.

"Then you can go, and my lieutenant will go with you. "

Chen Huang said.

Jiang Ran nodded, got up and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped his steps and turned around and said:

"As for the ceremony to welcome me, you don't need to do it, you might as well give those things to the soldiers to improve their food. "[]

After speaking, Jiang Ran left, and the adjutant on the side saluted Chen Huang and followed Jiang Ran.

Chen Huang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again:

"Interesting, interesting, it's been a long time since I've met a young man like this. I heard that he was only fourteen years old, and if he grew up, he would definitely be a character. "

After laughing for a short time, Chen Huang's smile was retracted.

looked at the sand table and sighed:

"It would be nice if there was a little more time. "。

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