"You say, most of the people are willing to stay under Jiang Ran's hands?"

Chen Huang was also a little surprised after hearing the adjutant's information, he originally thought that even if Jiang Ran had some means, he would make those strong grandmasters obey Jiang Ran's orders.

After all, he knew that Jiang Ran was one of the richest families in Xi Shuangguo, and as the saying goes, money can make ghosts grind.

It is not difficult for the son of the Jiang family to buy some people with money.

But now it seems a little strange that so many people want to work under Jiang Ran.

"There are some ways to ......"

Chen Huang groaned.

"General, what should we do now, do you want to let these hundred Grandmaster powerhouses be carried under Jiang Ran'......s hands?

The adjutant couldn't help it, how serious were the losses in the whole war?

The situation may be known only to him, Chen Huang, and Liu Yan, who is far away in the capital.

I thought it was an existence that could relieve a big breath, but now I actually tell myself that this breath is less than half, who is this, who is not in a hurry?

"Hehe, it's 03 a little interesting, from tomorrow, you will arrange these people for me to the frontal battlefield, since you have the ability, then play a more role. "

"This ......"

The adjutant who heard Chen Huang's words was a little hesitant, originally the time when the recruits went into battle was the time when the mortality rate was the highest.

What's more, the current situation? It is still on the frontal battlefield, where there are almost all over the corpses, and the bodies are too late to be cleaned up, and it is completely the position of the two sides to fight hard, and now it is too hasty to let these people who have just come to the battlefield go to the frontal battlefield?

"Don't worry, a team of a hundred Grandmaster powerhouses, don't say I haven't seen it, I guess the other party hasn't seen it either. The first battlefield will not die too quickly, and you should not underestimate the ability of the Grandmaster strong in the war. "

Chen Huang has already made up his mind, and the adjutant can also see that Chen Huang has made a decision, knowing that it cannot be changed, and he feels that no matter how inappropriate it is, he can only swallow it in his stomach and rot in his stomach.

"Let's go down, if it's broken, let them face their shortcomings as soon as possible, maybe they are willing to be officers?"

Chen Huang waved his hand and put his gaze on the sand table again, with a bit of contemplation in his eyes.

A team composed of hundreds of Grandmaster powerhouses didn't seem to be cost-effective, but Chen Huang knew that this team was definitely huge.

In their current team, it is equivalent to a sharp knife, and if this sharp knife is used well, it may be able to cause a lot of damage to the other party.

As for the information that Liu Yan sent him a message to ask Jiang Ran not to be so dangerous, he just ignored it.

After all, in this situation, let Jiang Ran and Jiang Ran's hundred grandmaster powerhouses enter the flank battlefield like this, once the enemy learns of such a disappearance, I am afraid that there will be guards, and the situation may not be so good.

So if you want to use this knife, you need to use it early, and you have to use it well!

So how will tomorrow's army be arranged?

Chen Huang began to arrange the scene for tomorrow, and he wanted to find a way to achieve the maximum result with the least casualties now.

And at this moment, in Jiang Ran's camp, the whole competition is over, and in the process of marching before, everyone has a certain understanding of each other, so they can't fight the real fire, just have a fight.

Those who stay are naturally happy in their hearts, and those who can't stay are sorry in their hearts, but they still congratulate each other.

The adjutant hurried to the camp without stopping, and after a short conversation, he dragged the defeated men away.

These men quickly took up their posts in the evening and filled the various units.

This terrifying speed made these people's hearts can't help but be solemn, and after military training, they naturally understand what this means.

They couldn't help but think of Jiang Ran, a team full of Grandmaster powerhouses.

Under such circumstances, how could General Chen Huang allow such a team to be saved?

Just when people were already different outside, Jiang Ran was still quietly reading books in his room, he had started from a simple book of martial arts, but he had begun to expand gradually, and he had dabbled in all kinds of books.

The process of finding the Tao is not a boring process, nor is it something that you will get as long as you study it.

This requires the right time and place, and it also requires your own understanding in place, so that it is possible to find your own way. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Ran's goal in this life, in addition to finding a higher martial art in this world, is to comprehend more Dao.

Nature can't just be confined to a corner.

There was no word all night, but the next day, before dawn, a huge bell rang.

This is the warning of the war.

Jiang Ran opened his eyes on the bed, looked at the dark environment around him, and immediately got up and got out of bed and opened the door. []

At this time, there was already chaos in the camp, and a group of people quickly put on the armor issued by the imperial court, and soon gathered.

Jiang Ran was not in a hurry, he was still lightly dressed, and his eyes were looking at the outside of the camp.

According to his position, he is only a centurion, and he has no right to act independently, and needs to listen to the commander's command.

But I don't know if Chen Huang did it on purpose, or if he forgot it, he didn't assign a thousand commanders to Jiang 030 Ran at all.

It didn't take long for everyone to be a little anxious, and Li Ji ran to ask Jiang Ran.

"Senior Brother Jiang, what's the situation, the war bell has been ringing for a long time, why haven't we acted. "

"Senior brother, don't be impatient. "

Jiang Ran is still calm and abnormal, they are one hundred and one people, they are very important, Chen Huang can't forget.

Hearing Jiang Ran say this, Li Ji could only hold back his emotions and wait.

After dawn, the people in this camp saw Chen Huang's adjutant galloping all the way over.

Jiang Ran obeyed the order and attacked. "

When the adjutant saw the crowd of people who were ready to go, he didn't hesitate, and immediately drank it.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Ran nodded and let out a short sound, and the voice quickly reached the ears of everyone present.

A group of people who couldn't hold back and wanted to enter and kill the enemy were all excited.

The adjutant was in front, Jiang Ran marched quickly with a hundred people, and soon a group of people had already passed through another city gate, and finally saw the appearance of the battlefield.

At this time, it was already past the time for the hand-to-hand encounter, and everyone was fighting chaotically, and Jiang Ran, who suddenly appeared here, looked extra eye-catching.

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