Zhou Ju is naturally already perceiving the remnants of the Dao rule in the air.

The most obvious is the extremely powerful sword intent, this is undoubtedly Jiang Ran's Dao rule, after all, what Jiang Ran has always shown is his own sword intent.

But what surprised him was that Jiang Ran had obviously burned a lot of his kendo perception last time, but what he showed this time was already even more powerful than the last time.

It's only been a month, and Jiang Ran is actually so much stronger than the last time.

What surprised him even more was that the situation at the scene, whether it was another Dao rule left in the air or the bloodstains left on the ground, proved to him that Jiang Ran had confronted the Martial Saint Strongman head-on.

No matter what others say about the difference between the Martial Saint and the Grandmaster, only their Martial Saint can better understand how big the difference between them and the Grandmaster is.

According to common sense, there is no problem for a Martial Saint to defeat ten peak Grandmasters, even the most rookie Martial Saint can do so.

This is also calculated according to the ordinary level, but in fact, because of the different comprehension of the Dao, the combat power of each martial saint is also different.

At the same time, there are also some martial saints who comprehend that it is about killing.

For example, Jiang Ran chose to enter the way of the sword, which is the most powerful way of killing in the world.

If Jiang Ran enters the realm of martial saints, he will be able to quickly become the one who can fight among the martial saints.

However, although Jiang Ran is already very close to the Martial Saint now, there is still a certain gap.

Martial Saints and Grandmasters still have a heavenly existence.

And now Jiang Ran is already able to fight on an equal footing with the Martial Saint, which shows that Jiang Ran's combat effectiveness is strong now.

And Jiang Ran didn't hide too much, just said everything he said before, except for the content on the letter he had just smashed.

Zhou Juda frowned, he didn't expect that the other party's courage was so big, and he was actually hiding and assassinating under everyone's noses.

Has the Holy Land reached such a porous situation?

"Don't make a noise about this matter, I went to check the whereabouts of the payment in the past few days, and everyone is used to the existence of the payment of the gold, and when it doesn't appear, I don't care about it at all. Things seem to be getting a little tricky. "

Zhou Ju opened his mouth and said, the situation is unclear now, if you talk nonsense everywhere, first, the majesty of the holy land no longer exists, and second, there may be some people with ulterior motives to make trouble.

The martial saints in the Holy Land were never wearing a pair of pants.

More are the geniuses sent by the major powers, after they became martial saints, some left, and some stayed.

If you want to say that these people really don't care about their own country, or if they are doing something for their country in the Holy Land, it's not accurate.

In addition, the recent news of the transposition of the main body of the Holy Land has spread around, and the martial saints of the entire Holy Land are waiting to see if the Lord of the Holy Land is really incapable of managing the Holy Land.

After the departure of the Lord of the Holy Land, it must be a bloody storm.

When the Martial Saint is in chaos, it is when the Holy Land is really in chaos.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ju's forehead couldn't help but start to ache faintly, and after waving his hand to Jiang Ran, he disappeared in place.

Jiang Ran has been observing Zhou Ju, and what has always appeared in his mind is the sentence on the previous payment letterhead.

What exactly does it mean to be careful?

In the observation just now, Jiang Ran didn't see anything unusual about Zhou Ju.

However, Jiang Ran still kept this question in his heart.

Knowing people and knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, let alone the mind of a martial saint?

Jiang Ran quickly walked out of this room, it was already close to night, and now there was no one outside.

The qi and blood on Jiang Ran's body had already begun to flow at an accelerated pace, but this consumption had no effect on him.

He walked down the street, analyzing and judging the clues and speculations in his mind one by one.

The biggest suspicion is naturally the four words of caution written in the letter of payment.

Does this mean that Zhou Ju participated in this event? (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

If Zhou Ju is placed on the same side as this group of people, it means that the current position of Zhou Ju and the Holy Land must be separated.

The current Zhou Ju must be pretending.

But after killing Fu Jin, the other party was completely capable of destroying Fu Jin's body, but he didn't do it.

That means that the other party has a certain purpose.

0Asking for flowers0[]

The purpose of the first layer is already clear, that is, the other party hopes to rely on the other party's corpse to find out the information that Fu Jin may be hiding.

In fact, the other party did the same, but it was more or less risky to do so.

After all, as long as the news of the death spreads, Jiang Ran may not look for Fu Jin, but will be told relevant information by Qi Yuji, then the information that Fu Jin investigated will be exposed to Jiang Ran's field of vision.

This kind of effort and gain is absolutely not worth it, so that means there are other goals?

Jiang Ran pondered.

According to the chronological order, after this incident broke out, Zhou Ju, who existed as the town guard to inspect the holy place this year, was ordered to find the murderer, and if he wanted to find the murderer, he would definitely have certain rights, and he would be able to reach some places that could not be seen.

In this way, the other party can also do things that they couldn't do before.

But this will expose all of Zhou Ju's actions to the eyes of everyone, and if there is a slight problem with his actions, he will soon be controlled.

The strength of the old man in the law enforcement building and the library pavilion before was terrifying, and in Jiang Ran's opinion, Zhou Ju's strength was definitely not as good as these two.

And if you have such terrifying strength, why bother to be so sneaky.

In doing so, there is a high probability that Zhou Ju will be abandoned, does this organization really have the courage to give up a martial saint?

Jiang Ran shook his head, he could feel that his analysis was getting more and more chaotic.

The real analysis of the case is not to make assumptions all the time, but to use evidence to prove the previous hypothesis, so as to deduce the next hypothesis.

Therefore, if Jiang Ran wants to continue to go down, he must prove that Zhou Ju has a problem.

But now he is only a grandmaster, and he has not even entered the real circle of the Holy Land.

It's still a bit lacking in strength.

Jiang Ran frowned, and soon stretched out again.

He had already made up his mind, and as soon as Zhou Ju's seven-day time limit passed, he would concentrate on breaking through to the Martial Saint!

And for the next six days, Jiang Ran basically spent it in his room.

And on the sixth day, Zhou Ju's things also had a result.

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