And at this moment, Zhou Ju's phantom appeared in front of everyone appropriately, and said loudly:

"What are you people dissatisfied with, if you don't insist on the ladder, what kind of persistence will you have on your own avenue in the future? I hope this rejection will make you remember that if you don't advance on the avenue, you will retreat, and if you don't move forward, you will be eliminated!"

Zhou Ju reprimanded, and suddenly some people who were not convinced had a look of shame on their faces, they did give up, and wanted to observe how the follow-up situation developed, but they didn't expect to be stopped like this.

Of course, there are also those who are still angry and scolded the street, and they were all sent out of Jiang Ran's small world by Zhou Ju with a flick of his sleeves.

Soon, after Zhou Ju sent these people out, he returned to the sword platform, and at this time, all the people had already come to the platform that was split by Jiang Ran's sword.

Seeing such an empty platform, everyone was a little confused.

And Qi Yuji was the last one to walk to the stage, her clothes were already soaked with her own sweat, but Qi Yuji already knew the role of Jiang Ran arranging this ladder.

When she used all her strength to resist the sword intent on the ladder, she seemed to see a young man holding a long sword in his hand, slashing out a piece of sky with a sword, which was a process of a person's strength.

That figure is so lonely, but it is also so determined.

Perhaps it is this firmness that makes Qi Yuji persevere.

And Qi Yuji found that after he persevered, the whole person felt that his path was much clearer.

And who else is this figure besides Jiang Ran?

Or, if Jiang Ran didn't understand this, how could he create such an ingenious way?

Qi Yuji was a little sorry, he didn't go to the end, he didn't see Jiang Ran go to the end.

When Qi Yuji walked around the crowd, he saw Jiang Ran sitting cross-legged on the high platform at a glance.

His white clothes fluttered slightly in the air, and his eyes looked into the distance, as if he contained something amazing.

And this feeling was only for a moment, and when Jiang Ran's eyes glanced down, everyone felt Jiang Ran's gaze, and they quieted down.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Qi Yuji felt the other party's eyes pause at her, and Jiang Ran still smiled at her.

"Well, thank you all for coming to listen to me, I feel very happy to be able to sit here today~. "

Jiang Ran's voice came, like a gust of wind, not at all like the feeling conveyed to them by the sword intent.

But it was such a sound like a spring breeze that made their hearts calm, and they looked forward to what kind of words Jiang Ran would say.

"I think everyone has fully felt the path of my sword training, and they have also sensed something in their hearts. "

"I want to ask you, what do you think of my sword?"

Jiang Ran asked, this sentence reminded everyone of what they had just realized on the ladder.

At this moment, one of them stood up.

Jiang Ran nodded, and said:

"It is persistence, it is one's piety to the Tao, and only in this way can we reach the other side of the Tao. "

Jiang Ran smiled and said:

"You're only on point, and I know that this may be what many of you think, but the sword is more than that. "

Jiang Ran made a casual move, and a dark cloud gathered in the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell in his hand, turning into the shape of a sword.

"If you want to understand the way of the sword, you have to figure out what the sword is for. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Ran paused and spoke.

"From the very beginning of its existence, the sword has always been a murderer! and from ancient times to the present day, killing has always been the main duty of the sword. "

At this moment, Jiang Ran's killing intent was Ling Ran, and everyone immediately felt that the surrounding air was confused and there was a seeping aura.

However, everything evolves, although the appearance of the sword blade has been fixed, its meaning is always changing, and even has been given other meanings by others, loyalty, friendship, and even love, it can be said that everything can be a sword. "

"But does this have anything to do with what we've seen of your kendo path?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

"My kendo path, in fact, has always been only one, and that is to hone my own sword, no matter what I encounter, my path is there, not affected by external objects, even if it exists in the sword path between heaven and earth. "

"Do you know why the last breath of the two of us was so strong when I fought with that Zhu Chen?"

Because both of us have burned our own hearts with the perception of our own Tao. "

"~ Zhu Chen wants to abandon his own way, and I want to start from myself and re-realize a sword path that belongs to me. "

"Kendo should be in one's own heart, not one that is influenced by other people. "

"This is also the first lesson I want to tell you, your own way is created by yourself, all the ways of predecessors are just references, if you want to become a martial saint, you must find your own way, even if you yourself are walking the path of others, the end is just the highest achievement of that person. "

Jiang Ran opened his mouth and said, the people below were very confused, but there were also some people whose eyes were sharp, as if they felt something.

Zhou Ju on the side was a little surprised, Jiang Ran said so much, and he actually had a little understanding in his heart.

In fact, what Jiang Ran said was a matter of stepping out of his own way, which was also something he had a-for-tat confrontation with Zhu Lao before.

Recently, many martial saints in the Holy Land have the idea of letting their juniors follow their own old paths, after all, this method is relatively stable, and in recent years, many martial saints have been produced with this (Zhao Zhao's) method.

For example, Zhu Chen is a more classic one, but Jiang Ran's appearance seems to have made the other party see something, and finally chose a different path.

Of course, he feels that he has to make his own innovation, but also to get out of his own way.

But what touched him with Jiang Ran's words was that even the sword path that already existed in heaven and earth could not do it.

In other words, what Jiang Ran proposed was that the Tao should be created by oneself.

This kind of courage, this kind of attitude, this is the first time that Zhou Ju has felt the youthful spirit in Jiang Ran's heart, but this heart is higher than the sky.

From Jiang Ran's words, he vaguely understood that the current Jiang Ran would definitely not stop there, he might want to open up a new path.

His face was complicated and he looked at the people below who had some understanding, and he didn't know if Jiang Ran would lead a new era.

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