The punches and palms continued to erupt, and the force blew the hair and clothes of the two people continuously.


The ground under Jiang Ran's feet smashed violently, and the second round of the fight between the two was over.

Taking three steps back in a row, Jiang Ran's every step that fell could make the stone bricks on the ground shatter.

Xiao Qi's face became a little gloomy, and he felt more and more that Jiang Ran was not simple.

After two attempts, he already understood that Jiang Ran was not a simple bone refining realm.

Where there are people in the Bone Refining Realm who can catch the boxing techniques of the Blood Refining Realm, and it is still two shots in a row.

Although the ginger in front of him then took three steps back, so what.

He is the main attacker, Jiang Ran is the defense, and he unloaded his strength in only three steps.

Even Xiao Qi felt a little embarrassed.

"This kid, can't stay..."

"There are still many strong people in Luofu, if this kid is left, my Xiao family will definitely have one more big enemy at that time."

Xiao Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had already begun to look at Jiang Ran squarely in front of him.

The tall body suddenly jumped into the air, as if leaping down from the sky, like a terrifying violent bear.

Before the person arrives, the shadow of the huge body is enough to make the timid person break the liver and gallbladder.

A cold gleam flashed in Jiang Ran's eyes, this Xiao Qi's physical strength is also good, and he has a terrifying physical quality.

Now it is also borrowed from the condescending Tarzan to suppress the top.

Even those Blood Refining Realm powerhouses who are good at strength and head-on confrontation are estimated to have to avoid it.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ran is not an ordinary person.

Although Jiang Ran's figure did not look strong, the terrifying cultivation method for a long time also made the qi and blood and strength in his body equivalent to that of a humanoid fierce beast.

In the face of Xiao Qi's fierce slaughter, Jiang Ran stepped forward and quickly shot out and directly clasped Xiao Qi's arm.

Completely ignoring the huge force shock when the arm and Xiao Qi were lifted early.

Then, Jiang Ran held Xiao Qi's wrist and turned slightly, and Xiao Qi, who was originally slaughtered down, did not have the power to resist in the slightest.

Jiang Ran was directly lifted by him to the ground under his feet with this recoil force!


The entire ground of the Martial Arts Training Hall seemed to shake violently.

Cracks appeared in several nearby walls, and the distant rings had even slowly collapsed and shattered to the ground.

The ground under Jiang Ran's feet was instantly smashed apart by Xiao Qi.

The previous life was fierce and domineering, and regarded himself as a peerless powerhouse Xiao Qi.

In this life, Jiang Ran was directly smashed into the ground, like a dead dog, this sense of contrast, even the corners of Jiang Ran's mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

But Jiang Ran didn't dare to be careless, he knew, such a little trick.

It is impossible for the powerhouse of the Blood Refining Realm to have much effect.

"Boy, today Lao Tzu will crush your bones!"

Xiao Qi stood up from the ground in embarrassment, and his body was covered with stone chips and dirt.

The meticulously combed hair also spilled on the ground.

People who didn't know thought that Xiao Qi was hot fighting with a certain Blood Refining Realm powerhouse in Luofu.

But who would have thought that the person who stood in front of a Blood Refining Realm powerhouse at this time was just a Bone Refining Realm powerhouse.

"Crush my bones, and let you have this power."

Jiang Ran looked at Xiao Qi, said a word, and then his eyes sharpened towards Xiao Qi.


"Ignorant child, today Lao Tzu will let you see the gap between the Blood Refining Realm and the Bone Refining Realm!"

Xiao Qi sneered, and when he stepped out, his figure suddenly shook.

The precious silk shirt that was originally on his body smashed and turned into rags.

His own well-defined muscles were revealed, as well as the huge scars on his muscles that crisscrossed one after another.

These scars are the testimony of his experience of fighting to the Blood Refining Realm when he was young!

Get completely serious and get into combat form.

Xiao Qi's whole temperament changed greatly.

Fierce, cold, and ruthless, he stared at Jiang Ran in front of him, his slightly contracted pupils like poisonous snakes hidden in the dark.

Or an eagle soaring above the nine heavens, ready to deliver a heavy blow to the enemy.


Jiang Ran slowly exhaled a ball of qi from his mouth, and the five internal organs in his body began to move rapidly.

The qi and blood continued to soar wildly, and a burst of rumbling sounded continuously.

This is the sound that flows in the body after the qi and blood have reached the extreme.

A trace of faint blood qi, from around Jiang Ran's body, the skin epidermis began to emerge.

It looks like a series of bright red arcs, which is fascinating to see.

But what Xiao Qi saw was not those bright red arcs of Jiang Ran's epidermis.

Behind Jiang Ran, a blood-colored violent bear at least five feet tall suddenly rose up.

Like a king in the forest, his eyes glowing red exude endless ferocity.

This momentum, even Xiao Qi's heart tightened slightly.

Since ancient times, warriors have fought against each other, one compared to qi and blood, two compared to the flesh, and three compared to martial arts moves.

Xiao Qi had a feeling that even if he was compared with qi and blood, he might not be the opponent of the young man in front of him.

If Jiang Ran in front of him was a blood refining realm, then he couldn't be an opponent at all.

Xiao Qi forcibly suppressed the slightest shake in his heart, and his figure suddenly shot out.

The fierce qi that had been tempered by thousands of temperings burst out violently, like a fierce god awakening and devouring the earth.


Jiang Ran looked at Xiao Qi who rushed towards him, burst into a loud drink, and exhaled into a cloud.

Under the qi and blood shock, the entire Wutang even began to shake.

Luo Xuan, who was secretly watching all this from a distance, only felt that his qi and blood were surging and his ears roared.

The brain was as if it had been pricked by needles, and he quickly took a few steps back before slowly improving.


Xiao Qi's figure moved, and before the person arrived, the fist arrived first.

The distance between the two was obviously at least six meters, but Xiao Qi punched out, and the air between him and Jiang Ran.

As if it was exploded by a volley, it emitted a thunderous roar, and the suffocating oppression made Jiang Ran stand on one side for the first time.


The ground behind Jiang Ran was shattered by a fist volley, and the ground was deeply shattered into a big hole.

"Hide? My Xiao family's Tianyun Collapse Fist, do you think you can dodge? "

Tianyun Collapse Fist is the signature boxing technique that the Xiao family is famous for.

It was like the supreme realm of sword cultivation, invisible sword qi, killing people invisible.

Xiao Qi has been immersed in this boxing technique for an unknown number of years, and he has completed such a boxing technique.

Within ten meters, you can burst everything, and you can keep an eye on it.

"Good boxing."

Jiang Ran avoided Xiao Qi's punch, and his figure suddenly approached Xiao Qi.

The ground under his feet smashed, and the powerful physique far beyond the Bone Refining Realm made his explosive power long ago exceed the limit of physical strength.

Swinging and dodging may not be satisfactory, but the explosive speed under the straight impact is like a cannonball, blatantly emitted.

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