Jiang Ran and the children couldn't help but look at this old man twice.

The skin on his face was wrinkled like the bark of a dead tree, and his eyes were blank but occasionally flashed a golden light.

This old man is not simple!

This was Jiang Ran's comment on this old man, someone who could serve as an elder in the Luo family.

Surely it won't be a simple guy.

"Well, what to do, what to do, go. "

Fei Lao waved his hand, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

Instead, he just looked at the group of children in front of him indifferently.

"In the future, I will be the one who taught you, just call me Fei Lao." "

"Remember to me that in this courtyard, you will do whatever I ask you to do. "

"People are old, but they don't have so much patience to teach you a little bit. "

"Now, I've taken off my upper clothes. "

Fei Lao squinted his eyes and looked at the group of children, and his tone was so cold that many children looked at Fei Lao.

There was some fear in his eyes.

The sound of undressing sounded, and more than a dozen children took off their clothes.

Standing naked in the courtyard, the weather just in autumn still carries a little cool breeze of early autumn.

Some children who are not in good shape have begun to tremble a little.

Fei Lao, on the other hand, was quietly watching something in front of the children.

From time to time, he also pinched the shoulders and arms of some children with his hands.

"Okay, put your clothes on. "

Fei Lao shook his head with some disappointment.

"Are you just looking at the roots of our people?"

"It doesn't seem to satisfy this old man..."

Jiang Ran got dressed, looked at the old man's expression, and began to guess.

Such a situation may be confusing for others, but it is not difficult to guess the clue for Jiang Chenyan.

"An hour's horse steps, hold on and don't fall. "

"There is only food to eat, those who can't hold on, those who fall to the ground halfway or are lazy, there is no food." "

Fei Lao picked up a bamboo stick, held it in his hand, and slowly spared it for a while.

He began to drink lightly, and when he heard that he had not finished and had no food, and did not hesitate, everyone immediately tied up their horses.


The crisp sound of bamboo strips sounded on the flesh and skin.

A cry of pain sounded, followed by another after another.

Every child whose movements were not standard was severely whipped.

And when Fei Lao walked next to Jiang Ran, Jiang Ran also raised his spirits.

Although it was only a skin trauma, the pain was not an ordinary pain.

After glancing at Jiang Ran, Fei Lao wandered to other places.

After adjusting everyone's posture correctly, he walked to the stone table, took the teapot and put it in his mouth.

Just now, the children who did not make a good posture because they wanted to be lazy already had no lunch to eat.

You know, you can be sold to the Luo family as a domestic servant.

The family is all poor families, where there is money to prepare breakfast, usually lunch and dinner.

Many children had not even eaten breakfast, and they were so hungry that their eyes were starry, their feet trembled, and they seemed to fall down at any moment.

After a blaze of incense, Jiang Ran could feel that his feet were slightly sore.

On his forehead, beads of sweat had already slipped down and fell from his chin to the ground.


Jiang Ran exhaled heavily, exhaled and exhaled, trying to save his physical strength as much as possible.


Some children can't bear to fall, and just when they fall.

Fei Lao's bamboo strips were also beating, and the sound of skin and flesh blooming and crying was invading the will of these children all the time.

Let some people who originally wanted to give up regain their spirits.

Half an hour passed, and only ten people were still standing in the courtyard of seventeen or eight people.

The other seven or eight people had no strength, and after receiving a few bamboo strips, they were punished to kneel on the stone bricks on the side.

If it weren't for Jiang Ran's learning of wood carving since he was a child, he would always run outside the city alone to prepare firewood for so many years.

Physical fitness is also considered good, at least among children of the same age, there are really few people who are better than him.

In addition, the talent extracted by the first life, the heart of tenacity.

This made Jiang Ran's legs slightly numb even at this time, and sweat on his forehead was like rain.

In my heart, I didn't have the idea of giving up at all.

An hour away, at most one incense left.

The ten people just now, at this time, there are already three people left.

An hour is actually not long, and most of the remaining three people are relatively old.

Physical convenience is much better than for younger children.

In addition, everyone is a poor child, who is not pampered since childhood, but also does some rough work.

So it was still bearable, and even Fei Lao on the side couldn't help but nod.

"It looks like there are still three people who can see it this year. "

Fei Lao took a sip of hot tea, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was finally some smile on his indifferent face.

But Jiang Ran and the three did not have the extra spirit to notice the expression on Fei Lao's face.

The legs and arms of the three were constantly shaking, as if they would fall at any moment.

The beads of sweat on his forehead, like raindrops, kept sliding down his chin.

The clothes on his chest were also soaked with sweat, and even the ground was wet with sweat.

"Whew... Hold on..."

Jiang Ran continued to calm his breathing, and as his breathing began to become smooth.

His physical strength was also better than the other two, which allowed him to last until the end.

But at this time, Jiang Ran had already reached the limit.

If not, only the last blaze of incense could not be achieved, it is estimated that Jiang Ran would have fallen directly long ago.

"Okay, you three can stop. "

"Take a break, I'll take you to the cafeteria later." "

"The rest continue to kneel here, if I come back and find someone lazy." "


Fei Lao's expression when he looked at Jiang Ran and the three was quite normal, but he didn't have such a good attitude when he looked at the others.

Just a cold snort made those kneeling children tremble uncontrollably.

They all avoided their eyes and did not look at Fei Lao.


Hearing that it was finally over, Jiang Ran exhaled and felt a dizziness in his brain.

As soon as he sat on the ground, he collapsed on the ground, and there was no strength left in his body.

The other two were the same, and even one passed out directly.

The other man was no better, fell to the ground and vomited continuously.

"It's too early to relax. "

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