
The strange man sitting above also opened his eyes, and a flash of essence flashed in his cloudy eyes.

This person's name was Hou Yuan, and he was the master of Qingyun Daomaster.

"Qingyun, are you injured?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Hou Yuan's eyes, although Qingyun's cultivation was only in the refining period, it was definitely easy to deal with a few ordinary people during the refining period.

What kind of place is that Baiye Town, a place where even immortal cultivators do not have.

This was personally checked by Hou Yuan at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Hou Yuan stretched out his hand, and a black light entered the body of Qingyun Daomaster.

"Master! There is a master in Baiye Town. "

"There is a teenager who feels very powerful to me, but it doesn't feel like an immortal cultivator..."

"I can't feel the spiritual power in him, but I'm in front of him, I can't even move..."

Qingyun Dao Chang said anxiously to Hou Yuan.

Their group did not come here openly to help the people in the town and eliminate the anger of the land god.

Any world, whether it is the martial arts world or the immortal cultivation world.

There are all good and evil differences, and the current Hou Yuan is clearly an evil cultivator.

Robbing those boys and girls was what Hou Yuan needed.

In Baiye Town before, the disappearing population was also their doing.

In order to make it easier for the townspeople themselves to expose their targets to themselves, Hou Yuan asked his disciples to go to Baiye Town to fool those ignorant civilians.

The effect was once very good, absorbing a lot of boys, girls and girls Hou Yuan.

The strength has also broken through some during this time.

"Unexpectedly, inside this little Baiye Town."

"There is still such a existence, it seems that the old man miscalculated."

Hou Yuan's face sank slightly, and when he raised his head, his thin hand also lifted up.

The two disciples behind the Qingyun Dao Master immediately took off and flew towards Hou Yuan.

Hou Yuan's thin palm like a dead tree touched the two of them.

Immediately, the bodies of these two people began to languish and become emaciated.


A look of satisfaction appeared on Hou Yuan's face.

He who was originally hiding in the black robe also took off the black robe, and the thin body before became full and young.

This sudden hand caught Qingyun and several people off guard.

His face immediately turned pale.

"In the evening, Master Wei will go with you to take a look."

"It just so happens that the teacher has not been out for a long time."

The corners of Hou Yuan's mouth raised slightly, stretched his waist, and his body bones continued to crackle.

He cultivated some kind of evil law, relying on his blood qi to maintain his cultivation and enhance his cultivation.

If he did not devour blood qi for a day, then Hou Yuan's own qi and blood would begin to wither.

Although this secret method had great side effects, it brought Hou Yuan a very powerful force.

Over the years, at least hundreds of people have died at the hands of Hou Yuan after shooting one shot and changing places.

After breaking through to the strength of the foundation building period, he also wanted to go out to see the increase in his strength.

"Yes, Master."

The apprentice immediately went to find out, where did that guy live in Baiye Town...

Qing Yun did not dare to stay longer, and left quickly with the two disciples behind him.

I am afraid that the next person who will be sucked dry will be myself.

"After tonight, I think I'm going to have to change places."

"Don't leave a trace, this Qingyun also makes me a little reluctant to slaughter."

Hou Yuan looked at the place where Qingyun left, and his face also showed a little reluctance.

As an evil cultivator, he had to change places at every turn.

Likewise, no clues can be left to monks who claim to be righteous.

These clues are not just the caves he has been in.

Including the disciples he accepted, every time Hou Yuan would directly absorb their blood qi.

The ruthless means and rigorous character made Hou Yuan suck blood qi for so many years and was not discovered.

But tonight is different, he plans to take advantage of his cultivation breakthrough and come to a big vote.

Then leave near this town.

Thinking of this, Hou Yuan's face also showed a look of expectation.


On the other side, after returning from the stall, Jiang Ran and Ye Yu bought a lot of things in the market.

The two raised a charcoal fire and boiled a pot of broth.

I bought a lot of good dishes and stored some of them.

The meal of the two brothers and sisters was full of oil and water today, and Ye Yu also ate very happily.

Jiang Ran looked at the gradually darkening sky and lit a wick.

Ye Yu was doing needlework on the side, while Jiang Ran was preparing wood carvings.

It wasn't until the time of the hour that Ye Yu yawned.

"Brother, I'll go to sleep first."

"You can't go to bed too late, the old people often say that if you spend too long under this candlelight, your eyes will break."

Ye Yu stretched his waist and packed up the sewing box, just like a small adult.

Said seriously to Jiang Ran.

"Got it, now we all start teaching my brother a lesson, right?"

"Go to sleep quickly, lest you not get up again tomorrow morning."

Jiang Ran showed a helpless smile on his face, and reached out to pinch Ye Yu's face.

So he urged Ye Yu to go back to his room and go to sleep.

Jiang Ran has a feeling that there will be 'guests' tonight.

When he ate at home, he had a feeling that there were several familiar breaths around him.

It was the group of Daoist priests he met during the day today, and they gave Jiang Ran a very strange feeling.

Their physical strength is actually similar to that of ordinary people.

If such a few thin Taoist priests could defeat that pork guy abruptly, Jiang Ran didn't believe it.

At five feet tall, that's close to two meters, and he carries so many things every day.

Waving such a heavy pig-killing knife, Jiang Ran had also seen it before.

That body of tendon meat, hitting three or five ordinary people is definitely not much of a problem.

But it was such a group of Taoist priests who also broke the pork guy's leg, and I have to say that there is something strange about things.

The most important thing was that Jiang Ran could feel the body of that Qingyun Daoist.

There is a power different from the blood and qi of the warrior, which is what Jiang Ran cares about the most.

Now, at night, Jiang Ran slowly walked out of the courtyard.

He felt the breath of the Qingyun Dao Leader, who was not far from here.

When Jiang Ran walked out of the small courtyard, in a street not far away, two figures appeared in front of Jiang Ran.

One of them was none other than the Qingyun Daoist who had his jaw broken by himself.

The other person, Jiang Ran, had never seen, it was Hou Yuan, the master in the mouth of the Qingyun Dao chief.

Looking at Hou Yuan, Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The blood is strong, but it is not vigorous."

"It feels like a dead tree, but there is not a weak flesh in it..."

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