The Denglin Mansion where the Jiang clan's family is located is in this Shangquzhou, and there are several cultivator markets in it, and it just so happens that one of them is a hundred miles away, and he can go there now.

Xuan Ying led the way in the air, Jiang Ran walked quickly, his body was like wind and smoke, only a piece of blue light, and he traveled a hundred miles inadvertently. Ahead is Fang City, there are many monks in it, which will inevitably cause misunderstanding, even if Jiang Ran is not well-dressed, he has to stop and stay to complete the etiquette.

This square market is similar to what is described in the book, with many shops arranged in the shape of a "well", while the smaller shops are more messy, and the stalls are set up in the open space between the shops, and its bustling place is no different from the ordinary world.

The people who come and go are all monks, but there are some acquired martial artists in the shop to watch the shop, these people are not allowed to cultivate immortals because they have no spiritual roots, but in the end they were also born in this upper nine continents, and most of them also have family dependence. And the small family "170" clan is attached to the big family and is its outer hall, so there are many monks.

Jiang Ran glanced left and right, and suddenly saw a big man come forward and salute with a fist: "This immortal chief is the first to come back here?"

He was slightly stunned, then bowed his head and said, "Exactly." "

Jiang Ran's eyes at this time were far from being comparable to those of the year, and when he saw the acquired martial artist again, he could naturally see his inner cultivation at a glance. It is the acquired ninefold, if it is divided by ordinary people, it is a ninth-level martial artist, and his external skills are very good.

It's just that even so, in the eyes of the monks, the martial artist is just a slightly larger ant, and his human skill is the limit of his innate strength, and the strength of the innate martial artist can only withstand the cultivation of the monk's qi refining five or six levels, and there is no possibility of progress, so even a monk who has just entered the immortal path often looks down on them. And when a warrior sees a monk, if he is not a domestic servant, he must call him "the old man".

The ninth-level martial artist was overjoyed in his eyes, and raised his hand and asked, "The immortal chief is here for the first time, why don't you let the elders do their best and accompany the immortal chief to go through this experience?"

Jiang Ran recalled that when he was thirteen years old, he first met the acquired martial artist, although that person was a servant, he was only respectful on his face, and he was very different from the situation at this time.

However, when he saw that there was hope in this person's eyes, he did not embarrass him, but smiled and said, "Then it will be annoying." "

The ninth-level martial artist is also happy, he has been treating people and things here for a long time, and it is rare to see an immortal cultivator with a pleasant temperament, and he can't help but get closer and closer: "Late Tang Chen, I don't know what to call the immortal chief?"

Jiang Ran originally wanted to say "surname Jiang", but after thinking about it, he changed: "My surname is Ran." "

Tang Chen didn't doubt it, and said with a straight smile: "Immortal Ran, please follow the seniors." He said that the affairs of this city are clearly introduced one by one, "Here are all alleys, two horizontal, five vertical, divided into three districts. The left area is the place where the immortals barter, and they can negotiate on their own without the use of gold and jade spirit beads. The central area is where the dancao medicine and spell magic weapons are stored, and there are high-ranking people in it, and the defense is very tight. The right area is the shop of the rest of the workers, or there are things that are not sold or collected in the left and middle areas, and you can also go there. "

If someone really said that it was very different from self-exploration, if it weren't for Tang Chen's explanation here, it would take a lot of work for Jiang Ran to explore it slowly.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Ran made up his mind: "I got a spirit grass a few days ago and want to sell it here, I wonder if Tang Jun may recommend a good place?"

Tang Chen was quite flattered when he saw that he was gentle, and said at that time: "Xiucaotang buys spirit grass all day long, and the price is fair. Why don't you lead Ran Immortal to go at night?"

Jiang Ran smiled slightly: "I'm about to be tired." "

Tang Chen's face was red, his steps were like flying, and he soon led Jiang Ran to a fork in the road. Jiang Ran looked left and right, and saw that the shops were neat and spacious, and there were many spiritual grasses placed in them with jade plates, jade boxes, or special prohibitions. The aroma is rich and refreshing.

This road seems to be the grass hall medicine hall Dantang that sells spiritual grass, which is extremely neat.

The show thatched cottage is in the middle of the position, with a gold plaque hanging above the head, the name of the bookstore is three characters, the iron painting silver hook, and the pen is sharp. The pavement is large, and the floor is paved with bluestone, which is more clean.

There are two female cultivators in the shop, their bodies have shallow aura, but they are both born with delicate appearance and a slender body. In the cabinet stood a shopkeeper with a beard under his chin, with an old face and a monk with some cultivation.

Jiang Ran looked outside, and guessed that this store must be a reliable store, and the reputation should not be bad. He walked in, and Tang Chen was fortunate enough to follow him.

One of the female cultivators saw that someone was coming, so she wanted to welcome the guests, although she saw Jiang Ran's down-and-out appearance, but because she couldn't see his cultivation, she didn't feel a little contemptible, and came with a sweet smile: "Guests, please come in, I don't know if you have any advice......?"

Jiang Ran smiled gently: "I have a spirit grass for sale, I don't know if it may be charged here?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The nun was not surprised, the monks who came here either sold the spiritual grass they had obtained or bought the spiritual grass they needed, and it was just these two things. He immediately said: "In this way, please ask the guest to go with me to see the shopkeeper, ask him to make a tasting appraisal, and then come to bargain." "

Jiang Ran smiled: "That's just right." So he followed her to the counter, and met the old monk.

The old shopkeeper glanced Jiang Ran up and down and said, "Guest, please." "

Jiang Ran pretended to close it in his sleeve, but in fact, he took out a leaf bag from the storage ring, and inside was a spiritual grass. Therefore, Ye has never been close to spiritual energy, so he can keep the spirituality of the spiritual grass for a few more days, which is a necessary thing to preserve ordinary spiritual grass.

The old shopkeeper took the leaf bag, stretched out his hand to open it, and suddenly a wave of aura rushed to his face, which was fresh and fragrant. He couldn't help but squint: "Mature thousand grass, top grade." "

In fact, with Jiang Ran's unpopular storage methods, although there are this leaves, it still makes the aura lose a little. But this thousand grass is a secret thing in the end, and even now, it is also something that can be put on the table. Therefore, when this old shopkeeper saw it, he knew that it was extraordinary.

After taking a closer look, the old shopkeeper squinted and said, "This thing can be worth fifteen catties of white jade." How?"

Jiang Ran said: "The shopkeeper buys and sells fairly. "

Nowadays, the monks barter, 3.5 often gold, white jade, and green jade are the most common, of which gold and white jade are of equal value, and green jade is slightly inferior, and a pound of white jade can be exchanged for ten catties of green jade. The price of the spirit bead is even higher, and a spirit bead is worth a hundred catties of gold. This Qianjicao is in excellent condition, and it can be exchanged for fifteen catties of white jade, which is indeed good.

So it's settled. []

The female cultivator next to her immediately stretched out her hand and made a move, and three white jade bricks were released from the storage bag, each of which was five catties, which could not be more precise and neat. Jiang Ran also stretched out his hand to beckon, and the jade bricks were all included in his storage ring. They only said that he hid the storage bag in a close place without the slightest suspicion.

After getting the jade brick, Jiang Ran didn't stay in the store for long, so he greeted Tang Chen, and the two walked out.

Tang Chen saw that he was not leaving, so he asked, "What do Immortal Ran want to do?"

Jiang Ran said: "I want to find a magic robe to cover my body. "。

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