"Bai Fu was raised by your grandfather, and he is credible."

"If there is anything, just ask him directly, and he will tell you the things you need to pay attention to when you go out."

Bai Zhan squeezed out some smile on his face, stretched out his calloused hand and touched Jiang Ran's cheek.

After saying these inexplicable and confusing words.

He left alone, and Bai Fu also walked next to Jiang Ran at this time.

"Uncle Bai, what is the Martial Palace?"

Jiang Ran looked at Bai Zhan's departing back and said slowly.

And Bai Fu also sighed lightly and began to explain to Jiang Ran the Martial Palace and the things he didn't know about in this continent.

Originally, Jiang Ran thought that all these families were their own kings.

Like the Luo family in the previous life, it was not under the administration of the empire.

But now it seems that it is not quite, although all the families are not governed by the empire, but in fact, they will not disobey on the surface.

The manager of each city is still a family.

And all the families will also send each child to cultivate in the Martial Palace after they are ten years old.

In Jiang Ran's view, this is actually like a hostage.

All the families have a treaty, and if you break it, it gives you an extra reason to let others fight you.

This martial palace was founded by the empire, and it will not only absorb many family members.

Even some disciples of the Great Gate Sect would come to the Martial Palace to study between the ages of ten and sixteen.

The martial arts exercises and heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Martial Palace are all available.

As the face of the empire, it will naturally not be looked down upon by the family, and a single family will not be the opponent of the empire.

Naturally, they will not join forces to resist the empire, so the current situation has arisen.

But Jiang Ran knew that the loss on Bai Zhan's face was not because of the empire and the Martial Palace.

With Bai Fu's next explanation, Jiang Ran was also completely cleared.

In this White Emperor City, the Bai family is a behemoth and a king.

But in terms of the entire empire and the entire continent, the Bai family, as a family, is actually just a down-and-out family.

The strength is only barely in the middle and lower reaches.

The family hierarchy is divided into three ranks in the empire.

The Shangpin family must have five or more innate strong people.

The Zhongpin family must have three or more innate strong people.

The inferior family must have at least one innate strong.

And the Bai family only has two innate powerhouses in the middle and lower reaches, and one of them is still a slave, so naturally he will not be recognized by other families.

"It turned out to be because of the rank of the family."

"It seems that my vision has become narrower because of the Bai family."

After listening to Bai Fu's explanation, Jiang Ran sat on the stone bench, and his face also showed a pensive look.

According to this statement, his 3,000 simulation points are reasonable.

If it is only 3,000 points, you will make yourself a descendant of a high-grade or middle-grade family.

Then Jiang Ran would probably feel a little surprised.

"Uncle Bai, is the Bai family weak?"

Jiang Ran pondered for a long time, and suddenly looked at Bai Fu who was standing on the side.

Bai Fu also did not expect that Jiang Ran would suddenly ask such a sentence, and his face also showed a touch of surprise.

"This... Compared to in the family. "

"It's weak..."

Bai Fu did not dare to exaggerate, and said it more tactfully.

But Jiang Ran also knew that no matter which life, every family had its own difficulties.

Poor people are looking for opportunities to explore martial arts.

The children of the family should cultivate well and change their different lives.

"Martial Palace?"

"It does seem like a very interesting place..."

Jiang Ran raised his head, looked at the sky, and muttered a smile.


Now, it's past January, and the weather has entered autumn.

There was still a faint coolness, and Jiang Ran followed Bai Fu into the carriage under Bai Zhan's instructions.

Bai Fu is a half-step innate martial artist, and there will be no danger along the way.

But before leaving, Bai Zhan also specially instructed Jiang Ran.

Go to the Martial Palace and don't cause trouble, which also includes the helplessness of a father.

The Bai family is a sky in this White Emperor City, but it is not so strong in this world where the family is divided into upper, middle, and lower grades.

Behemoths that are stronger than the Bai family abound.

Within the Martial Palace, there is no shortage of actual rulers of certain families in the future.

If you offend people, you may also make enemies for the weak Bai family in the future.

Bai Zhan did not require Jiang Ran to be in line with others and not to sycophant.

I just didn't want Jiang Ran to set up enemies for the Bai family.

However, Bai Zhan also told Jiang Ran that if he really got into trouble, he could find someone to help.

In this regard, Jiang Ran would naturally agree, and he had just changed places to cultivate in the past.

There is no reason to go there to offend others.

The White Emperor City is located on the border of the empire, although it is a large city with developed commerce.

But it was a long distance away from the capital where the Wugong was located, and it was bumpy in the carriage for half a month.

Jiang Ran and Bai Fucai came to the capital.

Pulling open the curtain of the carriage and seeing the appearance of the capital, even Jiang Ran's face showed a look of surprise.

The capital city, as the center of a country.

Its prosperity is far beyond Jiang Ran's imagination.

Everywhere on the street, are beautifully painted buildings.

Even the vendors on the streets on the side shouted very spiritually, and the clothes on their bodies and the goods on the stalls were several grades higher than those in White Emperor City.

"The young master was taken aback, when the old slave and the old master came to the capital."

"But I was also shocked, the White Emperor City is already so big."

"But this capital city is probably the most prosperous."

Bai Fu, who was driving the carriage, looked at the surprise on Jiang Ran's face and also showed a little smile.

Especially when mentioning his own time, his face also showed a touch of reminiscence.

"It really surprised me."

"But that's to be expected."

Jiang Ran nodded with a smile, and then entered the carriage.

In the past half a month, he had already planned a part of the family and the entire empire from Baifu.

To say that it is an empire is actually a family that is stronger than all families.

It is only because he wants to be stronger that he can restrain other families.

And the Bai family is the same as the landlords in remote places, and may be very rich in the local area.

But in fact, after entering the city, those dignitaries still can't afford to look at landlords like Jiang Ran.

"Forget it, I don't want to be so much."

"It's just a group of children anyway, even if it's like Luo Sicheng at the beginning."

"There will always be a solution."

After thinking about it, Jiang Ran also leaned on the carriage and enjoyed the outside scenery through the window.

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