Jiang Ran fell into the downwind, and when others didn't know his details, no one would come out to help.

Even those who are not in harmony with the Yuan family will not come to help.

But when Jiang Ran's strength was displayed, there was a red plover behind him.

These enemies of the Yuan family also came out one by two to speak.

At this moment, Yuanfeng and Yuanse's faces were not very good.

It's not just a matter of face that can't be passed, but the most important thing is in Motose's eyes.

That red plover and Jiang Ran's familiar look.

"Hongluan, this kid is not from your Hong family, what does it matter to you."

"Don't be strong, this martial palace is not only your Hong family."

Motose looked at the red plover in front of him, and he was also a little weak-hearted, and his eyes dodged a little.

For the sake of face, he still didn't have much confidence to say.

"Can you handle it? Miss Ben just wanted to cover him. "

"It's just that others are not allowed to bully him, that is, to support him in this martial palace."

Honglu sneered and took a step forward, obviously not as tall as Motose.

But at this time, Motose was forced to take two steps back by the momentum of the red plover.

Faced with the words of the red plover, I didn't know how to answer.

"Hmph, good men don't fight with women."

"I'm not with you as a woman, I know you in general."

Motose swallowed a mouthful of spit, his eyes dodged, intending to avoid the red plover and walk away directly.

He is a descendant of the Yuan family, how dare he resist the favored eldest lady of the Hong family, Yuanfeng does not dare to mention him.

However, before taking two steps, the red plover was silent, and his palms were formed into claws.

He grabbed one of Motose's arms, placed his hands on his wrist and arm, and pulled them one by one.

A crackling bone sound appeared, and Motose instantly fell to his knees, his face pale with cold sweat in pain.

"That's it, I want to leave without paying a price."

"I'm afraid your Yuan family doesn't have this face."

Red Lotus grinned, and she removed one of Motose's arms, and there was no wave in her heart.

This is the rule in the Martial Palace, the strong are respected.

"Okay, then thank you Miss Hong, let's go!"

Motose raised his head and glanced at Motoho complainingly, stood up and planned to leave.

"Slowly, she said you could go, but I wasn't."

Jiang Ran slowly stood up, patted the clothes on his body, and walked towards Yuanfeng step by step.

All this does not need to be thought about, it is the thing that the guy in front of you has made.

Anyway, he has already offended to death, and let people go without retaliation, which is not in line with Jiang Ran's character of having revenge and revenge.

"What do you want to do... Don't think that there are red birds covering you, I am afraid of you. "

Yuanfeng looked at Jiang Ran who was getting closer and closer, and his face changed slightly.

He took a step back and bumped into the person behind him, but as a member of the Yuan family, he couldn't avoid retreating.

"There is a price to tell a lie."

"Just settle the account at the door with you."

A cold glint flashed in Jiang Ran's eyes, and he threw a punch.

The speed was extremely fast, Yuanfeng only saw a fist shadow, and before he could react, his left face was already hit.

The whole person flew to the right, if it weren't for someone next to him catching him.

It is estimated that he will fly farther than Motose, but this does not mean that he is not miserable.

After being helped up, Yuanfeng spit out more than a dozen teeth from his mouth.

The teeth in the entire left cheek were directly punched out by Jiang Ran's strength.

Blood continued to gush out of his mouth, and Yuanfeng's cheeks began to swell.


Yuanfeng spoke a little vaguely at this time, and his left face was unconscious.

Blood mixed with spit continued to flow from the corners of his mouth, and the sense of humiliation continued to condense in Yuanfeng's heart.

Even the ruthless words were not finished at this time, and he took the person and left directly.

"Hahahaha, I haven't seen it yet."

"You're pretty good."

Hongluan looked at Jiang Ran, and couldn't help but laugh out loud, and gave Jiang Ran a thumbs up with great satisfaction.

Looking at this lord who would not be a big deal, Jiang Ran also sighed lightly.

Walked aside, pulled up the table that had just been overturned, and put it back in place.

It's not easy to find a place to eat here, and Jiang Ran is too lazy to find a new position.

"Hey, you have only started with a thousand refining hands, do you have such great strength?"

"How do you usually practice, when will you teach me."

After sitting down, Jiang Ran also came over and kept asking Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran ignored a word, waited for all the food to come up, and directly began to eat.

When this half month is over, Jiang Ran has already decided that he can stay away from this girl.

Few people dare to provoke the Hong family, but his Bai family is not without no one daring to provoke.

"Little thing with no conscience, help you out and ignore me."

"You deserve to be beaten to death in the future, and no one cares."

"I'll treat you to dinner."

The red plover pouted and kept turning the rice in front of him with chopsticks, and he had no appetite.

Seeing this, Jiang Ran glanced at the red plover, stretched out his chopsticks and clamped a chicken leg and put it in the bowl of the red plover.

"Count you Bai family kid with a conscience."

The red plover's mouth pouted slightly, and the dissatisfaction in his heart also dissipated because of this chicken leg.

His eyes curved like a crescent moon, and he stopped turning the rice and began to eat.

After eating, the two separated.

Red Plover and Jiang Ran are different in age, and naturally they need to do different things.

Jiang Ran, on the other hand, returned to his residence and began to cultivate thousands of refining hands.

Hongluan also told Jiang Ran that he would come to pick up Jiang Ran when it was time for dinner.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Ran also began to cultivate.

The degree of qi and blood in his hands has continued to gush out, constantly honing the qi and blood, muscles and bones, and skin in his arms.

The Thousand Refining Hand is divided into four layers in total, and currently all the Bai family has is a three-layer practice.

The first layer, barehand gravel.

When the exercise is made, the arms are red as fire, and when the fists are swinged, there will be a faint heat wave bursting, which can already crush stones.

The second layer, icy iron.

The hands are extremely cold from hot to cold, and when fighting the enemy, the palms of the hands are like ice iron, and they can break iron.

The third layer, Golden Palm Crack Mountain.

A pair of palms, will have a faint golden brilliance emanating, gathering all the advantages of one or two layers, this pair of arms can already resist the iron weapon without falling below, it is nothing more than a peerless weapon, must not hurt it by half a point.

As for the fourth layer, it has been broken for three generations.

In Jiang Ran's generation, he hadn't even heard the legend.

Such a powerful peerless technique, if it is still in the Bai family, it is estimated that the Bai family can also stabilize in the Zhongpin family now.

Jiang Ran is still cultivating the first layer, and he has to be baked at high temperature for two hours a day.

Let the palm absorb the heat, get used to the heat rushing in the muscles.

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