Hongqing shook his head with a smile and said something like this.

It is not only pointing out everything that you Jiang Ran has in the Martial Palace, but also in the eyes of our Hong family.

and vaguely said that the identities between the two did not match.

Jiang Ran is definitely going to take over the Bai family's business, and Hong Luan is the first person in the Hong family's talent.

It is impossible to marry the Bai family, although the words are not uncomfortable to hear.

But Jiang Ran was slightly unwilling in his heart.

"Dad, let me tell you first, my opinion."

Jiang Ran did not pay attention to Hongqing for the first time, but instead told Bai Zhan his opinion.

The Bai family's current situation is not good.

The Hong family and other families knew that it would be difficult to defeat the empire with the alliance of dozens of middle-grade and upper-grade families alone.

Maintain his status as a soil emperor-emperor.

Therefore, it is necessary to pull these inferior families to advance and retreat together.

The Qin family, the controller of the empire, cannot be trusted.

What happened to the nineteen families who were subdued back then, they also chose to submit, but the result was that they were constantly weakened.

Until now, no one even remembers which families these dozen families are, and their memories have been lost in the long river of history.

At this time, the Qin family suddenly began to attack other families, which was nothing more than one possibility.

That Chaoyuan Realm powerhouse may not have much left in Shouyuan.

Therefore, he was in a hurry and began to plan to subdue the major families.

"So it is."

Bai Zhan listened to Jiang Ran's words, and his face also showed a look that was the same.

But there was still some dodging in his eyes, as if he was thinking about other things.

"Dad, don't think about it."

"We have no other choice but to stand on the same front as the Red Family."

"Even if these small families surrender, the Qin family is estimated to ignore it, even if they agree."

"When this incident passes, we will definitely find an opportunity to get rid of us and monopolize the city of White Emperor City."

Jiang Ran shook his head and said the concerns in Bai Zhan's heart.

For the Imperial Qin family, of course, the fewer these families, the better.

Bai Zhan listened, and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

As the head of the family, it is normal to think like this, after all, protecting the Bai family's inheritance is Bai Zhan's purpose.

Hongqing also showed an understanding smile at this time.

"In that case, then the old man will go back first."

"There are several other families waiting for the old man to come over, and they will not stay in the Bai family for a long time."

"If he starts the war, he will definitely send a letter to the Bai family."

Hongqing saw that the matter was almost the same, and also stood up and bowed slightly to Bai Zhan.

"And the matter of the young lady, the master said not to play outside for a long time."

"Home, sooner or later I have to go back."

Hongqing squinted and smiled, then looked at Hongluan, and walked out under Bai Zhan's send-off.

And Jiang Ran also sat down again, and his fingers began to tap rhythmically on the wooden table.

"What do you think?"

Hongluan poured a cup of tea for Jiang Ran, and a hint of curiosity appeared on his face.

"The family unites and faces the Qin family headed by the empire."

"Can it really resist?"

Jiang Ran smiled a little bitterly, which was for the Hong family, these high-grade families.

It may be a very normal matter of rights protection, but for the Bai family, a bad choice is a disaster.


A year later, the problems between the empire and the family became more apparent.

Even the Bai family was visited by imperial officials.

But when it is said that it is a visit, in fact, the attitude is tough and clear.

He even told Bai Zhan very clearly that if he did not belong to the empire and handed over the White Emperor City, he would be attacked by the empire.

The ancestor's property cannot be handed over, this is the bottom line of the Bai family.

The imperial officials were miserably rejected and left with harsh words. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was also this year that Jiang Ran began to explore the threshold of some innate realms.

This year, Jiang Ran was also eighteen years old, and Hongluan was twenty years old.

The innate realm is the realm after the four realms of the martial artist's refining body, which can be said to be the realm that is truly beyond the realm of human beings.

Reaching the innate person, the dantian in the body can brew true qi.

True Qi is different from flesh qi, blood qi is equivalent to fuel, and the flesh is equivalent to a car, and with fuel the car can run.

And without blood qi, the car cannot move, which is also the connection between the flesh and the flesh.

But true qi is different, true qi can be compared to a car engine.

With the blessing of a good engine, the speed that the car can travel will become faster.

Not every martial artist of the four realms of refining the body can feel the true qi in his body.

Talent, resources, opportunities, and strict teachers are indispensable.

In this year's time, Bai Zhan personally taught Jiang Ran and Hong Luan.

The two people's cognition of True Qi has also skyrocketed, even in the innate realm, Bai Zhan can be regarded as a first-class master.

Under the same realm, there are only about ten people who can defeat him in this Kyushu.

But if they cultivate to the fourth layer of the Thousand Refining Hand to the Dacheng realm, then these ten or so people will be shortened to within five fingers.

True Qi is different from qi and blood, and qi and blood can operate in the body without special intentions.

True qi, on the other hand, is related to qi and blood, essence blood, and is the vitality of the human body, commonly known as true yuan qi.

The innate essence is the qi of life, which is the driving force of life activities.

The acquired essence is the qi of essence and blood, which is the basis of qi and blood in the body.

That is to say, everyone actually has the opportunity to step into the innate realm.

It's just up to them to see how they fuse innate qi and acquired qi into true qi.

At present, what Jiang Ran and Hongluan are doing is just that.

The following year, the Kyushu Continental War had already broken out.

The three high-grade families, led by the Hong family, the Qi family, and the Cao family, respectively competed with the empire in a three-way encirclement.

Although it is a preemptive strike, it is actually just to take the initiative and not fall into the downside.

If you don't use troops to contain the empire first, then the imperial Qin family will start sneaking up on various middle-grade and lower-grade families with surprise soldiers.

In this way, all the families become a pool of scattered sand.

It won't be long before I am afraid that I will be destroyed.

It was also this year that Bai Zhan led the most elite five thousand people in White Emperor City to set out for Fire Qin City to support the Red Family.

Bai Zhan's fourth layer of refining hands has entered Xiaocheng, and his strength has increased to a great extent in the past two years.

Self-confidence is also there, and it is time to make a name for Bai Jiawei.

Jiang Ran and Hongluan are still cultivating at home, and they have not yet reached the innate realm, so as the children of the two concubines, they do not need to go to the battlefield.

It is also this year that the red plover has half a foot into the innate.

In the third year, Jiang Ran was twenty-one years old, and the third layer of the Great Perfection Realm of the Thousand Refining Hand.

At the time of exercise, the blood-colored lines in the palm of the hand can cover the whole body, and the strength is increased by at least three percent.

It was also this year that Jiang Ran had sensed a source of true qi in his body.

As long as you carefully understand and cultivate, you can enter the innate future.

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