Chapter 229 : Nightmare beast, Hyakki Yexing! (3/4 ask for full order! ask for monthly ticket!)

In the gloomy valley, there are many mountains and rocks, which obscures most of the line of sight, making it impossible to see the panorama inside.

There are a large number of beholders patrolling, it is already a huge one-eyed, with a big mouth full of fangs, the whole activity is controlled by the central eye.

There are also ten small eyes connected to the branches extending from the top of the sphere.

These eyes twisted, peeking around, it can be said that three hundred and sixty degrees are monitoring everything without dead ends!

Therefore, with them all patrolling, once the problem is found, it can be erased as quickly as possible!

However, despite having such a wide angle of view, they did not notice that the shadow in the corner became a bit deeper!

A pair of scarlet eyes are dimmed, blending with the shadows, and they are silently monitoring them!

After a dozen of the beholders patrolled a few times, they couldn’t help but complain to their companions:

“ー八三” “Why don’t we go to attack the city, in that case, we can still eat a lot of eyeballs!”

The beholder on the side was also dissatisfied, but still said:

“This is the order of the tyrant, what can be done, but after the ritual is successful, call the great [Eye of the World], and you can destroy more human cities and enjoy the eyes of those strong!”

“I’m heartened by what I said, those weak human beings should have become our food!”

The beholder began to laugh wildly, opened his hideous blood basin, sharp healing teeth collided, and made a weird penetrating sound.

They have forgotten that they were humans once and now, but they can treat their former kinsmen as food with such peace of mind.

Basically, all humanity has been lost.

However, just as they were about to continue patrolling forward, they suddenly saw a figure with a black cloth carrying a knife walking slowly, like a jade, like a peerless swordsman in a human novel.

“Human?” a beholder said suspiciously.

Even if these beholders are no longer humans, they have to admit that this human looks really outstanding.

Even make them a little jealous, want to push and destroy!

“Did you break into here by mistake? But it’s okay, let’s see how I kill him!”

A ferocious eyed demon laughed wildly, and the high-heat rays began to gather, preparing to blast this human into scum!

However, the moment it attacked, the human in front of him suddenly began to change, becoming a three-headed wolf with six scarlet eyes, as if seeing a delicious prey.

“How could it be three wolves?”

The beholder’s body violently agitated and couldn’t help but began to tremble.Before it became a beholder, when it was still a human!

The adventure group he was in was completely swallowed by a terrifying three-headed wolf.

And it was because it hid in the dung pile of monsters and escaped a catastrophe, and therefore lost its legs!

Although it is no longer necessary to use the legs after transforming into a beholder through the ritual, it still becomes the shadow of its life.

The scarlet eyes and the terrifying low roar made its soul begin to tremble.


Accompanied by the sky-shaking roar, the giant three-headed wolf walked slowly, and every step it took, the earth moved and its body grew!

Looking at the terrifying three wolves that were approaching, the beholder began to condense high-heat rays and burst out frantically!

“Go away, don’t get close to me, don’t come over!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than a dozen high-heat rays shot in and out, enough to melt the power of gold and iron, and fell on the three wolves, not only did not cause any harm, but made it increasingly large.

When it arrived, it was already a hundred meters high, and the beholder just wanted to be the size of a claw in front of it, and the huge wolf head fell down, even if it was exhaled, it turned into a fishy wind, causing the beholder to tremble!

“Don’t eat me, don’t eat me…”

The beholder yelled in horror, trying to close his eyes, not to see this horrible figure.

But no matter how hard it tried, the clear appearance of three wolves would still appear in its mind. It was greedily looking down at it, slowly opening its blood basin and taking a big bite.

Just like the trembling posture back then!

The shadows in the deepest part of my heart began to spread, like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, and they began to devour its sanity!

“Don’t do it!

Listening to the scream of the beholder, a joking flashed in the eyes of the three evil wolves, and their body began to change, turning into a strangely shaped creature.

The body resembles a bear, its nose resembles an elephant, its eyes resemble a rhinoceros, its tail resembles an ox, its legs resemble a tiger, and its body has huge mouths for purification. There are dozens of them all over the body, constantly opening and closing, which is very strange. !

The title of beholder is actually more suitable for it!

This strange monster is naturally one of the heavy dream beasts created by the nightmare master!

Dream Eater!

A terrifying monster that devours nightmares and grows up with fear!

The appearance is not much different from the dream tapir in the previous life legend, but it is more hideous and terrifying!

Those dozens of ferocious mouths sing weird sounds all the time, exuding terrifying Illusion Art fluctuations, creating an illusion that confuses everything

Although the beholder has good perception ability, but also because of the perception ability, the moment he saw Fang Wen, he was already in the nightmare space!

Their so-called resistance is nothing more than an illusion. In fact, consciousness has been dragged into the nightmare space, and the real body of the real world has fallen to the ground, unable to move.

Their fear allows the newborn dream-eating tapirs to grow rapidly, even by continuing to torture them, squeezing more fear!

Fang Wen walked slowly, and when he passed by the monster, he said faintly:

“Eating dream tapirs, eat them!”


The dream-eating tapir responded cleverly, and his mouth began to split, and he spit out a long tube like a mosquito’s mouthparts, which divided into a dozen parts, pierced the brains of the beholders, and began to devour their brains!

In just a few breaths, all a dozen beholders were swallowed, and the size of the dream-eating tapir became more and more huge, swelling to a full five meters high, and the breath on the body was also close to the peak of the soul!

It can be seen that its growth rate is fast!

If they were not born in the nightmare space, but a pure life of 1.5, perhaps they could really evolve infinitely like the evil sword fairy!

Fang Wen stretched out his hand and stole the talents contained in these beholder corpses into modules, and threw them directly into the system warehouse.

Then he looked at the breath of the beholders who were still approaching, and he could perceive that there were thousands of beholders hidden in this valley.

Fang Wen said to the Dream Eater:

“Yes, then these beholder waiters will be handled by you!”


Hearing this, the Dream Eater yelled excitedly, the scarlet nightmare spread, and the strange power spread to thousands of beholders one after another!

Dream horse, vampire, crawling corpse, snowman, skeleton monster, stitch monster

Countless horrible monsters from ancient legends crawled out of the nightmare and descended into the valley of beholders

Like a hundred ghosts walking in the night, devouring all souls!.

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