Unexpectedly, he was far from invincible.

  In Daming Jianghu alone, there are four other swordsmen above him.

  This discovery made Xue Yiren very excited.


  Xue Yiren pulled out the blood drop sword, only to see that the sword was blood red, exuding bursts of frost and cold.

  Because it was too cold, the sword body quickly formed a layer of fine water droplets, under the reflection of the scarlet sword body, it seemed like a drop of blood.

  "Good sword, it matches my sword intent very well."

  Xue Yiren showed a hint of surprise, returned the sword to the sheath, and couldn't put it down.

  Walking out of the quiet room, a butler immediately greeted him.

  Xue Yiren said, "Where's the laughing man?"

  The housekeeper replied, "Second Master went out early in the morning, and didn't say anything about what he was doing."

  "Humph! The swordsmanship is sparse, and it's really annoying to hang around all day long."

  Xue Yiren said that he hated iron.

  "It's because the eldest master has too high demands on the second master."

  "In the past ten years, those swordsmen who came to challenge were all sent by the second master."

  "Just like the old master, no one can stop the second master's ten moves."

  "Now in Guanzhong, only Xuejiazhuang is the only one. This is the result of the second master's management."

  The butler said with a smile.

  Xue Yiren disagreed, and still said coldly: "As a swordsman, you should pursue the pinnacle of kendo. If he is half-hearted, it will be difficult to reach the pinnacle of kendo in this life."

  When the butler heard this, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly, feeling sad for the second master, Xue Xiaoren.

  To have such a strong brother is both a great blessing and a misfortune.

  At this moment, a servant came in and said, "Master, a girl outside came to you and told me to give you this jade pendant after saying it was your old friend."

  "After the old man?"

  Xue Yiren took the jade pendant and looked at it for a moment, then his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he said, "Let her come in."

  After a while, a young woman came in.

  But seeing her wearing a red dress, her appearance is absolutely beautiful, like a fairy white jade, beautiful.

  As she approached, the beauty immediately said: "Junior Ren Yingying, I have seen Uncle Xue."

  "Ren Yingying?"

  "I didn't expect that many years later, Ren Woxing already had such a big daughter."

  "You came to me, but what difficulties did you encounter?"

  Xue Yiren said slowly.

  Ren Yingying knelt on the ground with a 'puff' and cried, "My father was murdered by a traitor in the teaching, and now he is imprisoned in the Meizhuang dungeon. I implore Uncle Xue to help me out of my relationship with my father back then. "

  "Is there such a thing? You stand up and talk about it in detail."

  Xue Yiren said in a deep voice.

  Ren Yingying stood up and said, "There is a bright left messenger in my Sun Moon Divine Sect named Dongfang Invincible."

  "This person is deeply trusted by my father, showing him as a sibling, and even letting him control the power of the church."

  "But I didn't expect that this man's wolf ambitions, while my father was in retreat, cultivated his own power and continued to eradicate the elderly in the teaching."

  "Finally, while my father was doing his work, he sneaked up on my father, imprisoned my father in the Meizhuang dungeon, and arranged for experts to take care of him."

  "Over the years, I have been bewitched by him, and I didn't know everything until the owner of Tianji exposed it."

  "Now the Sun Moon Divine Sect is looking for me everywhere, and my father has a master to take care of me, so I can only ask Uncle Xue."

  Ren Yingying's voice became even deeper and deeper, thinking that if the owner of the secret was not exposed, he would still be used by Dongfang Invincible.

  "That being said, this Eastern Invincibility really deserves to die."

  "The old man had a good relationship with your father back then, but now he is in a cage, how can he just sit back and ignore it?"

  "It's not too late, let's go to rescue your father now."

  Xue Yiren said very decisively.

  "Thank you Uncle Xue." Ren Yingying was overjoyed.

  Soon, the two stepped out of the manor.

  Looking at the bright sunshine, Xue Yiren couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't stepped out of this manor in thirty years. I don't know who is the roost now?"


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  All the high rollers in the rivers and lakes were shocked by the generous rewards.

  To be precise, he was shocked by Xue Yiren's challenge reward.

  Mid-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill: After taking it, the ninth-level peak powerhouse of the Grand Master Realm can briefly enter the state of 'Dao's Natural', increasing the probability of breaking through to the realm of the unity of man and nature by [-]%.

  Everyone did not expect that this divine pill would appear again, and the rank had been improved by one level, which could increase the probability of breakthrough by [-]%.

  Heaven and Human Realm, Heaven and Human Unity!

  This is the realm that many warriors dream of!

  In the Daming Jianghu, there have been no warriors in the realm of heaven and man for decades.

  "Crazy! I'm really going crazy, can Tianjilou really come up with a middle-grade Tianling Pill?"

  "Tianjilou penetrates the three realms, so there is no treasure? But the question is, can you defeat Xue Yiren?"

  "That's Xue Yiren. Thirty years ago, he was invincible in the arena. How powerful he is now, I am afraid only God knows."

  "If Ximen Sword God grows up, there may be a chance."

  "Under the whole world, perhaps only Sword God Ximen has the chance to get this challenge reward."

  "I'm looking forward to Sword God Ximen fighting against Sword God Xue. It must be very exciting."

  "If Ximen Sword God can successfully challenge, he will receive two 857 Heavenly Secret rewards, which are tens of thousands of Heavenly Secret Points!"

  "Alas! Although Ximen Sword God's talent is high, but his cultivation base has reached his realm, it is easier said than done if he wants to take a step forward."


  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes talked a lot. Although they were very keen on that middle-grade Tianling Pill, they also had self-knowledge.

  If you want to surpass Xue Yiren in swordsmanship, it is impossible to give them another hundred years.

  But they can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it.

  For example, Ximen Chuixue ranked only below Xue Yiren.


  At this moment, in the private room where Ximen Chuixue was, an extreme icy sword intent erupted and swept the audience.

  How terrifying is this sword intent, the instant it spreads, the temperature of the Heavenly Secret Tower is directly lowered to freezing point.

  Everyone has the illusion that they are in an ice cave, and even the air they breathe has a layer of frost.

  Just when everyone was about to hold on, the dust on the white jade platform moved.

  Just raising his hand casually, all the icy sword intent dissipated without a trace, and the hall became as warm as spring again.

  Such a miraculous means made a group of high-ranking guests exclaim in surprise.

  But there are too many immortal methods of the owner of Tianji, and everyone was just surprised, and then showed a natural expression.

  Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes fell on Ximen Chuixue.

  The sword intent just now was really terrifying.

  Even if it was only fleeting, it left traces in everyone's heart like a nightmare.

  There is no doubt that Ximen Chuixue's kendo has broken through to a higher level.

  That frosty sword intent was more than three times stronger than when he had a decisive battle with Feng Qingyang.

  A group of young swordsmen showed excitement, Ximen Chuixue was the benchmark of kendo in their hearts.

  Now that Ximen Chuixue's kendo has taken a step further, how could they not be excited.

  Under everyone's attention, Ximen Chuixue stood up.

  The powerful Frost and Cold Sword Intent was still lingering around him, and there was a dead silence in those eyes, which seemed to contain thousands of miles of glaciers.




  Ximen Chuixue exuded a strong fighting spirit.

  At this moment, he is eager to fight, eager to fight with all his strength, to complete the final transformation.

  "2000 Tianji points, please open the Tianji master to test the sword!"

  Ximen Chuixue clasped his fists and said.

  At this time, he was completely dominated by the will to fight, and he just wanted to enjoy the battle.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen smiled slightly.

  Where the fingertips landed, layers of void exploded, and a huge and boundless battle platform emerged.

  The smoke of the desert wolves billowed up, and the sound of thunderous drums sounded, and thousands of troops and horses came from their dreams.

  Not a sword test stand.

  But the pinnacle of battle stage!

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