"That's right, the nameless sword god is in charge of the hero sword, how could he ignore this crisis."


  There was a heated discussion among the high rollers.

  I don't know who led me to leave Tianjilou in a mighty manner, wanting to go to Wuming together to ask for my life.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Zhang Wuji stood up and said:

  "Everyone, I just received a reply from Fan Youshi."

  "He has managed to get the antidote for Tohxiang Ruanjinsan, and inquired about the location where the monk Wuhua and others were imprisoned."

  "Everything is ready now, just waiting for us to go to the rescue."

  When Qiao Feng heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he said loudly: "It's not too late, everyone, let's go now."

  Yaoyue, Lianxing, Linghuchong, Shenjian Shenjian and others nodded in succession.

  The masters of the Ming Jianghu also left in a mighty manner.

  On the other side, Fan Qinghui returned to her private room, only to find that Zhu Yuyan was inside.

  "What's the matter with you?"

  Fan Qinghui said with a frown.

  She doesn't have a good face for this nemesis.

  Zhu Yuyan didn't care, she smiled and said, "Master Fanzhai inherited the mantle of the head of Cihang Jingzhai in the past, and practiced the "Cihang Sword Canon" for decades, but lost to the young Ximen (Qian Li Zhao). Fubuki, you must be very unwilling, right?"

  Fan Qinghui narrowed his eyes and said, "What are you trying to say, I don't want to play dumb with you."

  "Then I'll just say it."

  "You and I have practiced for decades, and we have basically exhausted our martial arts potential."

  "If you want to go further, there are only two ways."

  "One is to refine and refine the Qidan like Jianxindan."

  "But this kind of magic can be met but not sought after."

  "The second is to complete the exercises we have cultivated."

  "This will not only make our strength soar, but it will also be of great benefit to breaking through to the realm of unity between man and nature."

  Zhu Yuyan said in a soft tone.

  Fan Qinghui sighed: "I naturally know the benefits of completing the exercises, but how do you get the second half of "Casual thoughts on the Devil's Way" in the hands of the owner of Tianji?"

  She comprehended the first volume of "Casual thoughts on the Devil's Way" before, which gave her a great gain in kendo, and she always wanted to get the following content in her heart.

  It's a pity that the owner of Tianji has no instructions, so she can only wait.

  "Instead of waiting like this, why not take the initiative?"

  Zhu Yuyan said with a smile.

  "How to take the initiative?" Fan Qinghui didn't know why.

  "Isn't the master of Fanzhai very active last time?" The smile in Zhu Yuyan's eyes was even stronger.

  "How dare you mention that?" Fan Qinghui said angrily, the aura on his body instantly became extremely cold.

  "I just reminded Master Fanzhai."

  "The owner of Tianji is not a ruthless person. As long as we pay the corresponding price, we can get "Magic Dao Caprice"."

  Zhu Yuyan said confidently.

  "What price can we pay?" Fan Qinghui asked.

  "It depends on what the owner of Tianji wants." Zhu Yuyan smiled slightly.

  Although Fan Qinghui secretly scolded the people of the devil's way for being crazy, she still couldn't resist the yearning for the full version of "Cihang Sword Canon", and accompanied Zhu Yuyan to the Baiyutai.

  Before they could speak, Feng Chen said, "The landlord already knows what the two of you are asking for. It is not appropriate to talk about it now. You can go to the guest room on the sixth floor tonight."

  After a pause, Feng Chen added: "This time, let's call the master concubine Xuan and Xiu together."

  As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly set off a stormy sea.

  The concubine Xuan and Wei, who were on the third floor, were even more dumbfounded.or.

Chapter 104

  Tianjilou, countless discussions soared into the sky.

  The words that all the big players in Jianghu were sealed by the dust were beyond shock.

  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan were not enough, but now they want to add the concubine Xuan and Wei?

  Thinking of the elegant temperament of Shi Fei Xuan and Fan Qinghui, and the similar faces of Wei and Zhu Yuyan, these two pairs come together...

  Even if they think about it, they have a feeling of elusiveness.

  Or the owner of Tianji will play!

  Facing the surprised eyes of countless people.However, Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui seemed very happy, and directly agreed: "Then I will be waiting for the owner of the secret tonight."

  Private room on the third floor.

  The concubine Xuan and the concubine were all stupid.

  They did not expect that the owner of Tianji would make such a request in public.

  What was even more unexpected was that their master agreed so happily and sold them directly.

  This made both women feel like crying without tears.

  Seeing this scene, a group of gangsters went completely crazy, and there was a burst of discussion, almost to open the roof.

  "Write it, write it, this is big news."

  In the private room on the third floor, Kou Zhongle blossomed.

  He was already able to predict that this 'Tian Ji Yue Dian Review' would be a big sell.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen looked at the commotion below, and said calmly, "I have something to announce here. The [Stunning List] will be updated in advance tomorrow."


  All the gangsters who were gossiping wildly were shocked.

  Will you update the [Stunning List] tomorrow?

  The update speed is too powerful!

  "The master of the secret is mighty!"

  "Haha, the [Stunning List] has been updated in advance!"

  "I don't know what stunning and stunning beauties will appear tomorrow."

  "[Popularity List] With six more stunning beauties, the competition is going to get fiercer."

  "I don't care what other stunning beauties come out, in short, Lin Xian'er is number one in the world."

  "Brothers, my sword is about to lose its hold, and it's time to draw it again."


  The attention of all the big players in the rivers and lakes was quickly diverted, and they talked about the [Stunning List].

  That's exactly what the dusting is for.

  With the completion of the 'Battle of the Peak' quest and the 'Slaughter of Aliens' quests, he will get a lot of Secret Points.

  There is no need to delay the announcement of the existing lists, and the update speed can be accelerated in due course.


  Just when there was a lot of excitement in the Tianji Building.

  The Ming Dynasty, a hidden corner.

  The wooden Taoist sat in a dead leaf with his eyes closed, as if he was comprehending something.

  Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a dark gray light flashed from his pupils.

  "As expected of the middle-grade Enlightenment Pill produced by Tianjilou, it actually helped me deduce this taboo ninjutsu to such a degree."

  The wooden Taoist couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

  The forbidden ninjutsu he mentioned was the mysterious ninjutsu he obtained from Dongying that could manipulate corpses.

  He stumbled across 860 in a cave at the time.

  There were various human remains in the cave, and it was obvious that someone was experimenting with this taboo ninjutsu here.

  It is a pity that he only obtained the remnants of this taboo ninjutsu, not even one-third, the corpse he controlled was extremely low in intelligence, and his combat power was far less than before his death.

  For so many years, he has devoted himself to research, and with his supreme intelligence, he has only completed one third of this taboo ninjutsu.

  But with a middle-grade Enlightenment Pill, he directly completed this taboo ninjutsu to [-]%, and the power has increased several times.

  "Unfortunately, it would be great if there were two more middle-grade Dao Enlightenment Pills. I have the confidence to fully deduce this taboo ninjutsu."

  The wooden Taoist showed a look of regret.

  At this moment, the wind was roaring, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

  The wooden Taoist stood up abruptly, stood with his sword in hand, and said sternly, "Who is it?"

  In the dense forest, the wind whistled, as if there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves:

  "Heaven and earth are ruthless, ghosts and spirits have no eyes."

  "All things are incompetent, and the strong people are ignorant."

  "Life and death are impermanent, and there is no good or bad."

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