Although there are many strong people participating in the rescue plan this time.

  But in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, Feng Chen decided to add another insurance.

  This insurance is the four powerhouses, Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan, Shi Feixuan, and Huanxuan.

  And the jellyfish Yinji, a figure who stands at the peak of the martial arts of the Daming Jianghu.

  That elixir was the Fuzi elixir that Feng Chen spent [-] days to exchange.

  As long as you take it, you can instantly restore the jellyfish Yinji to its peak combat power, greatly improving the success rate of the rescue plan.

  Although [-] Heavenly Secret Points is not a small amount, it is still very worthwhile compared to the rewards for completing the task.

  "Please rest assured, the owner of Tianji, I will definitely complete the task successfully."

  Zhu Yuyan said very firmly.

  "Random Thoughts on the Devil's Way" is something she is bound to get. No matter how dangerous the trip is, she must complete the task.

  Fan Qinghui also had the same idea, and took over the task without any hesitation.

  Silent all night.

  The next day was sunny and sunny.

  The Tianji Building was bustling as usual, and there were even a third more people than usual.

  Everyone is excitedly talking about the [Stunning List] that will be updated.

  "Last time, the six beautiful women on the list were Chen Yu Luoyan. It's hard to imagine how beautiful the beauties above them should be."

  "I have ten support votes and I haven't voted yet. I don't know if there will be a stunning beauty worthy of voting today."

  "Brother's vision is very high, can it be that Lin Xian'er and Miss Gongsun can't get into your eyes?"

  "No matter how the [Popularity List] changes, Lin Xian'er will always be number one in the world."

  "Why hasn't the master of Tianji come out yet, my sword is almost out of control."



  At the moment when everyone was talking, the door of the wing room on the sixth floor slowly opened.

  Zhu Yuyan, Fan Qinghui, Concubine Xuan, and Qiu came out one after another.

  This scene shocked the audience in an instant.

  The four of them actually stayed on the sixth floor for one night?

  Because of the release of 'Tianji Yuedan Review', many people know about the invitation from Tianji landlord yesterday.

  But it's still unbelievable to let them see it with their own eyes.

  What happened last night?

  The fire of curiosity in everyone's heart even overwhelmed the upcoming update of the [Stunning List].

  However, before they could start gossip, Fan Qinghui and the others had already left Tianjilou at the fastest speed.

  Yesterday's events are really not enough for outsiders.


  At this moment, the brilliance on the white jade platform flickered, and Feng Chen's figure appeared.

  "The time has come, the [Stunning List] is updated."

  Feng Chen's indifferent words caught all the high-profile customers in the Tianji Building by surprise.

  This must be intentional!

  A group of high-ranking guests thought in their hearts, and it made them feel that last night's things were not simple.

  But knowing that it was a trick, everyone couldn't stand the yearning for the [Exquisite List], and put all the distracting thoughts behind them.

  All attention is focused on the upcoming update of the [Stunning List].

  Private room on the third floor.

  Yang Yuhuan, Shang Xiufang, Shi Qingxuan and other beauties also tensed their nerves and waited quietly for the [Stunning List] beauties to be released.

  "The time has come, this time to update the ninth place in the [Stunning List] of various countries."

  "The ninth place in Daming [Stunning List], Ren Yingying."

  "The ninth place in the Great Song [Stunning List], Zhong Ling."

  "Lu Linxuan is the ninth place in the [Stunning List] of the Tang Dynasty."

  "The ninth place in the Great Sui [Stunning List], Song Yuzhi."

  "The ninth place in Dahan's [Stunning List], Dugu Dream."

  "The ninth place in Daqin's [Stunning List], get jade."


  Just as Feng Chen's voice fell, ripples suddenly appeared in the void of Tianjilou.

  Immediately afterwards, a huge jade mirror emerged.

  A stunning beauty is reflected in each jade mirror, showing her most beautiful scene in it.

  Such a scene is so beautiful to the extreme that it made a group of high-ranking guests exclaimed in exclamation.

  "The girl in the first jade mirror on the right looks so innocent, and even has a mink, which is the type I like."

  "I recognize the beautiful woman in the second jade mirror on the left. She is Song Yuzhi, daughter of Song Que, daughter of Song Que, daughter of the Southern Song Dynasty clan in Da Sui Ling."

  "The beauty in the third jade mirror on the left is Dugu Meng, the daughter of the lord of Dugu City in the Han Dynasty. I have seen it once, and the real person is even more frightened than the jade mirror."

  "Oh my God! Who is that beautiful girl playing the piano in the small building? It's so beautiful."

  "The beautiful sound of the piano has actually attracted hundreds of birds to the phoenix. She is the first place in the stunning beauty list updated in this issue."

  "I also voted for this beautiful girl playing the qin. It's not too much to be ranked first for this kind of qin sound."

  "Do you really like the sound of the piano? I'm too embarrassed to point out you."

  "Master Tianji, who is this beauty who is playing the piano?"

  "With so many heroes and heroes present, doesn't anyone know the name of this woman?"

  "Hurry up, I beg the owner of Tianji to announce their respective names quickly, I want to vote for this beautiful Fuqin girl."


  The discussions among the high rollers are in full swing.

  At the beginning, they also expressed their opinions and discussed the temperament characteristics of various beauties.

  But soon, everyone's attention was attracted by a beautiful woman in the middle jade mirror.

  But I saw her wearing a moon-white half-sleeved long skirt and emerald-colored hair accessories inlaid with white beads, reclining on the small building, playing the qin.

  The sound of the piano was so beautiful that countless birds stopped and listened.

  The beautiful sound of the piano, combined with her beautiful face, instantly captured the hearts of all the high-profile guests.

  Countless gangsters are impatient, eager to know the name of this beautiful Fuqin.

  Suddenly, someone in the hall shouted:

  "I know her, she is the top qin girl of Daqin Zilanxuan, Nongyu!".

Chapter 105

  "Next, the landlord will comment on the six new beauty list as usual."

  Feng Chen's clear and indifferent words instantly made the audience quiet.

  These six stunning beauties on the list each have their own strengths, and as soon as they appeared, everyone's mind was affected, and they all eagerly wanted to know their information.

  "Da Ming [Stunning List] No. [-], Ren Yingying."

  "Beautiful appearance, like the white jade of the fairy, - the closed moon is ashamed of flowers."

  "The family has a prominent family. She is the daughter of the former director of the Sun Moon God Sect, Wu Xing. She is now the saint of the Sun Moon God Sect, and her status is respected."

  "Bingxue is smart, decisive, exquisite, and clever."

  "Extremely good at rhythm, but one person can play "Swordsman"

  "There is a side under the emperor. When the emperor is under the emperor, he will be kind and powerful. He is decisive and ruthless when facing the enemy. He is smart and quiet, and he can be a leader of the party."


  "The ninth place in the Great Song [Stunning List], Zhong Ling."

  "She has a beautiful face, her face is like the morning sun, her eyes are like autumn water, her skin is like a cream, and her smile is like a flower."

  "The temperament is refined, like a hibiscus in the water, beautiful and unparalleled, pure and bright, fresh and pleasant."

  "The voice is sweet, both charming and coquettish, and the voice is soft."

  "Character is cute, people live up to their name, innocent, and the charm of Zhongtiandi."

  "The life experience is bizarre. She was originally the daughter of Dali Zhennan King and Gan Baobao. Later, Gan Baobao was pregnant and remarried in Zhong Wanqiu, Dali Wanjie Valley. She called her the daughter of Zhong Wanqiu, and Zhong Wanqiu was convinced."

  "His mother Gan Baobao is rich in figure and beautiful in appearance. She is seven-point similar to Zhong Ling. The two stand side by side, like sisters."


  "Lu Linxuan is the ninth place in the [Stunning List] of the Tang Dynasty."

  "The appearance is beautiful, like the clear moonlight, the flowers and trees piled up with snow, and the country's beauty is fragrant."

  "The character is pure, affectionate, and sexual."

  "She is the daughter of Lu Youjie, the captain of Tianshuangxing, the captain of the thirty-sixth Tiangang captain, and he worships the uncle Yang of the Tianlixing College as a teacher."

  "Proficient in many martial arts such as "Qinglian Sword Song", "Wu Liu Xin Jue", and a small cultivation base."

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