From the first day the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List] appeared, he knew that he would be on the list.

  After all, he has already controlled the court and the factory guards by means of various means, and even the promotion and appointment of officials are determined by him, and he is completely a standard behind-the-scenes mastermind.

  It's just that in his calculations, he is so deliberate about the layout and control of the court and the factory guards, even if it is not the top of the [Behind the scenes] list, it should be the second.

  Then, when Tianjilou is announced, it will be after the Seven Stars Lianzhu.

  As long as he breaks through to the realm of the unity of man and nature at the time of the Seven Stars Lianzhu, even if his identity is revealed as the mastermind behind the scenes, who can help him?

  At that time, he only needs to kill Zhu Ignore, the first master of the royal family, and then replace all the emperor's surroundings with his cronies, and he can still dominate the court and the opposition.

  But he did a lot of calculations, but he didn't calculate that Daming had so many people behind the scenes, and they were so powerful.

  Even he, who has become the emperor behind the scenes, can only rank fourth.

  This completely caught him off guard.

  The day of the Seven Stars has not yet come.

  Although his current cultivation is profound, it is far from being invincible.

  If others don't say it, if Hou Zhu ignores it, he will not be sure to deal with it.

  "Factory supervisor, what should I do now?"

  Wang Ying asked in a low voice.

  Although Liu Xixi seemed to have expected it long ago, he was still uneasy in his heart.

  "Who is serving in the palace today?"

  "Send someone to tell him immediately that His Majesty must not see any outsiders today."

  "Whoever wants to meet His Majesty must first obtain the consent of the Governor."

  Liu Xi stepped back and forth, giving orders in a deep voice.

  All his rights came from the Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao.

  As long as Zhu Houzhao trusts him, no matter how much impeachment there is outside, he will be able to sit firmly in the position of director of the factory.

  So the first thing to do is not to let Zhu Houzhao know that he was on the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List].

  "Yes, this subordinate will let someone do it later."

  Wang Ying responded solemnly.

  "And the second thing, send someone to Jiangnan to communicate Jiang Biehe."

  "Tell him that the situation has changed, and let him immediately bring the five yang and two yin to the designated place."

  Liu Xi ordered again.

  As long as the imperial court stabilizes the emperor and relies on his numerous henchmen, there should be no problem.

  What still needs to be scrutinized is the 863 forces in the rivers and lakes.

  His current strength, at most, is at the top level of Jianghu.

  If it is besieged by several top powerhouses, it is still life-threatening.

  Therefore, the most urgent task is to improve the cultivation as soon as possible.

  "High-grade Earth Spirit Pill..."

  Liu Xi opened the pill box made of divine jade, and a refreshing aroma escaped immediately.

  "Sure enough, it is the supreme treasure pill!"

  "If I refine this treasure pill, I can raise my cultivation base to the peak of the Great Master Realm."

  "At that time, even if we forcefully absorb the power of five yang and two yin, there is still a [-]% certainty that we will be able to break through to the realm of the unity of heaven and man."

  Liu Xi's face showed a hot color.

  He already felt that this high-grade earth spirit pill could make his cultivation go further.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  In the hall, after hearing the rewards for the list and the challenge rewards, a group of high rollers boiled again.

  "Oh my god! I heard it right, it's Tianling Pill again? Or is it a mid-grade Tianling Pill."

  "This is already the third Heavenly Spirit Pill that has been released from the Tianji Building, but unfortunately no one can get it."

  "The legendary treasure of the Heavenly Spirit Pill can increase the probability of breaking through the Heaven and Human Realm. Is there really no one's heart?"

  "What's the use of heartbeat? Mu Daoren, Xue Yiren, Liu Xi, these three are more ruthless than each other."

  "Haha, Xue Jianshen is in the Tianji Building, you can challenge it if you have the skills."

  "Tianjilou is drawing a big cake, I know we can't complete the task."

  "That's not necessarily the case. Liu Xi cultivates the secret scriptures of the wicked way, destroys the rivers and lakes, and brings disaster to the country and the people. This time, he will surely die."

  "Don't forget, the Marquis of Iron Courage is a strong man in the realm of harmony between man and nature. Will he let Liu Xi go?"


  The reappearance of Tianling Pill made all the high-ranking guests in the hall unable to hold back.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Dugu's eyes were hot, and he said solemnly, "As long as you kill Liu Xi, can you get the middle-grade Tianling Pill? This really makes people feel a little moved."

  Dugu Meng, who was sitting next to him, said: "This Liu Xi can achieve the level of power and power. I don't think it is a simple person, but if my master makes a move, he will definitely be taken down."

  Her master is the first evil emperor of the Han Dynasty, with a magic knife that is earth-shattering, and is considered by Dugu Meng to be the strongest in the world.

  "If the first evil emperor is born, Liu Xi can indeed be killed, but unfortunately his "Magic Sword Art" is too evil to be born easily."

  The lonely one said with regret.

  He alone did not dare to go rampant in the Daming Rivers and Lakes, and could only miss the opportunity.

  Another private room.

  Ren Woxing's eyes flashed, and he looked at Xue Yiren and said:

  "Brother Xue, are you interested in killing that Liu Xi with me?"

  "Tian Ji Dian and the middle-grade Tian Ling Pill can be yours, all I need is Liu Xi's "Air Absorption Dafa""

  His "Sucking Stars Dafa" and "Absorbing Gong from the Air" are almost from the same source, and they can be practiced immediately after they are obtained.

  At that time, he has achieved great achievements, and he is confident that he can break through to the realm of heaven and man without the help of the heavenly elixir (cabc).

  When Xue Yiren heard the words, he was moved, and "The Great Law of Absorbing Gong from the Air" was meaningless to him.

  This deal can be said to be beneficial and not harmful.

  "This matter can be studied."

  Xue Yiren said slowly.

  If he was alone, he would not dare to do such a dangerous thing.

  After all, in addition to Liu Xi, there are many masters in the East Factory. Even if he is able to use swordsmanship, it is difficult for him to deal with them all.

  But if you add Ren Woxing and the experts from the Sun Moon God Cult, you can give it a try.

  "Haha, Brother Xue is really refreshing, this matter is settled."

  Ren Wuxing said loudly and arrogantly, attracting the attention of a group of high-ranking guests.

  Ren Yingying hurriedly said: "This matter is of great importance and needs to be discussed in the long run. Daddy and Uncle Xue must not act arrogantly."

  Xue Yiren said with a smile, "My niece is extremely talented, so you can come up with a strategy for us."

  "Since Brother Xue said so, then Yingying, you can spend some time. The experts of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect will be dispatched by you."

  Ren Wuxing directly acted as a hand-swinging shopkeeper.

  Although Ren Yingying was speechless, she was afraid that the two of them would have an accident, so she nodded and said, "Then let me make a good plan first."


  At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in the direction of the Datang Portal.

  Everyone looked around, and their eyes widened.

  I saw two beautiful women of the same age walking in together.

  If it's just ordinary beauties, that's all, but these two are in the [Stunning List].

  "Ji Ruxue and Lu Linxuan! The two girls from the Great Tang List are actually here together."

  "The appearance of two beauties together is really shocking."

  "Don't they belong to the two forces of the Huanyinfang and the bad people? How did they come together?"

  "I can feel that their breath is disordered, and it seems that they have gone through a big battle."

  "Who is so ignorant of Lianxiangxiyu, even such a beautiful woman has the heart to start."

  "I don't know who will be lucky in the future to marry them back home."


  Just in the midst of the discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes, Ji Ruxue and Lu Linxuan had already walked to the white jade stage.

  They have indeed experienced a battle, and their opponent is the black and white impermanence of Xuanming Sect.

  The beauty on the [Stunning List] is not only a kind of glory, but also a treasure.

  Especially Lu Linxuan, who is ranked ninth in the [Stunning List], has a total of [-] heavenly points.

  That's why they were targeted by Black and White Impermanence, trying to snatch their secrets.

  I don't know who leaked the information, many people already know that the Tianji point can be transferred directly.

  Fortunately, the black and white impermanence is not high, and the two managed to escape smoothly.

  After this battle, they had a trace of comrade-in-arms friendship before.

  "In Xialu Linxuan, I met the owner of Tianji, and I want to exchange some treasures for cultivation."

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