The fire was so terrifying that it seemed like daylight for several miles around Ying.

  Countless iron-clad forbidden troops came roaring, and the entire Wan'an Temple was surrounded by water.

  Under the support of countless banned troops and masters, Zhao Min strode out and said sharply:

  "Ku Toutuo, so you are not dumb."

  "For so many years, this county master has treated you as a teacher, but you dare to be betrayed by this county master?"

  On the Wan'an Temple, Kutotuo leaned out and raised his voice:

  "I am not Kutotuo, but Fan Yao, the right envoy of the Ming Cult!"

  "The county master really treats me well, but everyone is their own master, so I can only be sorry."

  After he finished speaking, he retracted his body and continued to deliver antidote to the imprisoned masters of various sects.

  Beside Zhao Min, Hebiweng, the second elder in Xuanming, said coldly: "The county lord, it's all because our brothers were unprepared, and the Ku Toutuo stole the antidote of Shixiang Ruanjinsan. What should we do now?"


  "This county master was going to wipe out these Central Plains masters in one fell swoop, and they came just right."

  "As for the antidote of Shixiang Ruanjinsan, even if you take it, it will be difficult to restore your power for a while."

  "Call the archers, shoot the arrows, shoot the rockets."

  "Since they couldn't hide, the county master directly burned Wan'an Temple."

  Zhao Min said lightly, but his tone was full of killing intent.

  "As ordered."

  With the passing of this order, tens of thousands of rockets flew into the air in an instant, like a rain of fire, overwhelming the sky.

  In Wan'an Temple, a group of dignitaries from all corners of the world were horrified when they saw this scene.

  Even if they have cultivated to the master realm, it is impossible to survive in the raging fire.

  Just when everyone was thinking about breaking through the siege desperately, a grand and magnificent voice suddenly came from their ears:

  "The world has shifted greatly!!"

  Following this sound, an invisible force field enveloped the entire sky above Wan'an Temple.

  The overwhelming rain of arrows, entering the force field, was all attracted by an invisible force, and they all converged towards the top of Wan'an Temple.

  "This, what is this?"

  "Look, there is a person at the top of Wan'an Temple!"

  "Oh my God! What kind of magic is this, it can attract all the arrows."

  "Zhang Wuji, this person is Zhang Wuji, Zhang Wuji who defeated Yuxiong at the Golden Summit of Wudang."

  "Could it be that Zhang Wuji performed "The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth"? This is the divine art of the Ming Cult, and its power is endless."


  Around Zhao Min, a group of experts from different races exclaimed in surprise.

  Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuji also came, and there is such a terrifying power.

  "Is this person Zhang Wuji? Sure enough, as the county master said, he is a huge threat to our Mongolian country."

  King Jinlun said in a deep voice, his eyes full of killing intent.

  "Humph! What about Zhang Wuji, this time he will die in..."

  Before Zhao Min's cruel words were finished, a look of panic suddenly appeared on his face.

  I saw that all the rockets that gathered towards Zhang Wuji turned their directions under Zhang Wuji's hands.

  Sen Leng's arrows all pointed at the Mongolian army under Wan'an Temple.

  "The princess be careful!"

  Second Elder Xuan Ming immediately jumped up and blocked Zhao Min.





  Just as they stood still, tens of thousands of rockets were already falling down like a hurricane under Zhang Wuji's control.

  "Ah ah ah ah ah……"

  Under the Wan'an Temple, there was a scream of misery in an instant, and the soldiers of the Mongolian army were all afraid and chaotic.

  In the Wan'an Temple, the monk Wuhua said solemnly: "Everyone, now is a good time to make a breakthrough, let's rush out with the poor monk!"

  Lu XiaoFeng frowned and said, "No Hua, everyone's cultivation base hasn't recovered much now, should you wait a little longer?"

  "Wait? This is the imperial capital of Mongolia. Do you want everyone to wait to die?"

  The beggar gang leader Nangong Ling roared loudly.


  "When I stay in Wan'an Temple, I'm like a trapped beast."

  "Even if Cult Master Zhang can block it for a while, he won't be able to block it for too long."

  "If you wait for the fire to get bigger, you won't be able to break through if you want to break through."

  "So I also invite you fellow monks in the rivers and lakes to believe in poor monks once, and fight out together to fight for a life."

  The flowerless monk said expressionlessly.

  "I naturally believe in the flowerless monk."

  Mie Shitai, He Taichong and the others said in succession.

  "Then what are you waiting for, go ahead!"

  Nangong Ling shouted, and rushed out first, followed by all the disciples of the Beggar Gang.

  Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong were outsiders after all, so it was inconvenient to talk.

  At this time, although the two felt that Nangong Ling was a little reckless, they could only go out with him.

  A beggar gang took the lead, and the Shaolin, Emei, Kongtong and other factions immediately mobilized, shouting and rushing out.

  Lu XiaoFeng looked at the frenzied crowd, her eyebrows furrowed tightly together.

  Something is wrong!

  Still not right!

  The medicinal power of Shixiang Ruanjinsan is very powerful. Even if they take the antidote, most people still cannot mobilize much internal energy.

  In this case, how to rush out to face the hunting of Mongolian iron cavalry?

  "Could it be that the people behind the scenes are hidden among these people.¨?"


  "Who is the planner behind the scenes?"

  "Does he want all these people to be buried here?"

  Lu XiaoFeng was extremely angry in her heart, but she could only watch helplessly as a group of masters were swept away by the Mongolian iron cavalry.

  "God help me too."

  "These people dare to rush out on their own initiative, they are just courting death."

  "Falun Dafa King Jinlun, Elder Xuanming, Xiaoxiangzi, and Xing Nimo, you should all go up and help out."

  "Disperse the masters of the rivers and lakes who came to rescue, and then break them down."

  Zhao Min calmly commanded.


  Second Elder Xuanming, Falun Gong Jinlun and others responded one after another and rushed away like a Dapeng.

  The Daming Jianghu side was not to be outdone, and the monk Xinjian, Linghuchong, Yaoyue, Lianxing and others all came to meet them.

  "Boom boom boom..."

  A burst of explosions sounded, and the two sides scuffled.

  And in the darkness not far from the battlefield, Shi Fei Xuan and Wei Wei were watching quietly.

  Although the night was dark, it was not in the way for experts like them.

  "This is the must-kill list given by the owner of Tianji, you can keep it."

  "We'll split up for a while."

  "You must kill all these people."

  婠婠 warned carefully.

  If someone is by the side, you can see that Wei is not stepping on the rubble, but is quietly suspended three inches above the ground.

  A pair of jade feet without any package, just like a violent road in the air, crystal clear like snow, seems to be shining.

  The whole person is more like an elves in the night, elegant and mysterious.

  Concubine Shixuan took the list and nodded, but her eyes were looking into the distance, and she thought, "I wonder if it's going well with Shizun?"

  the other side,

  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan are responsible for rescuing the jellyfish Yinji.

  Because the jellyfish Yinji was too powerful, she was not detained in Wan'an Temple, but in another dungeon.

  What's more tricky is that it is the three Mongolian national protection masters who have detained the jellyfish Yinji who are responsible for guarding the dungeon.

  Fortunately, the disciples of Shenshui Palace were not afraid of death and held the three of them with their lives, which gave Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui a chance to enter the dungeon.

  "Jellyfish Yinji, this is the treasure pill given to you by the owner of Tianji, take it quickly."

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