"It's just that you were too careless, or to put it another way, you underestimated our East Factory."

  Wang Ying showed the receipt and shook it in front of Jiang Biehe.

  Jiang Biehe was still at a loss, but Wang Ying didn't give him any further explanation, he just waved his hand:

  "Kill him for me."

  As soon as the voice fell, a group of Dongchang Fanzi immediately shouted and killed them.

  "It's not that easy to kill me."

  At the critical moment, Jiang Biehe also tried his best.

  "Bang bang bang..."

  After some fighting, Jiang Biehe fought his way out and stumbled into the forest.

  He listened quietly for a while, and found that there were no footsteps chasing the soldiers, and then he was relieved, showing a look of happiness.

  Fortunately, he was suspicious by nature and never exposed his true strength in front of others, so he was lucky to break through.

  But it also paid a great price for it. There were at least five stab wounds on both ribs and shoulder blades.

  "What was Wang Ying holding in his hand just now?"

  "Could it be that Yuyan betrayed me?"

  "how can that be?"

  Jiang Biehe adjusted his inner breath by leaning on an ancient tree, and at the same time thought about the matter just now.

  Suddenly, he felt a chill.

  When he was concentrating again, he saw that there was a handsome son in front of him.

  "You, who are you?"

  Jiang Biehe was so frightened that his soul died.

  "Hua Wuque, a disciple of the Hua Palace, is also the son of Jiang Feng who was framed and killed by you."

  Hua Wu Que said coldly.

  Before Jiang Biehe could react, he had already pierced Jiang Biehe's throat with the jade fan in his hand.

  "Father, mother, the child has avenged you."

  Hua Wuque murmured softly, dropped the blood-stained fan, and floated away.


  The night 870 is deeper, and the bright moon hangs high in the sky.

  The Song Dynasty, in the imperial study.

  Emperor Song Zhao Kuangyin quietly listened to the report from his subordinates, his eyes flashing brightly, and he said solemnly:

  "it is good!"

  "What a dynasty martial arts competition!"

  "If you can strengthen the people of the country, why worry about the unhappy Song Dynasty?"

  "This is the best time for my Song Dynasty to rise."

  "This time, at all costs, we must win this competition."

  "Someone, go and call the sunflower manager."

  After a while, a white-haired old eunuch walked in and saluted respectfully, "Meet Your Majesty."

  This person is Zhao Kuangyin's confidant, the eunuch in charge of the Song Dynasty.

  At that time, he used an embroidery needle to press the rivers and lakes across the rivers and lakes, defeating the heroes of various schools.

  "Director Sunflower, take a look at this information."

  After Zhao Kuangyin finished speaking, he ordered the letterhead to be handed over to Ancestor Sunflower.

  Ancestor Sunflower took the letter and glanced at it, and his expression changed slightly.

  "Dynasty martial arts competition, six dynasties choose the second."

  "Being able to choose me in the Song Dynasty is the reflection of His Majesty's martial arts."

  "My Song Dynasty will definitely take this opportunity to overwhelm the major dynasties and dominate the world."

  Sunflower ancestor said loudly and forcefully.


  "Choose two of the six dynasties, this opportunity is really not easy."

  "Because of this, I will never allow this competition to be lost."

  "Unfortunately, the director of Sunflower has entered the realm of heaven and man, otherwise my Song Dynasty will be able to save the next game."

  Zhao Kuangyin said with a little regret.

  [Grand Master List] Only those who are in the Grand Master realm are included. No matter whether they are in the Grand Master realm or the unity of heaven and man, they cannot be included in the list.

  Otherwise, with the unpredictable martial arts attainments of Sunflower Ancestor, he would definitely be able to easily win the opponent.

  Ancestor Sunflower said mournfully: "Your Majesty, although the old slave can't participate in the war, it doesn't mean that the old slave can't take action."

  "What do you mean?" Zhao Kuangyin asked suspiciously.

  "Report to Your Majesty."

  "Dynasty Martial Arts Competition requires both participating parties to be great masters on the list."

  "But what if the Grandmaster died suddenly or was seriously injured before the competition?"

  Ancestor Sunflower said with a gloomy expression.

  "Are you going to assassinate the great master of the Great Sui?"

  Zhao Kuangyin's eyes narrowed, then shook his head and said, "There are also many strong people in the realm of heaven and human beings in the big Sui Jianghu, so don't break the rules of the Jianghu."

  The power of a person in the Heaven and Human Realm is almost a world apart from that of a Grand Master.

  Therefore, there are unwritten rules in the rivers and lakes, and the strong people in the heaven and the human realm are not allowed to shoot at will, let alone disturb the rivers and lakes of other dynasties.

  "Your Majesty taught me."

  "But the military luck of the dynasty is too precious to be lost."

  "If our side falls into an absolute disadvantage, the old slave will not be able to care so much."

  "If this offends the powerful people in the realm of heaven and man in the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes, the old slave is willing to bear the consequences."

  Ancestor Sunflower said firmly.

  Zhao Kuangyin wanted to dissuade him again, but he took it back halfway through.

  He is also a hero.

  If this hegemony competition is really at an absolute disadvantage, it can only be done as Sunflower Ancestor said.

  After all, this is a battle of imperial martial arts, and there is no room for mercy.

  "Will the names of the first group of great masters on the list be announced tomorrow?"

  "Come on, prepare to drive."

  "I want to go to Tianjilou to supervise the battle in person."

  Zhao Kuangyin said solemnly. .

Chapter 118

  Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a new day has come.

  The mist in the early morning was just cool, and the six golden steles were already crowded with high rollers.

  Everyone's faces were full of excited expressions.

  Because today is the day when the new rankings are announced, or the [Great Master Rankings] of the two countries will be announced directly.

  Especially the golden steles in the Great Sui Dynasty and the Great Song Dynasty were crowded with people, and everyone was full of vigor.

  For them, today is not just about watching the fun, but really about their vital interests.

  If they win the dynasty martial arts competition on their own side, then they will all gain huge benefits.

  There has never been a moment that gave them such a strong sense of belonging to the dynasty.

  "Look! Liu Xi's name on the list of behind-the-scenes masterminds has disappeared."

  "It really disappeared. Could it be that Liu Xi is already dead?"

  "Only the dead will be excluded from the [behind-the-scenes black hand list]. It seems that Liu Xi is really dead. I don't know who is so powerful."

  "Haha, Liu Xi, this dog thief, die well!"

  "As soon as this traitor Liu Xi dies, the people of Daming will be able to live a good life."

  "It's no wonder that thousands of miles are clear today. It turns out that Liu Xi died, and auspiciousness has fallen from heaven."

  "Now there is only one Mu Daoren left on the [Black Hand List], this guy is really capable."

  "After all, Daoist Wood is the former head of the Wudang Sect, and he also controls the Ghost Villa. He wants to hide, and it will be difficult for others to find him."


  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes talked about the golden stone tablet.

  As the strongest behind-the-scenes manipulator currently exposed in the [Black Hand List], Liu Xi has touched the minds of many people.

  Especially the challenge rewards on him.

  10000 Tianji points, middle-grade Tianlingdan.

  This is an indescribable treasure that will soar into the sky no matter who gets it.

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