"Among the rivers and lakes, there is a reputation of 'South Murong, North Qiaofeng', and he treats Murong Fu and Qiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang, on an equal footing."

  "Unexpectedly, this person's great reputation is only ranked [-]th in the [Great Grandmaster List]."

  "It can be seen that despite the reputation, it is actually difficult, and I have not been able to learn the true skills of the Murong family."

  "If the old guy from Murong Longcheng knew about this, he would probably vomit blood."

  Ancestor Sunflower said with a smile.

  It was more than [-] years ago when he ran rampant in the arena.

  In the entire Murong family, the only one who could make him look at it was Murong Longcheng.

  Zhao Kuangyin said coldly: "Fortunately, the owner of Tianji was decisive and exposed his true strength, otherwise he would almost make him misunderstand me."

  "Among the remaining two, Qiu Qianren is also very famous, and he is the leader of the Xiangxi Iron Palm Gang."

  "It is said that this person has cultivated the "Iron Palm Art" to the realm of transformation. He is extremely powerful and has defeated many famous masters."

  "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Qiu Qianren's strength is not under the five great masters."

  "With his ability, he was ranked at the bottom."

  "This is enough to see that my Song Dynasty is full of martial arts, and there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in the rivers and lakes."

  Ancestor Sunflower went on to say, holding Zhao Kuangyin without a trace.

  Zhao Kuangyin nodded slightly, and frowned again: "What about Duan Yanqing, who is ranked [-]th in the [Great Master List]? What is the origin of this person?"

  Ancestor Sunflower said: "This person's name is really not recorded by the Imperial City Division, and most of them are hidden masters."

  "To be able to hold Murong Fu's head down, he must be quite capable." Zhao Kuangyin replied.

  Another private room.

  Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong looked at each other, surprised by the three rankings announced.

  "I didn't expect that Gusu Murong Fu had such a big name, but it was actually flashy."

  "The so-called 'Nan Murong, Bei Qiaofeng' was probably made up by him to put gold on his face."

  Hong Qigong said angrily.

  Qiao Feng sighed, but people who were as famous as him only had this level, which made him speechless.

  "Let's listen to the comments of the owner of Tianji, maybe there is something hidden in it."

  Qiao Feng can only say so,


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen ignored the miscellaneous discussions below and said plainly:

  "Next, the landlord will comment on the three newly promoted masters as usual."

  As soon as these words came out, the hall immediately fell silent.

  They have too many doubts.

  For example, where did Duan Yanqing come from?

  For example, why is Murong Fu's ranking so low.

  For example, Qiu Qianren's martial arts are comparable to the five great masters, why is he only ranked at the bottom.

  These can only be answered by the omniscient Tianji landlord.

  "The twenty-first in the Great Song [Great Master List], Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang."

  "Qiu Qianren is proficient in Iron Palm and Qinggong. He is known as 'Iron Palm Floating on Water'. In his life, he has defeated countless enemies."

  "At the time of 'Huashan on the Sword', great masters from all walks of life were widely invited to gather at the top of Huashan, and Qiu Qianren was also invited to 870."

  "In order to test martial arts, Qiu Qianren once fought against the Dali Emperor Duan Zhixing, and was defeated by more than [-] moves."

  "In order to get rid of Duan Zhixing as a competitor, Qiu Qianren wounded the children of Duan Zhixing and the imperial concubine Ying Gu with one palm."

  "This palm contains the power of iron palm, and it must be rescued by "Yangzhi", and the power will be damaged because of this."

  "But because the baby was not Duan Zhixing's own, Duan Zhixing didn't want to lose his skills to rescue him before 'Huashan Lunjian', and watched the baby die in Yinggu's arms."

  "Because of this, Duan Zhixing resigned as the emperor of Dali after participating in 'Huashan Lunjian' and became a monk, which is now Master Yideng."


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen slowly recited this past incident, which immediately caused an uproar.

  "What? What else?"

  "It turns out that Qiu Qianren and the master Yideng of the five greats fought against each other, and they were defeated in less than a hundred moves. It can be seen that they are one step behind the great masters of the five greats."

  "This is a case to be solved. Qiu Qianren didn't participate in the 'Huashan Lun Jian', not because of an emergency, but because he knew he was no match and didn't want to make a fool of himself."

  "Thinking back then, there were countless people who complained about Qiu Qianren, saying that when Qiu Qianren came, he would definitely squeeze out one of the five great masters. It seems ridiculous now."

  "The five great masters are not at the top of the Song Dynasty, but Qiu Qianren is one of the best. They are ranked at the bottom of the [Great Master List], which is reasonable."

  "The Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing suddenly became a monk, which shocked everyone. The real reason was this."

  "It's too bad. I didn't expect the dignified Emperor Dali to be happy to be a father. I don't know who is so bold."

  "After Yang Dingtian, the leader of the Ming sect, Master Yideng has also turned green. It can be seen that people in all corners of the world should not marry wives."

  "I think Yang Dingtian is okay. Master Yideng is really miserable. He is the emperor of Dali, but even his children belong to others."

  "Even peerless figures like Yang Dingtian and Master Yideng are inevitably green, so I'm relieved."

  "Brother, are you green too? Tell your story."


  No one thought that the owner of Tianji would expose such a past incident.

  These words have solved many of the mysteries of the year.

  For example, why didn't Qiu Qianren participate in 'Huashan Lunjian'.

  Another example is why the Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing suddenly became a monk.

  The truth is beyond belief.

  The only regret is that everyone could not know the identity of that daring and green master.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen continued after a brief pause:

  "The [-]th place in the Great Song Dynasty [Great Master List], Murong Fu from the Murong family in Gusu."

  "Murong Fu's main practice is the three unique skills inherited from the Murong family, "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", "Dragon City Sword Art", "Shen He Zhi", but they are only in the realm of small success."

  "In order to show the Murong family's reputation of 'using his own way and giving his own body', Murong Fu dived into the martial arts of various schools, and there are no less than hundreds of complicated exercises."

  "In order to integrate these messy martial arts, Murong Fu intends to contrive the "Book of Changes of Tendons" of the Shaolin School"

  "The ancestors of the Murong family had Xianbei blood, and their ancestors built (cabc) to establish the 'Yan Kingdom', so Murong Fu was determined to revive the Yan Kingdom since he was a child."

  "I once entered the 'Ten Thousand Immortals Conference' by mistake, and fought fiercely with the masters of the thirty-six caves and the masters of the seventy-two islands under the command of the Tianshan Spirit Vulture Palace."


  This part of the content is the focus of the attention of all corners of the scene.

  They want to know why this famous and scary Murong Fu is ranked so low.

  After listening to the description of the owner of Tianji, everyone has a feeling of getting rid of the fog in their hearts.

  "Is that what the so-called 'the way of the other is, and the body of the other'?"

  "Oh my God! Murong Fu has literally lost the face of the Murong family."

  "My good fellow, it's actually like this kind of 'in the way of others, but also in the body', doesn't it mean that the Murong family has collected various martial arts?"

  "When Murong Bo was rampant in the world back then, his unique skills of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" were earth-shattering. It was the real 'to use the other's way and give the other's body back'. Murong Fu had gone astray."

  "Murong Fu's name is astonishing, but in reality, he has no record of battles to be commended. I have never heard of these thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands."

  "It's too embarrassing, it's a shame that I admired Murong Fu so much before, what a piece of shit!"

  "Let's not practice the Sanmen family's legendary martial arts, but instead practice those miscellaneous martial arts.

  "The Sanmen family doesn't practice the Chuan Shen Gong, but still thinks about the supreme Shen Gong of the Shaolin School, The Book of Changes, I'm really convinced."


  All the big players in the rivers and lakes sighed with embarrassment, and had a kind of hatred for Murong Fu.

  Born in a Murong aristocratic family, he possesses three world-shattering divine arts, but in the end he doesn't practice well, which is simply a waste of life.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Zhao Kuangyin sneered: "Reviving the Yan Kingdom, this Murong Fu's brain is really not very good, and he still has such a daydream."

  "Your Majesty is wise."

  "The Murong family's 'Take the way of the other side, and give the other side's body', refers to the practice of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" to a high level, using strength to fight, and responding to all changes with the same, very subtle martial arts,"

  "This Murong Fu thinks that it is a fusion of hundreds of martial arts, and responds to all changes with ten thousand changes. It's like a joke."

  "It's no wonder that such a stupid person would have a daydream like reviving the Yan Kingdom."

  Ancestor Sunflower said with a smile.

  Neither of them took Murong Fu's aspirations seriously.

  Although the Song Dynasty is weak, the hearts of the people are still united.

  Not to mention the Murong family that is now almost withering, even when the Yan Kingdom was in full bloom, the Song Dynasty could also be wiped out.

  "The [-]th place in the Great Song Dynasty [Great Master List], Yanqing, the first of the four villains."

  "Duan Yanqing was originally the crown prince of the Dali Kingdom, and he refined "One Yang Finger" and "Duan Family Swordsmanship" with superb martial arts."

  "When he was young, he was persecuted by traitors and escaped from the palace."

  "Later, he was besieged by strong enemies, his face was completely destroyed, his legs were disabled, and he could only communicate in ventriloquism."

  "I wanted to die, but I happened to meet Dao Baifeng, the princess of Dali Zhennan, and had a relationship with him. I thought that Guanyin came to the world and saved all living beings, so I regained my faith."

  "Now he is the first of the four villains in the Song Dynasty, and the people in the rivers and lakes call him 'evil is full of evil'."

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