"Young master taught me."

  Arjun could only bow his head and admit his mistake.


  "It's past noon now."

  "Presumably Tianjilou's Great Song [Great Master List] has been announced."

  "Young master, which characters do you think will be on the list?"

  Abi, who was on the side, felt distressed for Azhu, and quickly changed the subject.


  "Today's announcement is only the end of the [Great Master List], and it is not worthy of this young master's attention."

  "When will it be announced to the top ten, it will not be too late to pay attention."

  Murong Fu said dismissively.


  "The [-]th place in the Great Song [Great Master List], Murong Fu."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 1500 Sky Points."

  "You have obtained a low-grade earth elixir (a elixir with abundant spiritual power, after taking it, it can greatly increase the internal power of a master in the great master state)"


Chapter 120


  "Who is speaking?"

  In the pavilion, Murong Fu Fang was in chaos, looking around.

  But not a single figure could be seen.

  Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he suddenly widened his eyes.

  Could it be that the voice just now came from Tianjilou?

  Is he on the [Great Master List]?

  How many are there?

  Seems like... the twentieth.

  Murong Fu's face suddenly became extremely ugly, three points of embarrassment and seven points of anger were intertwined, making the three girls onlookers feel a burst of surprise.

  "Cousin, what happened?"

  Wang Yuyan asked curiously, it was the first time she saw Murong Fu with such a weird expression.


  Murong Fu opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

  What can he say.

  I just finished saying that the end of the [Great Master List] is not worth paying attention to, but he was on the list in a blink of an eye.

  Still the [-]th lowest.

  This face slap was too fast and too ruthless, and it slapped his face directly.

  Qiu Qianren, like Murong Fu, is not worthy of the name.

  The two are different.

  Qiu Qianren knew a lot about himself, but Murong Fu really thought he was very powerful.

  Therefore, Murong Fu could not accept this ranking at all.


  After a period of repression, Murong Fu threw the long sword on the ground and left without looking back.

  He is now faceless.


  At the same time, the Song Dynasty, Dali, and Wuliangxia.

  Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan, and Yun Zhonghe were quickly walking towards the distant city tower.


  "Duan Yanqing is the [-]th place in the Great Song [Great Master List]."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 1500 Sky Points."

  "You have obtained a low-grade Earth Spirit Pill."

  Duan Yanqing, who was wearing a tattered shirt and leaning on a cane, suddenly stopped, his eyes flashing brightly.

  "Boss, what happened?"

  Yun Zhonghe saw Duan Yanqing's abnormality and asked immediately.

  Duan Yanqing didn't speak, but his voice sounded for no reason: "I'm on the [Great Grandmaster Ranking] and ranked [-]th."


  Ye Erniang, Yue Laosan, and Yun Zhonghe exclaimed in surprise.

  "Tianjilou is really powerful. Boss, you have hidden it so deeply that you have been discovered."

  Yue Laosan said with his eyes wide open.

  Erniang Ye held the baby she got from nowhere and asked, "Then are we still going as planned?"


  "All the great masters who are on the [Great Master List] must participate in the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition."

  "Before that, don't make extras."

  Duan Yanqing said in ventriloquism.

  "But Zhong Wanqiu's deposit has been paid. If we don't do things, won't we break the rules?"

  Yue Laosan said seriously.

  It turned out that Zhong Wanqiu saw the 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Ping' and knew that Zhong Ling was not his biological daughter, so he was furious.

  But he didn't dare to get angry with Gan Baobao and Zhong Ling, so he could only pour his anger on Duan Zhengchun, the southern king of Dali Town.

  The problem is that he can't beat Duan Zhengchun either.

  In the end, Zhong Wanqiu came up with a plan, that is, to spend money to hire Duan Yanqing and others to assassinate Duan Zhengchun.

  Yun Zhonghe sneered and said, "We are all wicked people, we still need to obey the rules?"

  "The wicked must have the rules of the wicked."

  Yue Laosan said very seriously.

  "The deposit was returned to Zhong Wanqiu, and it was said that this task was not done."

  "During this time, you can do your own activities."

  "Old man, I want to find a place to retreat and wait for the hegemony competition to come."

  After Duan Yanqing finished speaking, his figure suddenly flashed and disappeared.

  Ye Erniang looked around for a week, but couldn't find Duan Yanqing's figure, she couldn't help but said in surprise, "I'm afraid the strength of the boss is higher than what we know."

  Yun Zhonghe squinted his eyes and said, "I heard that if I win the Dynasty Martial Arts Tournament, there will be other rewards from Tianjilou. The boss is afraid that this time, he will rise to the top."

  "Then you have to win."

  Yue Laosan said very frankly.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  In the hall, various discussions and noises were mixed together, most of which were about the just-announced secret rewards.

  "It turned out to be the Earth Spirit Pill again. This is the best reward for the Grandmaster."

  "This is a spiritual pill that can improve the cultivation of the Great Master Realm. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine pill."

  "I remember that the owner of Tianji said before that a low-grade Earth Spirit Pill can directly raise a martial artist in the early stage of the Great Master Realm by one rank."

  "Doesn't that mean that this little Earth Spirit Pill is enough to be worth the years of hard work by those great masters? It's really envious of others."

  "I don't know if anyone will challenge these great masters on the list this time. If you are lucky enough to win, you will get two Earth Spirit Pills."

  "I heard that the Dynasty Martial Arts Tournament is divided into seven games. The winner of each game can get rich rewards. I don't know what it will be."

  "Why don't you ask? Since 'rich' is mentioned, it must be a priceless treasure."


  Private room on the third floor.

  Yang Guang listened to these people talking about the great master of martial arts in the Song Dynasty, and suddenly couldn't sit still, and said:

  "Master Tianji, Da Song's [Great Master List] has been announced. It's our turn, Da Sui."

  As soon as these words came out, all the big players in the rivers and lakes of the Sui Dynasty all agreed.

  The birth of the Great Song [Great Master List] just now was like a mirror that revealed the old background of the three great masters on the list.

  They also want to see what the level of these great masters of martial arts in the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes are, and whether there are any scumbags.

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