Although he said it indifferently, there was actually no mixed feelings in his heart.

  For a long time, he considered himself to be a master beyond the world, using the common people as chess pieces, and scrolling the world situation.

  But the sound transmission from Tianjilou just hit his sense of superiority.

  His so-called chess for the common people has long been seen by others, and it is likely that every detail is clear.

  More importantly, within the scope of Daming alone, there are still two people whose layout is above him.

  This made Xiang from the arrogant intellect a little unacceptable.

  Although, he has not seriously planned a layout for a long time, just making the best use of the situation.

  But even so, he couldn't accept that someone was stronger than him.

  "Island owner, it is said that Tianjilou has unpredictable abilities, and knows everything about the world."

  "Since the island owner has been on the list, our various layouts may also be exposed."

  "What shall we do now?"

  In the hall, a group of famous rivers and lakes could not sit still.

  For a long time, they have always taken Wu Ming as their backbone and obeyed Wu Ming's dispatch in everything.

  Although they have a great reputation in the arena, but because of their long-term dependence on Wu Ming, they actually do not have a strong ability to make independent decisions.

  At this time, I suddenly encountered such a big change, and I immediately panicked.

  "What a panic!"

  "Even if the owner of Tianji is very powerful, when have you seen him end in person?"

  "Even if we are on the [Behind-the-Scenes Black Hand List], we are not trying to be the enemy of Tianjilou."

  "With your strength, even if the secret is known, how many people can do anything to you...¨?"

  Wu Ming said in a cold voice.

  These words reminded everyone.

  That's right!

  They didn't want to be the enemy of Tianjilou.

  All along, Tianjilou has only done rankings and exposure.

  The ones who really do it are all the experts in all corners of the world.

  As long as they are stronger than these arena experts, they are naturally not afraid of encountering unexpected events.

  For a time, many members of the organization were relieved.

  Wu Ming flipped his palm, took out a delicate jade box, and handed it the beef soup.

  "This is the top-quality Earth Spirit Pill rewarded by Tianjilou. It contains abundant Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, which can help the martial artist in the later stage of the Grand Master to go further."

  "You go and give this pill to Gong Jiu, let him immediately retreat and refine it, and raise his cultivation to the peak of the Great Master Realm."

  "This time the Invisible Man organization is on the list, and various layouts should be exposed one by one."

  "Gong Jiu conspired to usurp the throne to become the King of Taiping, and his goal is also the biggest."

  "If you have the cultivation base of the peak of the great master, you should be safer."

  Wu Ming said slowly.

  The top-grade Earth Spirit Pill is a supreme treasure to others, but it is of no use to him.

  After explaining Gong Jiu, Wu Ming looked at the people in the hall again, and said plainly:

  "You all go back and prepare."

  "I will assist you when necessary."

  "But whether you can survive this difficulty depends on your own good fortune."

  After saying this, there was a moment of whispering in the hall.

  Although everyone was in a panic, they knew Wu Ming's unique temperament. After talking, they could only leave.

  Looking at the back of everyone leaving, Wu Ming, who has always been cynical, showed a serious look for the first time.

  "I don't know what the identity of the two behind-the-scenes men above me are."

  Wu Ming murmured, his eyes were more serious than ever.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  After hearing the secret reward for the third place in the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List], all the high rollers went crazy.

  "Oh my God! The third place in the [Black Hand List] can get the best Earth Spirit Pill. Isn't this reward too generous?"

  "The third place will be rewarded with the top-quality Earth Spirit Pill, so wouldn't the first and second place directly get the Heavenly Spirit Pill?"

  "It's crazy! I have a hunch that the last few of the [Black Hand List] are beyond the scope of the Great Master Realm."

  "Yes, according to the description of the owner of Tianji, this little old man Wu Ming is so powerful that most of them have reached the realm of unity between heaven and man."

  "The mastermind behind the realm of the unity of heaven and man, it is terrifying to think about it."

  ""The Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth", this magical art seems to be very powerful."

  "It goes without saying that this is the challenge reward for the third place in the [Black Hand List], I don't know who can get it."

  "If I can get this heavenly reward, won't I be able to soar into the sky?"

  "Brother, how many drinks have you had, so drunk?"


  Private room on the third floor.

  Emperor Ming Zhu Houzhao's face turned green, he never expected to hear so many secrets.

  "What a king of Taiping. In order to usurp the throne, he turned to some invisible man organization, and I lost all the face of my Zhu family."

  "When I go back, I must submit an edict, withdraw his title, and take back all his fiefs."

  "And that Nanping County King, who even dared to steal the secret treasure "Xingxie Sword Manual" treasured by the royal family, he was extremely daring."

  "If I don't punish him severely, how will the law of the Great Ming survive?"

  "And what is the Minister of Rites, he is a civil servant, and he even joined the Invisible Man Organization!"

  "After I go back, I will definitely put him in a big prison and use all kinds of torture tools on him."

  Zhu Houzhao kept shooting the table and roaring.

  Cao Zhengchun on the side also broke out in a cold sweat.

  The layout of this invisible man organization is too deep, and there are so many hidden piles in the imperial court.

  Fortunately, this man is indifferent to fame and fortune.

  If he really has a plan to let these dark piles work together, the consequences are really unimaginable.

  "Your Majesty, the power of this invisible man organization in the imperial court is scattered everywhere, you must not act arrogantly."

  "For example, the Taiping Palace Jiu, who has usurped the throne for so many years, should have taken control of the real power."

  "You want to take back his king's title and his fief now, aren't you forcing him to rebel?"

  "Don't forget, he is not an ordinary prince, but a vassal king who controls one side."

  "Once you let him jump over the wall, it will endanger the society of the Ming Dynasty."

  Cao Zhengchun carefully analyzed Zhu Houzhao.

  Having said that, Zhu Houzhao also frowned.

  Troubled vassal kings have been the most troublesome thing for the imperial court since ancient times.

  Thinking that he couldn't handle the ambitious person Gong Jiu for a while, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but get even more angry.

  "Your Majesty, the servant wants to take the liberty to ask, what exactly is this "Xingxie Sword Manual"?"

  After all, Cao Zhengchun couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked directly.

  As a royal family, in charge of the world, he has always disdained all kinds of magic tricks.

  However, there has always been a copy of "Xingxie Sword Manual" in the collection of the Daming royal family, and it is listed as the highest treasure and protected layer by layer.

  If it is said that this is the top swordsmanship, no one in the royal family is practicing.

  If it was just a decoration, why did the Nanping County King deliberately steal it?


  "This "Xingxie Sword Manual" was left by the late emperor."

  "Before his death, the old man asked me to keep it safe and not to look at it."

  "So I still don't know what the content of "Xingxie Sword Manual" is."

  Zhu Houzhao didn't hide it, he said it directly.

  In fact, all along, Zhu Houzhao didn't take "Xingxie Sword Manual" seriously at all until he was stolen from the palace.

  Only then did he feel that there were secrets hidden in this "Xingxie Sword Manual".

  It's a pity that now the sword manual has been stolen, he just can't read it if he wants to.

  "Lord Tianji, I've heard the secrets of the Daming Royal Family's "Xingxie Sword Manual" for a long time, what exactly is recorded in it?"

  "Then since Nanping County King joined the Invisible Man Organization, he should have no shortage of peerless magic. Why did he go to great lengths to steal the "Xingxie Sword Manual"?"

  In the hall, there are high-ranking guests in the rivers and lakes shouting, expressing everyone's doubts.

  Even Zhu Houzhao, who was in the private room on the third floor, hurried to the railing when he heard this, wanting to hear the exposure of the owner of Tianji.

  Now that "Xingxie Sword Manual" is in the hands of Nanping County King, only the owner of Tianji can solve his doubts.

  "The "Xingxie Sword Manual" is strictly kept. The King of Nanping joined the Invisible Man organization in order to steal this thing."

  "In order to successfully steal the "Xingxie Sword Manual", the Prince of Nanping not only established the famous Blood Clothes Hall, but also made various layouts."

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