One-third of the heritage of Daming Jianghu was completely evaporated in that battle.

  Especially those who participated in the rescue plan, such as Yaoyue, Lianxing, Zhang Wuji, and Xinjian, who were in the private room on the third floor, were gnashing their teeth with hatred.

  They desperately went to Mongolia to rescue them, but they were caught in the trap of Wuhua and Nangongling.

  It made them all feel like they were being tricked.

  Even more frightening is that.

  If it weren't for the exposure of the master of Tianji, with the talent of the flowerless monk, there is a high probability that he would become the head of the Shaolin sect.

  At that time, the Shaolin faction is likely to be like the beggar gang, and it will gradually disappear after deliberate consumption again and again.

  Thinking of this, everyone has a shuddering feeling.

  Wu Hua and Nangong Ling are certainly scary.

  But with the means of the two of them, it is absolutely impossible to create a catastrophe like the battle of Wudang Jinding.

  Wu Ming!

  Wu Ming, leader of the Invisible Man Organization!

  This person hidden behind Wuhua and Nangongling is the most terrifying one.

  From beginning to end, Wu Ming did not appear in any layout.

  But Wu Hua and Nangong Ling's actions all have Wu Ming's shadow behind them.

  It seems that they are avenging their father and mother.

  In fact, they are just chess pieces in Wu Ming's hands, a tool for Wu Ming to play the world.

  Private room on the third floor.


  Qiao Feng slapped the table abruptly and shouted, "This damn Nangong Ling is so vicious that even I was deceived by him."

  Qiao Feng felt ashamed when he thought that he supported Nangong Ling as the head of the Beggar Gang.

  In the battle of Wudang Jinding, the masters of the beggar gang were almost dead.

  If it is a normal fight in the rivers and lakes, that's all.

  Now that it is revealed that Nangong Ling is behind the scenes, it is completely different.

  Qiao Feng felt that he had a great responsibility and was sorry for the beggar gang disciples who died in the Golden Summit of Wudang.

  Another private room.

  Lu XiaoFeng was also immersed in this tragic truth.

  After personally understanding the hatred that Monk Wuhua bears, his feelings for this old friend also became very complicated.

  Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and he noticed something was wrong.

  "Lord Tianji, Lu Xiaofeng has something unknown."

  "Just now you exposed that the mother of the flowerless monk, Li Qi, is the only descendant of the Huangshan Sword Sect that was wiped out."

  "She gave birth to Wuhua and Nangongling with Tianfeng Shirou, and then disappeared without a trace."

  "The so-called 'return to the Central Plains for revenge, but the result is not enough strength' is just Tianfeng Shirou's guess."

  "Then Lu Xiaofeng wants to ask, where did this Li Qi go?"

  Lu XiaoFeng couldn't hide things in his heart, so he directly asked the doubts.

  This question also caught everyone's eyes.


  They actually ignored this just now, subconsciously thinking that Li Qi was killed in revenge.

  Now that I think about it, there is no evidence at all, everything is just Tianfeng Shirou's guess.

  This Li Qi is undoubtedly a key figure, and also the beginning of the whole incident.

  It was she who gave birth to Wu Hua and Nangong Ling.

  It was also she who led Tianfeng Shirou to the Central Plains.

  It's her death that makes Wuhua and Nangongling become devils who only want revenge.

  Such an important person, but only ends with the words 'farewell without a word', which is really unacceptable to everyone.

  Intuition tells them that the disappearance of this Li Qi is not simple.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen cast an admiring look at Lu Xiaofeng, and said solemnly, "Next, the landlord will expose the real truth."


  All the big players in the rivers and lakes were taken aback.

  The real truth?

  Then what was the owner of Tianji exposed just now?

  Some smart people have already understood, and the fear in their eyes has deepened by three points.

  Clearly, this is a truth hidden behind a 'truth'.

  What the landlord of Tianji exposed just now was actually the information that Wuhua and Nangongling came into contact with.

  They think this is the truth of what happened back then, so they hold grudges and intend to subvert Daming Jianghu for revenge.

  And what Tianjizhu is about to expose is a real secret that even Wuhua and Nangongling don't know.

  Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, for fear of missing the slightest detail.

  Under everyone's attention, Feng Chen slowly opened his mouth:

  "Li Qi did return to the Central Plains and launched a revenge plan, but she did not die."

  "Before she went to Dongying, she used the pseudonym 'Shi Qi', worshipped Master Wuhen as her teacher, and practiced the martial arts "Tianwu Nerve" that no one dared to practice on the arena."

  "During a few years in Dongying, she also learned Dongying martial arts, and cultivated "Tianwu Nerve" to the realm of great achievement, and her cultivation has reached an unfathomable realm."

  "After returning to the Central Plains, Li Qi personally climbed Mount Huashan and killed the only remaining seven kendo elders of the Huashan Sword Sect. From then on, the Huashan Sword Sect never recovered."

  "In the next few years, Li Qi changed his name to Shi Guanyin and ran rampant in the Daming Jianghu, defeating the heads of various factions, intending to dominate the martial arts."


  Hearing this, a group of gangsters once again showed shock.

  As expected, this Li Qi did not die. Not only did he succeed in revenge, he even wanted to dominate the martial arts.


  Private room on the third floor.

  Linghu Chong frowned and said, "Lord Tianji, why have I never heard of a person named Shi Guanyin in Jianghu?"

  This remark immediately received a lot of responses.

  Don't say he hadn't heard of it, almost none of the gangsters present knew the name 'Shi Guanyin'.

  If Shi Guanyin really dominates the martial arts, even if it happened decades ago, there should be some legends left behind.

  "the reason is simple."

  "Shi Guanyin's ambitions were not long in the beginning, and he suffered a tragic defeat."

  "This defeat gave her a huge fear. From then on, she escaped from the desert and dared not set foot in the Central Plains again."

  "The person who expelled her is the jellyfish Yinji, the master of the Shenshui Palace."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the jellyfish Yinji in the private room on the third floor.

  No one knows that there is still such a secret in the arena.

  The jellyfish Yinji, the master of the Shenshui Palace, once expelled the ambitious Shi Guanyin for Daming Jianghu.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Jellyfish Yinji's expression changed slightly and calmly said:

  "There was indeed a woman named Shi Guanyin who was defeated by me back then. I didn't expect that she was Li Qi, the orphan of the Huangshan Sword Sect who was exterminated."

  With the status of the jellyfish Yinji, I do not know how many peerless masters have been defeated. (cabc)

  A mere Shi Guanyin, she didn't take it to heart at all, let alone say it out to show off.

  As for those sect leaders who were defeated by Shi Guanyin, they would not take the initiative to expose scandals.

  In this way, it is understandable that Shi Guanyin's reputation is not obvious.

  Another private room.

  Lu XiaoFeng's eyes twitched quickly.

  As he expected, Li Qi did not die back then, and he succeeded in revenge.

  As a result, the reason why Tianfeng Shirou came to the Central Plains to avenge Li Qi was unreasonable.


  Lu XiaoFeng had a flash of inspiration again, and said loudly, "Master Tianji, could it be that Feng Shishilang was also a member of the Invisible Man organization that day?"

  This sentence can be described as earth-shattering.

  Everyone present was a little confused.

  Shirou Tianfeng, this person who died not long after entering the Daming Jianghu, how could he be a member of the Invisible Man Organization?

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly: "Yes, Wu Ming first took a fancy to Tianfeng Shirou, and the layout of everything started from this."


  In the hall, everyone could not help but take a deep breath.

  Things seem to be getting more complicated.

  Many people feel that there seems to be a larger layout on top of the behind-the-scenes layout of the Battle of Wudang Jinding.

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