
  Strictly speaking, it should be three-party forces, as well as a group of red-clothed swordsmen under the big boss.

  These red-clothed swordsmen are all elite masters under the big boss.

  Originally, I came here to find a way back, but when I saw the posture of the other two forces, I was immediately frightened.

  Divine Sword Villa.

  Jiangnan Qixingtang!

  Compared with these two behemoths, the big boss immediately had to become a small loach.

  Not to mention, they are the subordinates of these big bosses.

  "Well, you seem to have something to discuss, so we won't bother."

  The leading swordsman said embarrassedly, and then made a look.

  A group of red-clothed swordsmen immediately left the thatched hut in despair.

  This time, there are really two forces left.

  One side is the Divine Sword Villa force headed by Xie Wangsun.

  The other side is the Jiangnan Qixingtang forces headed by Murong Qiudi.

  After learning that Xie Xiaofeng was in Liuzhou Sludge Lane, the two forces immediately started a carpet-like search.

  Because there are so many places with names like 'Sludge Lane'.

  I didn't expect to find this place at the same time.

  "Niece Murong, when Xie Xiaofeng left you behind his back, my Divine Sword Villa should take full responsibility."

  "But Xie Xiaofeng is the third young master of Divine Sword Villa after all."

  "The old man must first bring it back to the villa to worship the ancestors."

  "When everything is settled properly, the old man will take him to the door to apologize in person."

  "It's up to Murong's niece to decide whether to kill, cut, or punish."

  Xie Wangsun, the owner of Divine Sword Villa, said in a deep voice.

  Murong Qiudi wore a large snow velvet cloak, which brought out her icy muscles and bones, and her face was crystal clear,

  She didn't reply to Xie Wangsun's words, but looked at the door of the thatched cottage, and said plainly, "Xie Xiaofeng, do you still want to see me?"

  After an unknown time, Xie Xiaofeng finally came out of the thatched hut.

  He was still dressed in tatters, but he had regained the temperament of the Third Young Master of the Sword God. At first glance, it made people feel adored.

  "Xiaofeng, you are really alive, it's great, it's great..."

  Xie Wangsun was excited with tears in his eyes, without any accusation, he just asked his men to give Xie Xiaofeng brocade clothes and jade clothes.

  Putting on the brocade clothes, Xie Xiaofeng walked straight to Murong Qiudi.

  The two looked at each other.

  "You go back to Qixingtang with me now, I can forgive you." Murong Qiudi said lightly.

  Xie Xiaofeng shook his head, took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Murong Qiudi.

  "There is a Jiuyin Xuantian Pill here, which is a reward given to me by Tianjilou."

  "This pill contains abundant Nine Yin Qi, after taking it, it can greatly improve the internal strength cultivation base, and there is a [-]% chance to obtain the Nine Yin Spirit Body."

  "Now, I'll give it to you."

  Xie Xiaofeng said in a low voice.

  Murong Qiudi glanced at the jade box, and said coldly, "Do you think this can offset the shame you brought me?"

  "The matter between the two of us can be calculated slowly in the future."

  "I just hope that after I leave, you don't embarrass Big Brother Miao's family."

  Xie Xiaofeng shook his head again and said.

  "It seems that you don't plan to go back to Qixingtang with me."

  "Xie Xiaofeng, this is the last chance I gave you, but unfortunately you didn't take it."


  Murong Qiudi said simply and neatly, turned around and left.

  But Xie Xiaofeng came to her in a flash and handed over the jade box again.

  Xie Xiaofeng knew very well that if Murong Qiudi was not allowed to accept the Jiuyin Xuantian Pill, the doll's family would surely die.

  Murong Qiudi is such a domineering and ruthless woman, an iceberg and snow lotus that no one can conquer.

  This was something he knew a long time ago, so he chose to leave.

  The two faced each other for a while, and Murong Qiudi finally accepted the jade box.

  "Xie Xiaofeng, you owe me one more time."

  After Murong Qiudi finished speaking, she had no more nostalgia and left with the masters of Qixingtang.


  Time flies, and night falls in a blink of an eye.

  The Tianji Building was closed as usual, and countless tycoons from the rivers and lakes could only disperse in a hurry.

  Soon, the events that happened in Tianjilou today were spread in various state capitals and restaurants.

  [Behind the scenes black hand list] The update of the third place, the terrifying layout of the little old man Wu Ming agitated countless people.

  In the 'Battle of the Peak', Dugu Qiuwei and Da Sui Jiansheng's successive shots, crushing defeating the Goguryeo master Yijian Cailin, made people feel more proud.

  All in all, there is too much to talk about.

  A restaurant in Jiangzhou Prefecture is also brightly lit and very lively.

  Countless gangsters sat in different seats, talking about what happened in Tianjilou.

  But no one paid attention. In a remote corner, two men wearing bamboo hats have been listening intently.

  After all, there are too many people dressed like this in Jianghu.

  This kind of person is either carrying a secret, or has an enemy outside, or is performing a covert mission, and cannot show his true face.

  In short, no matter what it is, it is not easy to provoke, and no one will meddle in their own business to provoke them.

  But if someone lifts the hats on their heads, they will be shocked.

  Because these two people are one of the focuses of their discussion.

  Shaolin monk without flowers.

  Nangong Ling, the leader of the Beggar Gang.

  "Hey! Who would have thought that the Battle of Jinding in Wudang was planned behind the scenes, and he was still a famous flowerless monk."

  "This Wuhua and Nangongling can really endure it. It took [-] years to fight for Wudang Jinding. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can do."

  "Unfortunately, there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside the sky. Wu Hua and Nangong Ling thought they were plotting against others, but they were actually just pawns for others.. 0"

  "So to say that Wu Ming can be ranked third in the [Black Hand List], this person's calculations are too vicious, and even if I want to break his head, he is not one ten thousandth as good as him."

  "Speaking of which, Wu Ming is the real murderer who killed Shirou Tianfeng, right? Although Shirou Tianfeng took the initiative to die."

  "Thanks to the owner of Tianji, who is familiar with the Three Realms, that Wu Ming was exposed, otherwise I would not be able to sleep well."

  "But what if it's exposed? This Wu Ming is even more powerful than Liu Xi. He lives on an isolated island overseas, and his martial arts are unfathomable. I'm afraid no one will dare to deal with him."

  "Don't talk about Wu Ming, it's Gong Jiu who was trained by him. Now he's a vassal king, who can deal with it?"

  "There is also the Prince of Nanping. His blood-clothed hall is also famous, and it is three points more powerful than the Tsing-yilou back then."

  "Only Wu Ming's subordinates are so troublesome, let alone Wu Ming himself."


  Listening to the discussions of a group of gangsters,

  Nangong Reiki slapped the table vigorously.

  It turns out that he has always been a clown, at the mercy of others!

  Wuhua's face is also ugly, he prides himself on his ingenuity, and he prides himself that everything is in his plan.

  Only now did I know that what he did was planned by Wu Ming long ago, and he was just a puppet controlled by Wu Ming.

  "Brother! This matter must not be let go! Let's go to Wu Ming to discuss it clearly!"

  Nangong Ling said bitterly.


  "Now that we have become traitors of Shaolin and the Beggar Gang, and even a public enemy of martial arts, what can we do to fight Wu Ming?"

  "We wouldn't even be able to find the location of the invisible island without Wu Ming's guidance."

  Wuhua said very quietly.


  Only then did Nangong Ling realize how profound Wu Ming's realm was.

  Even if they were angry to the extreme, they still couldn't help Wu Ming.

  "Then what should we do now? We can't hide in the east all the time, can we?"

  Nangong Ling said depressedly.

  "Go to the great desert! The owner of Tianji said that our mother, Shi Guanyin, is in the great desert, so let's go to her."

  Wuhua quickly made a decision.

  "Okay, I'll listen to you."

  Nangong Ling nodded heavily.

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