An Long immediately stood up vigilantly and assumed a defensive stance.

  This is the depths of the ancient temple, there is absolutely no possibility of a yin wind pouring in, someone must have entered.

  But he looked around, but there was no one figure in the small space.

  "Am I being over-hearted?"

  Anlong thought to himself, and gradually let down his guard.


  Just then, he was tapped lightly on the shoulder.

  This time, he almost frightened his soul out, and quickly turned his head to look.

  I saw a slender man standing less than two feet behind him.

  This man had gray hair on his temples and a grimace mask on his face, looking extremely evil.

  But Anlong breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully saluted: "It turns out that the evil king is here, and Anlong has lost his way to welcome him."

  Having said that, he was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that Shi Zhixuan's body technique had been cultivated to such an extent that it was almost ghostly.

  Thinking of what happened just now, Ruo Shi Zhixuan intends to kill him, just because he is already dead.

  "Why are you hiding here?"

  Shi Zhixuan said in a hoarse voice.

  An Long said with a bitter face: "The Evil King has vast supernatural powers, and he should know that I am on the [Great Master List] and will definitely be exposed by the Tianjilou. Now the Queen of Yin must be looking for me all over the world, how dare I not hide."

  Shi Zhixuan said: "All the great masters on the list must participate in the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition. Do you want to abstain?"

  An Long said: "The martial arts value is attractive, but I think that the small life is more important."

  "If you don't go to the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, this king will kill you now."

  Shi Zhixuan said without the slightest emotion.

  The expression on An Long's face suddenly froze, and he said cautiously, "Is the evil king joking?"

  "If you lose the competition, this king will also kill you." Shi Zhixuan said again.

  His tone was cold, with a faint hint of killing intent.

  An Long's forehead suddenly had a layer of cold sweat. He knew that Shi Zhixuan was telling the truth.

  Compared to Zhu Yuyan, being targeted by Shi Zhixuan is really scary.


  "Evil King, I'm going to participate in the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition. But I can't guarantee that I can win."

  Anlong decided to put the ugly words ahead.

  "In the past few days, I am in charge of special training for you."

  Shi Zhixuan said succinctly.

  Is the evil king personally trained?

  An Long's eyes widened suddenly, this is a chance against the sky, even Shi Zhixuan's two apprentices may not be so lucky.

  "Why does the evil king care so much about the martial fate of this dynasty?"

  An Long couldn't help but ask.

  "Anlong, you need to remember."

  "Before you have any status, you are first and foremost a citizen of the Sui Dynasty. ¨."

  "When the people of the Sui Dynasty need you to stand up for a fight, even if you die, you must win."

  Shi Zhixuan was indifferent, but said very firmly.

  "Anlong understands, I will ask the evil king these days."

  Anlong bowed his head and said.

  He actually didn't understand, because he was a standard villain who only thought about his own life and wealth, without the slightest sense of imperial honor.

  But under the coercion of Shi Zhixuan's killing intent, even if he didn't understand, he had to understand.

  "Made, I'm really going to try my best this time."

  An Long thought to himself.

  He knew that Shi Zhixuan had always been one of the best.

  If he lost the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, Shi Zhixuan would really kill him.

  So for his own life, he had to win.


  On the other side, in the land of Lingnan, on a lonely peak.

  Under the shadow of the moonlight, a figure was vaguely seen sitting on the top of the mountain, and it was Tianjun Xiying.

  The astral wind howled, but even a piece of his clothes could not be blown up.

  Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, the blood was purple like a deep sea, as if it contained a sea of ​​blood.

  "it is good!"

  "A good low-grade earth spirit pill."

  "It even directly raised my cultivation base by one rank."

  "Haha, this is God helping me!"

  Xi Ying stood up and let out an excited whistle, which shocked countless birds in the mountain stream.

  At this moment, he seemed to sense something, and the excited expression on his face disappeared instantly.

  It was replaced by a sense of wonder and fear.

  But seeing him slowly turn around and staring, someone was standing quietly three meters away from him.

  "Song, Song Que! How long have you been here?"

  Xi Ying asked in a trembling voice.

  The person in front of him was the great enemy he had never forgotten in the past ten years.

  The head of the Song Dynasty clan in Lingnan, the Heavenly Sword Song Que.

  Originally, he thought that when he returned after completing "Zi Qi Tianluo", he would definitely kill the Quartet, destroy Song Que, and destroy the Song clan.

  But he didn't expect that Song Que's progress was even more terrifying than his.

  He had no idea when Song Que approached him.

  If he shot at the critical moment of his breakthrough just now, then...

  Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Xi Ying's forehead.

  "Aren't you looking for me? So here I am."

  Song Que said lightly.

  "How did you find this place?" Xi Ying said solemnly.

  "As long as it is within the range of Lingnan, not to mention a person, even a bird, can't escape my sight."

  Song Que still said lightly, revealing an absolute confidence.

  "it is good!"

  "Anyway, there will be a fight sooner or later."

  "Tonight, I'll give you a try on my "Purple Qi Tianluo"!"

  Xi Ying's mentality recovered and he looked at Song Que coldly.

  The posture of his standing is very strange. Even when he is standing like a mountain, he seems to drift to a certain position at any time.

  He had been looking forward to this battle for too long, and he couldn't wait.

  "Will you try Ziqi Tianluo?"

  "It just happened that I realized the "Eight Swords of Heaven", so I used you as a test stone."

  Song Que said calmly, holding the long sword in his hand.


  Xi Ying's offensive was extremely violent, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a purple electric light.

  "My "Eight Swords of the Heavenly Sword" has ten swords each, with a total of eighty swords. This is the first sword."

  Song Que kept hiding from the seat to respond to dozens of attacks, and finally swung the first knife.

  A blade rolls the residual cloud!

  The world seemed to be attracted by this knife and attacked Xi Ying together.


  Xi Ying was taken aback and hurriedly used his inner strength to resist.

  "Boom boom boom..."

  The power of the Heavenly Sword was overwhelming, and when the seventh sword came out, Xi Ying was blown away.

  Blood splattered across the night sky.

  Song Que frowned and said, "Why is your strength so weak that you can't even complete the first move of my Heavenly Sabre."

  When Xi Ying, who fell to the ground, heard these words, he spat two more mouthfuls of blood.

  Is he weak?

  He is the No. [-] master of the Demon Sect's Way of Exterminating Love. He has been lurking in the desert for ten years and has cultivated "Ziqi Tianluo" to the realm of mastery.

  This is also the first time that Momen has practiced "Ziqi Tianluo" in the past three hundred years.

  In this way, he was actually criticized by Song Changqian as 'very weak'?

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