It was Duan Yu who came back and wanted to keep the prince Yupei, but he didn't expect to hear such a secret.

  In a panic, the jade pendant fell directly to the ground and broke into two halves.


  Duan Zhengchun secretly thought that he was bad, and quickly put on a kind expression.

  But Duan Yu's heart was cut like a knife, his whole brain was blank, he didn't listen to Duan Zhengchun's explanation at all, and ran out in a panic.

  "Alas! A sin."

  Duan Zhengming sighed secretly, thinking that fortunately, he didn't marry a wife because of his wit.


  Time flies, and another night passed in a blink of an eye.

  In the early morning of the next day, the genius was shining brightly, and a group of gangsters couldn't wait to wait outside the golden stone tablet.

  If you look closely, you will find that those at the top are almost all swordsmen with long swords on their backs.

  Every swordsman had an uncontrollable excitement on his face.

  Because today is the day for the update of the [Sword God Ranking]!

  And it's the day when the first and second places in the [Sword God Ranking] will be updated!

  It is also the first ranking list to be updated since Tianjilou was born.

  Everyone can't wait to witness this scene for the first time.

  See who the person standing at the peak of Daming Kendo is!

  At this moment, the six golden stone tablets burst into a dazzling light at the same time, reaching the sky.

  Golden light.

  Cover the whole sky.

  Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the golden light in the sky turned into a golden scroll.

  clap la la...

  The golden scrolls stretched across the sky above the six Central Plains dynasties, and then slowly opened.

  first, second, third, forth……

  The rankings are clearly visible above.

  It's just that all the rankings are empty.

  This is... a new leaderboard!

  At this moment, the major dynasties, major forces, and major families were all alarmed.

  They all walked out of the room and looked up at the vision in the sky.

  This is the first time they have seen such a golden scroll.

  This vision is too vast.

  "Quick, send someone to check at the golden stele to see what new list has been released!"

  "Patriarch, Tianjilou has a new list."

  "The ranking list of Tianjilou contains infinite benefits. I don't know who will get it this time."

  "I hope it's the list of my Han Dynasty, whether it's the [Sword God List] or [The Black Hand List]."

  "Hurry up and send someone to check it out. It must not be Da Song's [behind-the-scenes black hand list]. I want to stay for a few more years."


  After learning that it was a new leaderboard.

  All the major forces have made the same decision, that is, to send someone to check on the golden stone tablet.

  Some people are full of expectations, hoping to make the list of their own dynasty.

  Some people were trembling, for fear of being selected by black lists such as [Black Hand List].

  In any case, this will be a shocking change.

  Who can get the benefits, who can soar into the sky, and whose secrets will be exposed, all are unknown.

  Below the golden stele, more and more gangsters gathered.

  I don't know how long it took, the golden scrolls in the void turned into countless golden lights, swooping towards the golden stone tablet,

  Everyone subconsciously widened their eyes and stared at the golden stone monument.

  I saw that on the right side of Da Sui's [Grandmaster List], a brand new list slowly emerged, and it was -

  Daqin [Famous Swords List]!

  "Famous Swords List? Haha, it's still my Great Qin Dynasty's Famous Swords List, great!!"

  "The Qin Dynasty has the most swordsmen in the world, and there are countless famous swords. The competition for this list is likely to be very fierce."

  "Unfortunately, it turns out to be the leaderboard of the Great Qin Dynasty. When will it be our turn to the Great Tang Dynasty?"

  "Damn! Don't I deserve to have a ranking list of my own?"

  "First the Ming Dynasty, then the Great Song Dynasty, the Great Sui Dynasty, and the Great Qin Dynasty. I don't know which dynasty the next ranking list will belong to."

  "Let me take a look. The [Famous Swords List] includes the top [-] famous swords? There are only [-] places, which is too few."

  "Haha, our hall master has a collection of famous swords. If we can make it to the list, it will definitely soar to the sky!"

  "In terms of the number of famous swords, no power can compare with the Great Qin court, right? The strength of the Great Qin court is likely to increase by leaps and bounds."

  "It is said that on the black market now, one Tianji point can be exchanged for one thousand taels of silver, and there is still no market for it."

  "I hope my sword can be on the list, and then I will sell the Tianji points I get, and I will have nothing to worry about for a lifetime."


  The Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang City, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

  When Ying Zheng heard the news that Da Qin's [Famous Swords List] would be released, he couldn't help being shocked.

  This is great news for him.

  Back then, he pushed the Six Nations horizontally, destroyed countless forces, and confiscated famous swords scattered all over the place.

  Now that I think about it, this decision was really wise.

  In Luo Wang's hands alone, there are no less than ten famous swords, and he himself holds the most powerful Tianwen sword.

  "Unfortunately, that anti-scale sword was mortgaged to Tianjilou by the widow."

  Ying Zheng thought regretfully.

  The Inverse Scale Sword was the sword of Han Fei, the descendant of the legal family, and it was even more powerful than the swords he gave to Luo Wang.

  If it is still there, it should be able to occupy a place on the [Famous Swords List].

  However, as long as the Tianwen Sword is in hand, a Reverse Scale Sword is nothing.

  "Come here, pass on the secret guard Zhang Han."

  Ying Zheng instructed lightly.


  Soon a personal guard took the lead and walked out quickly.

  After the little love, Zhang Han stepped inside and said: "See Your Majesty. I don't know why His Majesty called your subordinates to come here."

  "The birth of Daqin [Famous Swords List] is the opportunity for my Daqin to rise."

  "If the widow wants you, you can send masters to sneak into various places and inquire about the news of the famous swords on the list."

  "And issued an announcement that all the swordsmen on the list who are willing to join the imperial court will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and will be sealed as a thousand households."

  Ying Zheng's majestic command.

  Although the Great Qin court collected many famous swords, there were also many famous swords that fell on the rivers and lakes.

  He didn't want to let go of the secret rewards of these famous swords.

  The previous lists were all from other dynasties, and he had no choice.

  Now that the list is in the Great Qin Dynasty, it is up to him to have the final say.

  "No. This subordinate will go down and make arrangements."

  Zhang Han knew that the matter was of great importance, and after taking the order, he walked out of the hall directly.

  "Gai Nie, the Yuanhong sword you hold is only under the widow's Tianwen sword, and it must be ranked among the top three."

  "I don't know what heavenly reward you want?"

  Ying Zheng looked at Genie below the steps and asked curiously.

  The closer to the top of the ranking list of Tianjilou, the richer the reward.

  If you can enter the top three, you will definitely get a world-shattering treasure.

  He wanted to know what Genie, who seemed to have no desires, wanted.

  Gai Nie pondered slightly, and said, "My subordinates have nothing else to ask for, but just want to see the realm of kendo, and hope to get a powerful sword manual."

  "this one?"

  Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows, feeling that Genie's idea was too simple.

  "If possible, my subordinates would like to inquire about one thing from Tianjilou, a matter that my subordinates have been investigating for a long time without results."

  Genie said lightly.

  He obviously didn't want to talk much about this topic, so he glanced at Tian Wenjian on Ying Zheng's waist and said:

  "The Heavenly Question Sword held by Your Majesty is a rare and extremely high-quality sword in the world, and it should be the first sword in the [Famous Swords List]."

  "I wonder what treasures your Majesty wants?"

  Ying Zheng held the hilt of the sword with one hand, and said solemnly: "The widow is already rich in the world, and the only treasure they want is the elixir of immortality."

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