But most people have excluded him.

  the reason is simple.

  Yan Nantian has disappeared for twenty years after the battle with Palace Master Yaoyue.

  It is rumored in the Jianghu that Yan Nantian was killed by Yaoyue's 'transferring flowers and connecting jade' palm method, which injured his internal organs.

  No one believed this rumor at first.

  But as time passed, Yan Nantian still did not appear, and everyone believed the rumor.

  After all, everyone knows about Jiang Feng's murder case. If Yan Nantian hadn't died, he would definitely come out to investigate the truth.

  It's just that no one thought that the truth would be like this.

  In the past [-] years, Yan Nantian has been trapped in the Valley of the Wicked, just to protect the bodies of his best friends, Jiang Feng and his wife.

  He was even tortured by a group of wicked people to the point of being half-crazy and half-devil.

  "The hero Yan Nantian really lives up to his reputation!"

  "Jiang Feng can have such a friend in this life, and it is considered dead."

  "Master Yan is worthy of the name of 'Yi Bo Yuntian'. It is impossible for anyone to do this for a friend."

  "Oh my god! If it weren't for the exposure of the owner of the secret, who would have thought that Hero Yan was still alive."

  "Brothers, has anyone organized a wave to destroy the Valley of the Villains and welcome back Hero Yan?"

  "The wicked people in the Valley of the Wicked are not at their peak, but the place is so full of traps that even Hero Yan will be trapped, let alone us."

  "Master Yan is really amazing, and even so, he can be ranked in the [Sword God List]."


  A group of gangsters were overwhelmed with emotion again, and some even wanted to go to the Valley of the Wicked to rescue Yan Nantian.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Yaoyue and Lianxing looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

  They also thought that Yan Nantian was dead, but they did not expect to be trapped in the Valley of the Wicked.

  Hua Wuque on the side narrowed his eyes slightly, Yan Nantian was in the Valley of the Wicked, wouldn't that mean that his own brother was also in the Valley of the Wicked?

  Although he has been cultivated by Yihuagong to be almost ruthless.

  But blood is thicker than water, and as the only living relative, it is impossible for him to not care at all.

  However, the Valley of the Wicked is a well-known fierce place in the world, and it is absolutely impossible for him to break into it alone.

  Yaoyue and Yan Nantian have a grudge, and it is impossible to help.

  This matter can only be discussed in the long run.


  Time flies, and it is noon in the blink of an eye.

  Not only did the rivers and lakes in Tianjilou not decrease, but they gathered more and more.

  If you take a closer look, you can find that most of these newly-added Jianghu customers are from the Great Qin Dynasty.

  "Look! It's from the farmhouse Lie Shantang...¨."

  "There are also disciples of the Mo family. They are being wanted by Da Qin everywhere."

  "What are you afraid of? This is the Tianji Building. Even if Jing Ke, who had assassinated Ying Zheng, fled here, Ying Zheng can't help it."

  "The clothes of those people should be Taoist disciples. I don't know if they are from the Tianzong line or the human lineage."

  "Oh my god! The Confucianists actually sent someone here? Xiaoshengxianzhuang is not a day or two away from Xianyang."

  "What's so strange about this, Confucianism is one of the great Qin scholars, and its disciples must be all over the world, and not all of them are in Xiaoshengxianzhuang."

  "It seems that this time the masters and hundreds of schools attach great importance to the Daqin [Famous Swords List]."

  "After all, the rewards from the Heavenly Mystery Building are too generous, enough to control the strength of the major forces."



  Just when a group of high-ranking guests were talking about it, a sound of exclamation suddenly came from the Daqin portal.

  Everyone hurriedly looked for fame and saw a beautiful woman walking out slowly inside the Daqin portal.

  But seeing that she was wearing a fiery red flag uniform, which set off her icy muscles and jade bones, was as white as snow, like a fire lotus in the raging fire, giving people a strong visual impact.

  "Is this costume the commander-in-chief of the Dharma Protector of the Fire Department of the Yin-Yang Family?"

  "That's right, I've seen her once from afar, she is Si Ming, the fire chief of the Yin Yang family."

  "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Da Siming has a beautiful appearance, and he really does not deceive me."

  "With Da Siming's stunning appearance, I wonder if there is a chance to be on the [Stunning List]?"

  "Brother, I advise you not to think too much. Da Siming is a ruthless character who kills people without blinking an eye. I don't know how many people died in her hands."

  "It really provokes Da Siming, but it's not as simple as death. Her yin and yang spells will make your life worse than death."

  "The Yin and Yang family actually sent Da Si Ming here. It seems that they don't pay much attention to Da Qin's [Famous Swords List]."


  Seeing that Da Siming walked up to the private room on the third floor step by step, everyone's discussion became more and more enthusiastic.

  Daqin's [Famous Swords List], which has not yet been announced, has already attracted the attention of all parties.

  As the engraving time fell to noon, everyone invariably stopped the discussion.

  Millions of pairs of eyes looked at Feng Chen, and those eyes were full of tension and excitement.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen did not delay, and said directly:

  "The time has come, and the [Famous Swords List] is officially updated."

  "[Famous Swords List] The twentieth, Amaterasu."

  "[Famous Swords List] No. [-], Tiger Soul."

  "[Famous Swords List] No. [-], bloody."


  As Feng Chen's voice fell, countless ripples spread out in the void, forming a jade mirror.

  The same jade mirror as the [Stunning List] update will reflect a lifelike picture inside.

  It's just that this time it's not a stunning beauty, but a gorgeous sword.

  "What? Tiger Soul Sword can only be ranked nineteenth? I don't believe it!"

  "Unexpectedly, Tianzhaojian has an amazing reputation, but it only ranks at the bottom of the [Famous Swords List]."

  "It's over, even a famous sword as powerful as Tianzhaojian can only be ranked at the bottom. My sword will definitely not be on the list."

  "There are so many famous swords in Daqin! The competition this time is too fierce."

  "The blood-clothed sword? It's split into two. Could it be the sword of the blood-clothed Hou Bai Yifei?"

  "Amaterasu, Tiger Soul, these are all famous swords. I don't know how strong the swords above them should be."


  Private room on the third floor.

  Da Siming's beautiful eyes shrank suddenly, but he didn't expect that Tianzhao Sword could only be ranked at the bottom of the [Famous Swords List].

  Before she came, Xinghun Zuofa had calculated that the Tianzhao Sword could at least be ranked among the top fifteen famous swords in Daqin.

  The difference between the top fifteen and the twentieth is not that big.

  "Master Xinghun's deduction ability is not weak, and all the famous swords in the world should be counted in it."

  "Since there is such a big deviation, it can only mean that there are still many famous swords that have not yet appeared in the world."

  Da Siming muttered to himself, a look of shock in his eyes.

  The so-called deduction of heaven's secrets is not to blindly observe astrology or the five elements, but to expand on the basis of reality.

  The deduction method of Star Soul is to first lock on those famous swords, and then deduce their strengths.

  Then, sort all the deduced swords according to their strengths to get a rough ranking.

  This is already an enormous amount of work.

  If you deduce all the swords and weapons of the entire dynasty, let alone the star soul, even the East Emperor can't do it.

  But obviously, Tianjilou has such unpredictable abilities.

  For a time, Da Si Ming did not dare to despise him any longer.

  "Next, the landlord will comment on the newly promoted swords as usual."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said something indifferently, which immediately made the whole audience quiet down.

  Everyone concentrated here, in addition to wanting to know which famous swords were on the list at the first time, more importantly, they still wanted to hear the comments of the master of Tianji.

  You must know that only the top-grade swords of the heaven are eligible to be listed in the [Famous Swords List].

  Swords of this level have very mysterious abilities and are often unknown to the public.

  But for the owner of Tianji, this is not a problem at all. No matter what ability you have, you can calculate it clearly.

  "[Famous Swords List] [-]th, Amaterasu."

  "The holder of this sword is Xu Fu, the yin and yang patriarch Yunzhongjun."

  "In the third year of the First Emperor, Xu Fu occasionally picked up a strange stone on the coast of the East China Sea. It was shaped like a sword and weighed as gold, although Kongwu men could not lift it with both hands."

  "Xu Fu regards it as a treasure, and uses the method of yin and yang to refine the number ninety-nine, the stone is broken, the sword is released, the sword's energy rushes into the sky, and the imperial capital is covered."

  "The First Emperor was amazed, and ordered Xu Fu to send the sword to watch. Seeing that its arc was like a cold moon and the clouds were shining brightly, he gave it the name 'Amaterasu'."

  "The five elements of this sword are metal, and with the stunt 'Zhaoyun Weiyang Slash', the power is increased several times, and it can cause shocking burns to the body of the injured person."

  "Reward for the list: 1000 Tianji points, the low-grade yin and yang incantation "Yinfa·Blood Illumination""

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