Although their cultivation has far surpassed the Grandmaster realm, where a Grandmaster is placed, it is enough to attract attention.


  Under everyone's attention, the door on the fourth floor slowly opened, revealing Hou Xibai's figure.

  "Hou Xibai, did you really break through to the Grand Master Realm?"

  She said in disbelief.

  Hou Xibai said with a smile: "Thanks to the guidance of the owner of Tianji, Hou was fortunate to break through."

  If he saw Zhu Yuyan before the change, he would be so frightened that he would be at a loss and obediently stepped forward to salute.

  But at this moment, he was calm and graceful, and bowed to Zhu Yuyan, "Hua Jian Pai Hou Xibai, I have met the senior Yin Queen."

  This is the grandmaster attitude.

  "Young Master Hou, please forgive the concubine's rude question."

  "Yesterday, Fei Xuan observed that Young Master Hou's energy was upside down, and it would take at least another half a year to have the hope of breaking through the master state."

  "Why did you successfully break through overnight?"

  Concubine Shixuan didn't care about Fairy's demeanor and asked directly.

  It is also strange to see this.

  She and the concubine Xuan had already stepped into the master realm, so they could see at a glance that Hou Xibai was wrong, and it was impossible to break through in a short period of time.

  Who would have thought that one night's effort would overturn her judgment.

  "Fangcai Hou Gongzi said that thanks to the guidance of the owner of Tianji, could it be that the owner of Tianji opened a small stove for you?"

  She thought of a possibility.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience focused their attention on Hou Xibai, waiting for his reply.

  "No, no!"

  "The reason why I was able to make a breakthrough was entirely due to staying in the 'Tianzi No. [-]' room."

  "Although this room is not big, it has a very strong spiritual energy, like the legendary paradise."

  "In addition to being rich in spiritual energy, this room seems to have a magical effect that can increase the chance of breakthrough."

  "In short, one million two and one nights is definitely not a loss!"

  Hou Xibai shook the folding fan lightly and said very freely.

  This time, he accepted Feng Chen's great favor, so he spared no effort to advertise for Tianjilou.


  Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

  The guest room on the fourth floor of the Tianji Building is a paradise, and it has the magical effect of increasing the chance of breakthrough?

  Isn't it really insane!

  You must know that for a person in the arena, internal strength cultivation is the most important thing.

  They can treat money like dung.

  But in the face of the treasure that can improve his cultivation, he is willing to give everything.

  But now Hou Xibai told them that the treasure land of cultivation was right in front of them.

  "Unfortunately, this day, the size of the guest room costs one million taels a day."

  "With Hou's net worth, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it a few times."

  "If possible, Hou really hopes to live in it every day."

  Just when all the big players in the rivers and lakes were all red-eyed, Hou Xibai's emotion poured a basin of cold water on them.

  One million taels!

  This is not a small amount.

  Even the heirs of the big sect like Hou Xibai can't afford it, let alone the ordinary gangsters.

  Most of the high rollers are poor because most of the high rollers regard money as dung.

  It can be seen from the Tianji Building that most people stay on the first floor, and very few even spend money on the second floor.

  In this case, let alone the [-]-[-]-night Tianzi room, or the [-]-mile-[-] night yellow room, they are also beyond their reach.

  "You will hate less when the money is used up!"

  For a time, sighs and complaints resounded throughout the audience.

  "The [-] [-] night room is indeed too extravagant, but if you cultivate to the key point, it is worth staying once."

  The concubine said softly.

  These words lifted the crowd.


  If they didn't live every day, but only for one night at a critical moment in their cultivation, many people would still be able to scrape together the room fee.

  It really doesn't work. Gathering [-] taels and opening a room with a yellow letter can help a little bit.

  It is conceivable that if this matter spreads out, the guest room on the fourth floor of the Tianji Building will definitely be sought after by the warriors of the major dynasties.

  Most of those rich royal families and wealthy business families will not let it go.

  "The owner of the secret is really a good trick!"

  "I'm afraid it won't be long before Tianjilou will become the largest gold-selling cave in the world, gathering the world's elites."

  In the corner of the hall on the first floor, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh.

  This kind of gold-absorbing ability even made him a little scared.

  "Master Tianji, the guest room on the fourth floor can help people break through the master realm. Is the guest room on the fifth floor more magical?"

  Just then, someone asked loudly.

  "That's natural."

  "The guest room on the fifth floor not only has better cultivation conditions, but also improves aptitude, root and comprehension."

  "If you live in it for a long time, people who have no talent for cultivation can become martial arts geniuses."

  "However, the rooms on the fifth floor do not accept silver, and you need to consume Tianji points to check in."

  Feng Chen is very enthusiastic to introduce to everyone. .

Chapter 22

  Improve qualifications?

  Raise your roots and comprehension?

  All the big players in the rivers and lakes were completely dumbfounded.

  If these words hadn't come from the owner of Tianji, they would definitely think it was a trick.

  But this is what the owner of Tianji said, so no one doubts it.

  For a time, everyone's gaze towards the fifth floor was full of fiery heat.

  The journey of martial arts is very difficult, and there are very few people who can reach the master state.

  At the root, most of them are due to lack of qualifications. Even if you try harder the day after tomorrow, it will be of no use.

  And those geniuses who are born with amazing aptitudes will not only be rushing to accept apprentices by the major sects, but they will also be able to cultivate by leaps and bounds.

  For example, the concubines Xuan and Wei, with their amazing martial arts qualifications, were among the grandmasters at a young age.

  And now Feng Chen actually told them that Tianjilou had a magical means to improve his aptitude, his roots and his comprehension.

  How can this not make people crazy about it?

  Even the geniuses like Concubine Xuan and Huan Huan, who were almost enchanting, showed longing looks.

  No one will despise their own qualifications too high.

  But thinking that staying on the fifth floor needs to consume the secret points, everyone can only stay away and let out a sigh.

  The sky is really rare.

  "Tianjilou is really mysterious, the first floor is more powerful than the first floor, and the effect of the fifth floor is not as common as the world."

  "Concubine Xuan is really curious, what should the guest room on the sixth floor look like?"

  "I wonder if the owner of Tianji can solve the confusion for the concubine?"

  In the private room on the third floor, Shi Feixuan said softly with her sweet voice without any impurities.

  These words reminded everyone.

  Tianji Building currently has six floors open, and the highest floor has never been known.

  "The rooms on the sixth floor are indeed more powerful."

  "In addition to the previous functions, the guest rooms on the sixth floor also have the miraculous effects of healing, maintaining beauty, and maintaining health."

  "Living on the sixth floor, whether it is internal wounds, traumatic injuries, poisonous wounds, or dark wounds accumulated over the years, they can all heal automatically."

  "In addition, it can delay aging, increase longevity, and even rejuvenate and return to youth."

  Feng Chen said slowly.

  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes almost drooled when they heard it.

  Even delaying aging and increasing longevity, what is the difference between this and the land of Xianjia?

  Even Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan, who were sitting firmly in the private room on the third floor, showed extremely longing looks at this time, as if ants were crawling on their bodies.

  No woman can refuse eternal youth.

  If it were elsewhere, with their domineering, they would have spared no effort to snatch it.

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