He made a rough calculation and found that at least [-] taels of silver would enter his pocket today.

  "There is the last one left in the Tianzihao private room. Does anyone want to book it?"

  "I want it."

  As soon as Feng Chen's words fell, a hearty voice came from the entrance on the first floor.

  Everyone immediately parted a path and looked around.

  I saw that this is another big force, there are dozens of people, all of them are full of breath, and their sword intent is soaring. Obviously, they are all kendo masters.

  "This seems to be the costume of the Songshan faction, as well as the Huashan faction and the Hengshan faction. The comer is the Wuyuejian faction!"

  "The Five Mountains Sword Sect has just experienced civil strife, and you have the leisure to come to Tianjilou?"

  "So, the one at the head is Linghu Chong, the new leader of the Five Sacred Mountains? He's so young."


  A crowd of high rollers and lakes talked a lot,

  Even on the second and third floors, a lot of eyes fell on the Wuyue Sword Sect and his party.

  After all, just a few days ago, the Five Mountains Sword Sect was still on the cusp.

  And the five mountains are one, and the power is no trivial matter.

  Coupled with the fact that Feng Qingyang sits in the town, it is barely able to enter the ranks of the top sects, which is enough to attract attention.

  "Linghu Chong, the leader of the Lower Five Sacred Mountains, see the master of Tianji."

  Facing everyone's gaze, Linghu Chong remained calm and respectful, bowing to Feng Chen.

  This calm demeanor immediately caused a lot of applause.

  Some rivers and lakes elders also nodded, believing Linghu Chong's identity.

  Feng Chen looked at Linghu Chong up and down, and said with a chuckle: "Linghu Alliance Leader is really a talented person, please take a seat on the third floor."

  "Junior came to Tianjilou today and has three things to say."

  "The first thing is to thank the owner of Tianji."

  "If it wasn't for the mastermind of Tianji who announced Zuo Lengchan's conspiracy and tricks to the world, my Wuyue Sword Sect would have been poisoned by Zuo Lengchan."

  "To be able to eradicate treacherous evil in one fell swoop, it is all thanks to the power of the master of the secret. This kind of grace is unforgettable."

  "In the future, if there is any dispatch from Tianjilou, just one sentence, my Wuyuejian will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes."

  After speaking, Linghu Chong saluted Feng Chen again, and the masters of the Five Mountains Sword Sect behind him also bowed their heads with respectful expressions on their faces.

  "This landlord is only announcing the list, not to do justice for a certain faction, so I'll avoid the matter of thanks."

  Feng Chen said flatly, raised his hand and flicked,

  Linghu Chong felt an unstoppable force descend from the sky, causing him to straighten up unconsciously, causing him to be shocked.

  "This kind of skill is beyond the reach of Senior Feng. The owner of Tianji is as rumored and unfathomable."

  Linghu Chong thought to himself, which made him even more determined.

  "In addition to thank you, the junior actually has one more thing to ask for."

  Linghu Chong opened his body slightly, revealing the two women standing behind him.

  I saw these two women, one big and one small, dressed in sauerkraut, with five-point similarity in appearance, obviously a mother and daughter.

  Although their expressions were dim and they didn't wear makeup, they still didn't reduce their appearance.

  In just this short time, it has attracted the attention of countless men in the hall.

  "Ning Zhongze, the widow, has seen the owner of Tianji. This is my daughter Yue Lingshan."

  The older beauty Yingying bowed and revealed the identities of the two.

  It is the wife and daughter of Yue Buqun, the former head of Huashan Mountain.

  "Because of Master's death, my mother and younger sister are too sad and don't want to live in Huashan anymore."

  "After thinking about it, the younger generation, in the whole world, only the Tianji Building is the safest, and you can trust it with confidence."

  "Therefore, this junior wants to open a long-term guest room in the Tianji Building for the mother and the younger sister to live."

  Linghu Chong said slowly.

  He said this lightly, but the inside story is actually very complicated.

  In Songshan that day, he fought with Zuo Lengchan and Yue Buqun.

  Although Yue Buqun was not killed by his own hands, it was somewhat related, so he had no face to face Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan again.

  But he was worried about placing the two women elsewhere, so he finally chose Tianjilou.

  As for the monthly room fee of three million taels, it is still affordable for him who controls the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

  "What? Madam Ning and Yue Lingshan are going to live in Tianjilou?"

  "I announce that Tianjilou is my second home."

  "Sure enough, the white clothes are the most delicious."

  When a group of gangsters heard this, their eyes lit up, unable to hide their excitement and excitement.

  Although in the Tianji Building, they can't do anything.

  But such a beautiful and refined beauty is still a mother and daughter flower, even if you look at it twice a day, it is extremely comfortable. .

Chapter 29

  "Changju? This is a big client."

  Feng Chen's eyes lit up.

  Even if Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan were only staying in the cheapest yellow rooms, it would cost [-] million taels per month.

  Three hundred thousand taels of it would go into his pocket.

  Not to mention the beauty effect brought by Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan after they moved in.

  "There are many rooms in Tianji Building."

  "The landlord can choose a spacious yellow-marked guest room for Madam Ning and Miss Yue, which is enough for you to live comfortably."

  "In addition, as a long-term discount, the landlord can give you a second-floor elegant seat."

  Feng Chen said very generously.

  "Thank you, the owner of Tianji, for your trouble."

  Ning Zhong bowed to Ying Ying again and said softly.

  Yue Lingshan also hurriedly saluted, but the two black eyes secretly looked around, obviously she was still a girl.

  "Interesting, I didn't expect that the legendary owner of Tianji also knew how to pity fragrance and cherish jade."

  In the private room on the third floor, a handsome young man shook his folding fan and said with a light smile.

  There were more than a dozen people in the private room, but this handsome young man was the only one sitting, and the rest stood by.

  Just by looking at this pomp, you can see that the handsome young man's identity is extraordinary.

  Hearing the handsome young man's words, a middle-aged man standing behind 'him' hurriedly said in a low voice: "The county master, this is the realm of the Central Plains, you should keep a low profile and try not to make a sound."

  "What are you afraid of?"

  "I am Zhao Min from the Central Plains now, not Min Min Temur, the county lord of Mongolia."

  "Even if your true identity is discovered, it shouldn't be difficult to get out of your body with your masters guarding you, right?"

  The handsome boy said disapprovingly.

  She is Minmin Temur, daughter of the Mongolian King Ruyang who came to the Central Plains in disguise.

  For the convenience of doing things in the Central Plains, he also deliberately chose the Central Plains name Zhao Min.

  After hearing about the vast magical powers of the Tianji Building, she made a special trip to come here with the second elder Xuanming and other guards.

  And standing behind her reminded her, it was the boss of the two elders in Xuanming, Luzhangke.

  At this time, Luzhangke didn't have the prestige of the past, but was like a bird with a startled bow, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

  The net, the bad people, the world will...

  He never imagined that there would be so many legendary characters in this small Tianji Building.

  If this is exposed to the alien identity, let alone retreating, it is not easy to leave a whole corpse.

  But he knew Zhao Min's character well, and once it was confirmed, it was useless to persuade him.

  Therefore, he didn't say any more, just looked around vigilantly, trying to find a suitable escape route and be prepared.

  the other side,

  Seeing that this matter was done, Linghu Chong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and continued, "As for the third matter, it is about the exchange of Tianji points."

  As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

  Even those who peeked at Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan were holding back their eyes at this time.

  Heaven point!

  This is the most mysterious thing in Tianjilou.

  According to the owner of Tianji, as long as there are enough Tianji points, it can be achieved whether you want to live forever, resurrect the deceased, or even ascend during the day.

  But that being said, it has never been used by anyone so far.

  Now it is time to let Linghu Chong demonstrate the value of this Tian Ji point.

  "Tianjilou collects all things in the Three Realms."

  "As long as there are enough secret points, anything can be exchanged."

  "You have 200 Sky Points on you. Although it's not much, you can exchange for a lot of things."

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