
  "What... what? Did I hear it right?"

  "1000 Heavenly Secret Points, this challenge reward actually has a full 1000 Heavenly Secret Points."

  "What does 1000 Heavenly Secrets count? That's Yanshou Dan, which can extend your lifespan for five years!

  "Crazy, the major forces must be crazy now!"

  "The eighth place will be given 1000 Heavenly Secret Points, what about the seventh and sixth place?"

  "With so many Heavenly Secret Point rewards, the major forces are afraid that they will dig out Cheng Kun if they dig three feet into the ground."


  Inside the Tianji Building, there is a hustle and bustle.

  A group of high rollers were completely detonated by the reward conditions released by Fengchen. .

Chapter 32

  Longevity Dan!

  This is the treasure that countless people dream of.

  Especially for those big men who are nearing their longevity.

  A longevity pill is enough to produce earth-shaking changes.





  The portal of the Tianji Building flickered again and again, and the spies who passed on the information all took action.

  As soon as Yanshou Dan came out,

  Not to mention the major powers of the rivers and lakes, even the royal families of the major dynasties, I am afraid they will all compete for red eyes.

  Just as everyone was rushing out, a team of people teleported in from outside.

  This is obviously a big force.

  The figure has not yet fully manifested, and the terrifying coercion has covered the audience, making everyone's heart skip a beat.


  As the light from the portal disappeared, everyone finally saw the true face of this force.

  I saw that there are dozens of people in this force, all of them are women.

  Although each of these women has a beautiful appearance, there is no expression on their faces, and there is a slight chill.

  It was as if they lived in ice caves all year round.

  In particular, the two women at the head were like angels descending, and their appearance and body were all flawless.

  The only disadvantage is that it is too cold, like the iceberg snow lotus, which can only be seen from a distance.

  "This costume turned out to be someone from Yihua Palace."

  "Yihua Palace? I've heard of this sect. The sect is full of women, and its strength is not comparable to Shaolin and Wudang."

  "Then the two leaders are Yaoyue and Lianxing, the two palace masters? It really is as rumored, and it is so beautiful."

  "Shh! People in Yihuagong always hate men the most, so be careful of them."


  After recognizing that this force was the Yihua Palace, the martial artists who were standing in front of them immediately dispersed like a tide.

  This is a party to kill the gods sect!

  Although Yihua Palace was only one of the top sects in Daming, it did not have the huge powers of Cihang Jingzhai and Yingui School in Da Sui.

  But when it comes to personal fame, the two palace masters of Yihua Palace are in no way inferior to Fan Qinghui and Yin Queen.

  The four women are all beautiful and powerful, ranking among the top powerhouses in the world.

  Moreover, Yaoyue and Lianxing are two-to-one, and the number of people is even more dominant.

  The most important thing is that Palace Master Yaoyue is notoriously ruthless and domineering, especially for men.

  It's like seeing her in the crowd one more time and her eyes are gouged out, Yaoyue doesn't know how much she has done.

  Even the Yihua Palace sent people around to inquire about the intelligence about the heartbreaker.

  Once it was verified, many disciples of Yihua Palace would come to the door and behead the heartless man for public display.

  All kinds of rumors add up, and many people in Daming Jianghu are talking about Yihua Palace.

  The people at Yihuagong were obviously used to being overbearing, so they swaggered up the passageway that everyone gave way.

  When they got to the third floor, everyone could react.

  It turned out that the one who reserved the private room of 'Tianzi No. [-]' was Yihua Palace.

  When they learned the truth, everyone was not surprised.

  With Yihuagong's usual acting style, he can indeed do such a thing.

  "Sister, it seems that we are still a step late."

  In the private room of 'Tianzi No. [-]', Lian Xing said with some disappointment.

  She has already learned from her disciples that the ninth place in the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List] has been announced.

  Yaoyue said: "Cheng Kun has disappeared on the rivers and lakes for many years. It's easier said than done to find him.

  "Sister said yes."

  "I heard that the owner of Tianji has released the rules this time, as long as you kill Cheng Kun, you can get 1000 Tianji points."

  "If we can get this secret point, it should be enough to get the information we want to know."

  Lian Xing said softly.

  "Enough or not, just ask if you don't know."

  Yaoyue has always acted decisively, so she took a step forward and said loudly: "Yihuagong Yaoyue, I have seen the owner of Tianji, and I have something to ask."

  Feng Chen's thoughts changed, and he already knew what Yaoyue was going to ask, but he still asked as usual: "What does the Palace Master Yaoyue want to ask?"

  "I heard that Tianjilou is expected to pass through time, gain insight into the past and the future, and deduce the magical ability of everything from ancient to modern."

  "I wonder if it can be calculated, who killed Jiang Fengman [-] years ago?"

  Yueyue said word by word.

  It was this thing.

  Many Daming veterans have responded.

  Twenty years ago, the case of Jiang Feng's annihilation was a sensation.

  At that time, Jiang Feng was known as the first son of the Ming Dynasty, known as the Jade Lang, and his confidant and friend was the sword god Yan Nantian.

  But no one thought that such a character would be slaughtered by more than a hundred people overnight.

  The cruelty of the means is appalling.

  At that time, everyone suspected that Yueyue did it.

  Because Jiang Feng kidnapped Yaoyue's personal maid, Hua Yuenu, before that, this is a supreme sin.

  But over the years, Yihuagong has been tracking down the murderer of Jiang Feng's slaughter case, apparently not by Yaoyue.

  "Tianjilou knows everything and knows everything."

  "The murderer of Jiang Feng's annihilation case is a close associate of someone on the [Black Hand List]."

  "When the list is announced, Palace Master Yaoyue will naturally know his information."

  "Of course, the Palace Master Yaoyue can also exchange for the Heavenly Secret Deduction, which is worth 800 Heavenly Secret Points."

  Feng Chen said very patiently.

  "The murderer of Jiang Feng's annihilation case is actually related to a certain black man behind the scenes?"

  "Sure enough, as I expected, the mastermind behind Jiang Feng's annihilation case has a lot of origin."

  "This is interesting. The characters on the list of behind-the-scenes masterminds are more amazing than each other."


  A group of heroes from all corners of the world are talking about it, the so-called watching the fun is not too big of a deal.

  The deeper the layout of the people on the behind-the-scenes list and the bigger the conspiracy, the happier they are.

  When Lian Xing heard Feng Chen's words, she immediately showed a happy expression, and said to Yaoyue: "Sister, it's good, we don't need to find it ourselves."

  "Since that's the case, let's wait here in Tianji Building, it will take a month or so."

  Yaoyue said, and returned to her seat, just about to sit down, but unexpectedly changed.


  A tyrannical aura suddenly burst out from the private room on the third floor.

  The pressure of the martial arts master swept the audience.

  Even Yaoyue, feeling this breath, couldn't help but stop and looked towards the private room.

  Although her cultivation is far beyond the scope of the master realm.

  But such opportunities to witness the Grandmaster's breakthrough are rare.

  As for the group of high rollers below, they were already numb at this time.

  No need to guess, the person who made the breakthrough was still Linghu Chong.

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