The dignified martial arts master was actually pierced through his heart by this sword light and fell into a pool of blood. .

Chapter 3


  Countless people in the crowd sucked in a breath of cold air, their faces full of astonishment.

  A great master of martial arts was killed in an instant, and the person who took the shot did not even show his body shape.

  Even Genie next to Ying Zheng showed a look of surprise.

  This sword light actually gave him an unstoppable feeling.


  Luna's heart froze, and he didn't dare to despise this place any longer.

  "Welcome everyone to Tianjilou."

  Seeing that the audience was stunned, Feng Chen slowly appeared.

  This kind of appearance did not come out of nowhere, but appeared directly out of thin air on the three-foot white jade platform in the center of the venue, with a fluttering robe, like an immortal.

  The appearance of this hand shocked the audience again.

  In cooperation with the previous feat of killing the great master, Feng Chen suddenly became unfathomable in everyone's heart.

  Even Ying Zheng showed a rare respect, and said solemnly, "Could it be that Your Excellency is the master of this room?"

  "That's right, under Fengchen, it's the owner of the Tianji Building. Just now there were guests who disturbed the First Emperor, and Fengchen is deeply sorry."

  Feng Chen said lightly, raising his hand to sweep.

  As if a palm wind was blowing, the body of the great master on the ground, together with the pool of dirty blood, disappeared without a trace.

  Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw it.

  They have heard of killing people thousands of miles away, but it is unheard of to destroy corpses in the palm of their hands.

  This force directly broke through the sky.

  But what they didn't know was that Feng Chen was not a master, and all of this was entirely based on the power of Tianjilou.

  As long as he is in the Sky Secret Tower, Feng Chen is an invincible existence.

  Not to mention the great master, even the powerhouse of the Shattered Void level will be suppressed by him.

  With three shots in a row, Feng Chen brought an unimaginable deterrent to everyone.

  Even Ying Zheng felt in his heart that this was the place of the immortal family, and he should not be offended.

  Because of this, what was written on the "Black Hand List" became a thorn in his heart.

  "I dare to ask the owner of Tianji, is the 'behind-the-scenes list' recorded on the golden stone tablet true?"

  Ying Zheng couldn't hold his breath and asked directly.

  "of course it's true."

  "The behind-the-scenes list is just the beginning."

  "Tianjilou will launch other lists in the future."

  "For example, the master list, the famous sword list, the beauty list, the power list, etc."

  "Everyone on the list can get a heavenly reward, or a magical weapon, or a unique skill in the heavenly list, or a panacea."

  "Those who are not on the list can also challenge the ranking list. If they can win, they can also be rewarded."

  Feng Chen said with a smile.

  As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

  Ying Zheng squinted his eyes and said, "Heavenly reward? Widows are rich in the world and swallow the world with anger. Do you have a treasure that can move the hearts of widows?"

  "The first emperor is too conceited."

  "This place is nothing but the world of the mortal world. The so-called wealth and power are all fleeting."

  "I just ask, can you live forever?"

  Feng Chen said slowly.


  Ying Zheng's eyes instantly became extremely cold.

  Not being able to live forever was his biggest regret and lack, and it was something he had been searching for.

  "Is there a way to live long, Your Excellency?"

  Ying Zheng spoke again.

  "The method of longevity is nothing but a small path. There are at least three ways to achieve it."

  "Or cultivate the art of longevity, or take the medicine of longevity, or wear the treasure that can delay aging."

  "I can get all three of these in Tianjilou."

  Feng Chen said confidently.

  Whether it can be done or not, first draw the cake.

  "What? Tianjilou can make people live forever?"

  This is nothing short of a blockbuster.

  Who in the world doesn't want to live forever?

  Ying Zheng's breathing became three-point rapidity, but he forcibly restrained, and said coldly:

  "How ethereal the matter of longevity is, how do you know that this is not your tricky words?"

  not finished?

  Feng Chen saw that Ying Zheng had been dismantling his own platform, and decided to make a big news and attack this Qin Shi Huang.


  "The first emperor is conceited again."

  "You think that the matter of longevity is illusory and impermanent, and you can't find it with hard work."

  "Then do you know that there have been people in this world who have lived for thousands of years?"

  Feng Chen said with an unfathomable expression.

  "How is it possible that someone has lived for thousands of years?"

  "Impossible, I don't believe it."

  "After living for thousands of years, it is not an old monster."

  "Is there really a way of longevity in this world?"

  Feng Chen's words were tantamount to a depth bomb, which immediately caused the whole room to talk about it.

  When Ying Zheng heard that someone had obtained the method of immortality, he immediately clenched his fists and his eyes were red with jealousy.

  "Okay, we all believe in Tianjilou."

  "Dare to ask the owner of Tianji, how to obtain the three treasures of longevity you mentioned?"

  At this moment, Lu XiaoFeng spoke up.

  He was a well-known figure in the six dynasties, and he was recognized as soon as he opened his mouth.

  Immediately, someone teased: "Why, you Lu XiaoFeng also have something to love?"

  Many people laughed.

  Lu XiaoFeng said: "I can't help it, I have always been afraid of death. If I can not die, then it would be the best."

  No one can really refute this.

  Everyone nodded and looked towards Feng Chen, their eyes full of exploration.

  "There are three ways to obtain the three treasures of longevity."

  "The first one is at the top of the list. If you are lucky, you will be able to directly get the Treasure of Longevity reward."

  "The second is to challenge the ranking of the list. If you succeed, you will also have the opportunity to receive the treasure of longevity reward."

  "The third type is to directly exchange the treasure of longevity with Tianji points."

  "Every time a celestial reward is issued, it will be accompanied by a certain celestial point."

  "As long as you accumulate enough secret points, you can exchange various treasures in the secret building, including the treasure of longevity."

  "Of course, you can also use Tianji points to calculate the fate of the past. Anything you can think of, Tianjilou can satisfy."

  Feng Chen does not sell anything, and will come up with all the methods one by one.

  Everyone was fascinated, and for the first time felt that Changsheng was so close to him.

  The first two may rely on luck, but the third method is [-]% able to obtain the treasure of longevity.

  As long as you have enough sky points.

  "Please, the owner of Tianji, hurry up and announce the list!"

  "That's right, I'm going to challenge the rankings and get the secret points."

  "It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. There is no simple person who can make the list. The level is not enough. If you go, you can only die."

  After Feng Chen made such a cake, everyone's emotions were aroused, and they eagerly wanted to know the true content of the list.

  "The list to be announced this time is the list of behind-the-scenes masterminds in Daming, and the top ten of them will be on the list."

  Feng Chen said simply and neatly. .

Chapter 4

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