The sword is the weapon of the gentleman, and it is also the favorite weapon of the heroes of the rivers and lakes.

  Anyone who learns swords in the world does not want to witness the style of the duel between top swordsmen.

  It is conceivable that after the news of the 'Sword Trial Contest' spreads, it will definitely attract the attention of countless swordsmen.

  "Three days later, I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch."

  "Ximen Chuixue and Feng Qingyang's kendo duel, this must be seen!"

  "Ximen Chuixue has been famous for a long time, and Feng Qingyang is in the limelight recently. The battle between these two is absolutely wonderful."

  "Sword Trial Conference? I'm not going anywhere, I've been staying in Tianjilou these few days."

  "Heroes see the same thing, I also want to live in Tianjilou, isn't it [-] taels."

  "Mrs. Ning, I want to reserve a yellow-marked seat on the second floor in three days. This is [-] taels of silver."

  "Miss Yue, book a private room with a mysterious name on the third floor for this young master. Well, it will be in three days."


  After a brief discussion, a group of high-profile guests in the rivers and lakes actually booked private rooms and private seats three days later.

  [Behind-the-scenes black hand list] The update plus the 'Sword Trial Conference', expecting to buy a private room and a private seat on the same day is tantamount to a dream.

  However, in just half an hour, half of the private room on the third floor and the private room on the second floor were booked out.


  Time flies, and the day goes by in a blink of an eye.

  The Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang City, Yangju Hall.

  Ying Zheng sat behind the dragon's desk, his eyes were as deep as abyss, and he stared at the desk.

  On the black table was a piece of rice paper with two lines of text written on it.

  The first line of characters is 'Hu who died of Qin'.

  The second line of characters is 'the first emperor died and the earth is divided'.

  In just a dozen or so words, the future destiny of the Qin Dynasty was exhausted, making Ying Zheng sleepless all night.

  "Hu who died of Qin, what does the word "Hu" refer to?"

  Ying Zheng frowned, still unable to think of a clue.

  At this moment, an eunuch suddenly entered the door and said, "Your Majesty, the two young masters have come to greet you."

  "Well, let them in."

  Ying Zheng said plainly, took a memorial and covered the rice paper on the case.

  Just after all this was done, Fusu and Hu Hai came in.

  Although Ying Zheng had many descendants, he never liked to be close to his descendants.

  Among the sons, only the eldest son Fusu and the youngest son Hu Hai can enter his palace at will.

  "See the royal father, the son minister Fusu greets the royal father."

  Fusu obeyed the etiquette and bowed down to the place [-] meters away from Yingzheng. He behaved elegantly and showed rules everywhere.

  On the contrary, the young Hu Hai was not restricted to these.

  I saw him running straight to the dragon's case, offering a casual greeting, and then curiously said:

  "I heard that the father went to the Tianji Building yesterday. Is it really as magical as the legend?"

  At this time, Hu Hai was only in his early ten years, and his eyes were bright.

  It may be that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and Hu Hai is not at all like the others who deliberately keep a distance from Ying Zheng, and he appears to be very close.

  Ying Zheng showed a rare smile and raised his hand to touch Hu Hai's head.

  But just after the palm was raised, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the word 'Hu' on the rice paper that was not covered.

  Hu who died of Qin.

  Hu Hai.

  Is there a connection between the two?

  When Ying Zheng thought of this, his expression instantly became cold.

  "You two go down."

  "Come here, let Zhao Gao, Li Si, and Meng Tian go to the palace to see the widow immediately."

  Seeing that Ying Zheng's tone was serious, Fusu and Hu Hai didn't dare to say more, and quickly stepped back.

  After a while, Zhao Gao, Li Si, and Meng Tian walked in.

  "See Your Majesty."

  The three saluted at the same time.

  "Excuse me."

  "You must already know the comments that the landlord of Tianji gave me to Da Qin."

  "The three are the right hands of the widow, what do you think about this batch of remarks?"

  Ying Zheng was condescending and said coldly.

  The hall was silent, and none of the three spoke.

  Ying Zheng was a little displeased, looked at Li Si in the middle and said, "Li Si, you are talented and learned, you can talk about it."

  Li Si complained bitterly in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the landlord of Tianji is unpredictable, and it is difficult for Wei Chen to understand the deep meaning of his criticism."


  "Don't think that widows don't know your thoughts."

  "Forget it, since you dare not speak, let the widow speak."

  "The master of Tianji deduces Tianji, saying that my Daqin will die with the word 'Hu', and the widow's eighteen son Hu Hai happens to have the word 'Hu' in his name."

  "Does this mean that after a hundred years of widowhood, Hu Hai will become the new emperor of Qin, and will bury the Qin state with one hand?"

  Ying Zheng slowly expressed his thoughts.

  Daqin has the Great Wall of [-] miles and millions of iron cavalry, like a copper wall and an iron wall, who can break it?

  But if it's from the inside, that's another story.

  Since ancient times, there have been countless examples of powerful countries perishing by faint monarchs.

  Although Hu Hai is smart, Ying Zheng can't guarantee whether he can manage an empire well.

  So in his opinion, this is the best explanation for the secret.

  Among the three, Meng Tian disliked Hu Hai very much because of his close relationship with Fusu.

  Hearing Ying Zheng's analysis, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

  If there is any prince in the Qin state who can threaten Fusu, it is probably only Hu Hai.

  As long as Hu Hai dies, the future Qin state will belong to Fusu, and he will also be entrusted with important tasks.. 0

  On the contrary, Zhao Gao's expression turned cold.

  As the commander of CRRC, he taught Hu Hai the Qin State Prison Law when Hu Hai was very young.

  The relationship between the two is close to that of master and apprentice.

  Moreover, Fusu respected Confucian scholarship, and always disliked such cruel organizations as snare.

  If Fusu ascends the throne, Luo Net will definitely be left out in the cold.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Gao immediately took a step forward and cupped his hands and said;

  "Report to Your Majesty."

  "The slave thinks that although Young Master Huhai is smart, he has many shortcomings compared to Young Master Fusu."

  "Even if His Majesty has the intention of establishing a reserve, Young Master Fusu will be the first choice, not Young Master Huhai."

  "So, Mr. Hu Hai should not be the person mentioned in the Tianji landlord's comments."

  Ying Zheng said: "Then what is your explanation for saying 'Hu who died in Qin'?"

  "Reporting to Your Majesty, the servant suddenly thought of something."

  "When King Wuling of Zhao succeeded Zhao State, there was an innovation of 'Hu clothing, riding and shooting', which made Zhao State once stronger in the Six Kingdoms."

  "The word 'Hu' here refers to the Xiongnu family outside the Northwest Great Wall."

  "The slave thinks that the word 'Hu' in the comments of the master of Tianji should have the same meaning as the word 'Hu' in 'Hu clothing riding and shooting'."

  Zhao Gao said in a low voice.

  "You mean that my Daqin will be killed by the Xiongnu?"

  Ying Zheng's eyes flashed.

  The power of the Huns cannot be ignored.

  Now the Xiongnu side is still divided, and the north and south Xiongnu are separate camps.

  If the North and South Huns were united, their strength would be enough to pose a threat to the Daqin border.

  Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's heart sank.

  "Meng Tian obeys orders!"

  "You can lead a 1.2-strong army to the northwest border. [-]"

  "The [-] Qin troops at the Tongtong border, a total of [-] troops, will reject the Xiongnu from the north!"

  "My son Fusu is the supervisor and has the right to make decisions on the spot."

  "Within a year, the widow will let the Xiongnu disappear in the Yinshan Mountains."

  Ying Zheng said very aggressively.

  This attack can be described as killing two birds with one stone, completely eliminating two hidden dangers.

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