In an abandoned manor overgrown with weeds, a dozen men in black broke in.

  The leader held a steel long sword and said sternly: "Liu Ji, the ghost killing sword under the King Mantian, was ordered by the King of Heaven to ask the girl for advice."


  As soon as Liu Ji's voice fell, the wooden door of the stone house in front of him shattered, and a woman wearing a hat walked out.

  "You don't need to ask, that life-threatening knife Jiao Xie was killed by me."

  The woman said lightly.

  But seeing her wearing a snow-white warrior uniform and standing gracefully with her sword, she was obviously ready for battle.

  "You killed Jiao Xie? You still haven't run away? Don't you know the prestige of King Mantian?"

  Liu Ji asked in surprise.


  "Why run?"

  "I'm still waiting for you to come and try the sword for me."

  "Since you call it 'Ghost Killing Sword', you must be good at swordsmanship, right?"

  The woman in white said softly, as if it was even more beautiful than Xian Lai.


  At the same time as her voice fell, a long sword with the coldness of the sword slammed out of its sheath, stabbing Liu Ji and the others as fast as lightning.

  Fierce murderous aura instantly filled the audience.

  "Bang bang bang bang..."

  The white-clothed woman's robes fluttered all over her body, and every time the sword light was swallowed, three or five black-clothed men fell to the ground.

  No matter where the wounded sword is, the sword will kill them, and the five internal organs will be shattered by the sword energy and die.

  It didn't take a moment for the long sword to pass through Liu Ji's heart, and the snow-white blade was not stained with a trace of blood (cabc).

  There was no one standing in the audience except the woman in white.

  "Junior sister, you are too reckless. We are here to assassinate Yang Guang, why do you have to add so much trouble."

  Another woman came out of the stone house and said in a reprimanding tone.


  "Master often says that the masters of the Central Plains are like clouds, so I just want to play with them."

  "I didn't expect them to get scary titles one by one. In fact, they have no ability at all, and I can't even catch a trick."

  "Furthermore, I didn't show my appearance, so I wasn't afraid of being discovered."

  The woman in white took off her hat, revealing a beautiful face that looked very young.

  "Senior sister, I think the little sister is right."

  "These swordsmen in the Central Plains are all wine sacks and rice bags, and they are vulnerable. How can they compare to our Goguryeo?"

  "Presumably, there won't be any masters around Yang Guang. This assassination operation should be very simple."

  A woman walked out of the stone house again and said lightly.

  These three are the three direct disciples of the master Yijian master Cailin of Goguryeo Yijianmen, Fu Junxi, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang.

  After Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, the three expeditions to Goguryeo were unsuccessful, but Koguryeo suffered heavy casualties.

  In order to prevent Goguryeo from suffering another military disaster, the three decided to assassinate Yang Guang, the culprit.

  Originally, Fu Junxi planned to carry out this assassination operation alone.

  However, the mysterious force of Tianjilou suddenly appeared in the Central Plains, and one of the golden stone tablets happened to fall in Jiangdu, making Jiangdu's Jianghu masters several times more numerous at once.

  In order to ensure the success of the plan, Fu Junxi had to pull two of her junior sisters.

  Although these two junior sisters started later than her, their kendo talent was extremely high, and their strength was much stronger than her.

  But what Fu Junxiu didn't expect was that Fu Junyu and Fu Junxiu were not obedient at all when they arrived in the Central Plains, and they looked for experts everywhere to challenge.

  With the powerful "Yi Jianshu", the two have experienced hundreds of battles, and they have not been defeated, and no one can even block their ten moves.

  This can't help but make the two little girls more arrogant, and they don't care about the masters of the Central Plains at all.

  Fu Junxu thought to himself that if things went on like this, there would definitely be troubles when carrying out the mission.

  We must find a real master to teach them a lesson, so that they know how powerful the Central Plains swordsman is.

  Only in this way can there be no mistakes when assassinating Yang Guang.

  Soon, Fu Junxi had an idea.

  "I'm afraid the two junior sisters still don't know that there will be a sword test meeting in Tianjilou the day after tomorrow."

  "The swordsmen are two top swordsmen in Daming Jianghu, and the subtlety of swordsmanship is probably not under the master."

  "By that time, all the kendo masters in the Central Plains will gather in Tianjilou."

  "You've only met third-rate characters before."

  "When I take you to Tianjilou for a walk, you will know how powerful the top Central Plains swordsman is."

  Fu Junxi said so.

  The two girls were really unconvinced.

  Fu Junchang immediately said that he was going to Tianjilou to watch the sword test conference.

  Fu Junyu said proudly, "Sword test? I'll let them know that our Goguryeo swordsmanship is the best in the world!"


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen, who was chatting with everyone, suddenly felt a shudder in the sky.

  This was also the first time the system had deduced by itself after he obtained the god-level deduction system.

  When he saw the result of the deduction, Feng Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

  Heaven's secrets are chaotic, and Emperor Xing falls in Jiangdu.

  This is... the Great Sui Dynasty is about to die? .

Chapter 65

  "Master Tianji, what happened?"

  In the hall of Tianji Building, a group of dignitaries saw that Feng Chen's face was wrong, and they asked quickly.

  Feng Chen didn't answer, and his mind was still immersed in the 'Heaven's Secret Deduction'.

  At this moment, a picture appeared in front of his eyes, it was the picture of ~'the past'.

  In an abandoned manor on the outskirts of Jiangdu, a woman wearing a white samurai uniform killed more than a dozen men in black.

  Then two older beauties walked out of the stone house.

  The three discussed the assassination of Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty.

  During this period, the three also made a decision to come to Tianjilou to watch the sword test conference.

  If Fu Junxi, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junxiu saw this scene, they would be shocked.

  Because that's exactly what happened to them.

  Even Fu Junyu's sentence "Sword Test Conference? I'll let them know that our Goguryeo swordsmanship is the best in the world!" was completely known by Feng Chen.

  Immediately afterwards, the picture turned and changed to another place,

  This is a picture of the 'future'.

  On the riverside of Jiangdu, a huge building boat was quietly leaning on the shore, which was the palace of Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty.

  The palace is resplendent, and envoys from various countries come forward in an endless stream, or present tributes, or perform singing and dancing programs.

  Soon, it was the turn of Goguryeo's envoys.

  While offering heavy gifts, they asked for a dance for Emperor Sui.

  After receiving the approval of Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, more than [-] Goguryeo dancers immediately appeared in the hall, all of them beautiful and graceful.

  In particular, the three people in the lead, even though their masks were veiled, could be seen to be peerless beauty only from their exposed jaws.

  Soon, the Sui Emperor Yang Guang and the other ministers of civil and military affairs were attracted.

  At the moment when the dance was the most refreshing, the three women wearing veils suddenly had a seizure and went straight to Yang Guang, who was sitting in the first place.

  The movement of these three people is so fast, with a white dance costume, they are like ghosts.

  In an instant, the three of them arrived within ten steps of Yang Guang.

  The fluttering ribbon was like a long sword of fine steel under the internal force of the three people.

  Jianmang hesitated and stabbed Yang Guang without hesitation.


  "Quick escort!"

  Inside the golden hall, the noise resounded endlessly.

  The Zuotunwei general Yu Wenhua and the forbidden army commander Dugufeng rushed forward at the same time, but could only barely block one person.

  And the remaining female assassin, as if entering a realm of no one, ran directly to Yang Guang and pierced her heart with a sword.

  The energy surged, shattering the veils of the three, revealing the faces of three sinking fish and falling geese.

  It was the three people who appeared in the abandoned manor before.

  After killing Yang Guang with one blow, Yu Wenhua and Dugufeng were shocked and lost their minds.

  The three women took advantage of the situation and went all the way.

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