"In this world, martial arts are respected, and personal strength is the most worthy of reliance."

  "If we can have the power of the Evil King and the Queen of Yin, who would dare to pirate us in this Great Sui Dynasty?"

  "By that time, we can even spread the 'Yuedan Review' all over the six countries in the Central Plains and become the richest man in the world."

  Xu Ziling also began to daydream.

  He didn't have much ambition, but 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Ju' was his hard work, just like his children.

  At this time, he very much hopes to have the power to guard the 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Ping'.

  Just then, a pretty woman walked in quickly.

  "Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling, something big happened in Tianjilou."

  The woman said anxiously as soon as she came in.

  "Sister Zhen, speak slowly, don't worry."

  Xu Ziling said quickly and comfortably.

  This woman was Wei Zhenzhen who had previously sponsored Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

  Although Wei Zhenzhen was young, she was respected by Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling as her mother.

  After the two developed, the first thing to do was to rescue Wei Zhenzhen from the sea of ​​misery.

  Now Wei Zhenzhen is also one of the leaders of 'Yuedan Review'.

  "Just now, the owner of Tianji sensed the chaos in the sky and conducted a deduction of Tianji."

  "But I didn't expect that the 'Omen of the Fall of the Emperor' was actually deduced. The emperor who is about to fall is the emperor of our Great Sui Dynasty."

  "Not only that, the owner of Tianji also publicly displayed the deduced 'future' picture in public."

  "It turns out that there are three killers hidden in the Goguryeo mission to Da Sui this time."

  "These three people will suddenly assassinate during the singing and dancing performance, beheading His Majesty."

  "Now the entire Tianji Building has known the news, and everyone is talking about it."

  Wei Zhenzhen spoke quickly.

  "God helps me too! It really helps me too! Hahaha!"

  After listening to Wei Zhenzhen's words, Kou Zhong laughed directly up to the sky.

  Xu Ziling was always witty, and quickly guessed what Kou Zhong was thinking, and said, "Do you want to tell His Majesty the news?"

  "Those who know me, Ziling!"

  "Didn't we just complain that we have no acquaintances in the DPRK?"

  "This is a great opportunity!"

  "As long as we can meet Your Majesty and tell His Majesty about this, it will be a great achievement."

  "By then, hehe, His Majesty is our acquaintance!"

  "Look who dares to provoke us again."

  Kou Zhong said triumphantly.

  Wei Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, if there was an emperor as a backer, then they really wouldn't be afraid of anything.

  "However, His Majesty's palace is heavily guarded, how do we get up?"

  Xu Ziling said slowly, and suddenly the smiles on Kou Zhong and Wei Zhenzhen's faces froze.


  They are just grass-roots people, they have nothing to do with the court, and there is no chance of seeing the emperor at all.

  "If you want to see His Majesty, I can help."

  At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly came in from outside.

  Afterwards, I saw a Yinglang young man striding in, it was Li Shimin.

  "Brother Li? Do you really have a way for us to see His Majesty?"

  Kou Zhong said in surprise.

  Li Shimin smiled and said, "As long as I recommend it, it shouldn't be a problem.. 0"

  "Even the prefect of Jiangdu, it is not so easy to see His Majesty."

  "Brother Li is so sure, it's hard to imagine what background Brother Li is."

  Xu Ziling said meaningfully.

  Kou Zhong has always been careless and asked directly: "Brother Li, what is your identity? Can you give your brother a clue?"

  "That's it."

  "It's okay to tell you about it."

  "I am the governor of Taiyuan, the son of Tang Guogong Li Yuan."

  "Our Li family has a relationship with the royal family for generations."

  "If it is calculated, His Majesty is now my cousin."

  Li Shimin said in a flat tone.

  Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were completely dumbfounded.

  They could never have imagined that a young master who casually approached in the Tianji Building turned out to be a relative of the royal family.

  This is almost the same as the probability of being struck to death by lightning when going out.

  "Brother Li's identity is really amazing, no wonder he has repeatedly declined the shares of 'Yuedan Review'."

  Xu Ziling said with emotion.

  Li Shimin shook his head and said, "My identity seems to be noble, but in fact I have no real power. At most, it is just more convenient to see His Majesty."

  "By the way, see Your Majesty!"

  "Now is not the time for small talk."

  "Brother Li, take us to see His Majesty."

  "If it's too late, I'm afraid it will be taken away by others."

  Kou Zhong said hurriedly.

  "Okay, you come with me now."

  Li Shimin was also resolute and took Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling directly to Yang Guang's palace.

  Along the way, I passed a dozen levels.

  If someone else is changed, even if it is a high-ranking official in the court, it will be notified layer by layer 1.2.

  But Li Shimin was Emperor Sui's cousin after all. After revealing his identity, the guards immediately stepped aside.

  Soon, Li Shimin, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling came to Yang Guang's palace.

  At this time, Yang Guang was watching the singing and dancing, surrounded by countless concubines and concubines.

  Seeing Li Shimin coming, Yang Guang immediately greeted warmly:

  "Nephew Li came just in time. Today's singing and dancing is good. You can enjoy it with me."

  Li Shimin said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen brought two people here. They said they had something important to report to His Majesty."

  Yang Guang frowned slightly, and although he was a little unhappy, he still waved his hands to let the dancers back out.

  "Is that the two of you? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

  Yang Guang looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling and said solemnly.

  Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at each other, Kou Zhong was more courageous in the end and took a step forward.

  "Caomin Kou Zhong, see Your Majesty."

  "Your Majesty knows that your death is approaching!"

  Kou Zhong was shocked by the words. .

Chapter 67

  In the palace, the air seemed to freeze into ice.

  Those concubines who surrounded Yang Guang, their originally smiling faces froze instantly, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

  Even Yang Guang stared at Kou Zhong with an incredible look on his face.

  "You... what did you say?"

  After a long time, Yang Guang regained his senses and asked in disbelief.

  He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

  "Your Majesty knows that your death is coming."

  Kou Zhong dared to say it again.


  Yang Guang slammed the dragon case, and a violent coercion rose into the sky.

  "Come on, let me pull this traitor out and chop it up."

  Yang Guang was furious, and regardless of the relationship between Kou Zhong and Li Shimin, he gave the order directly.

  "Your Majesty, this is not what the villain said, but the Lord of Heaven's Secret."

  Kou Zhong, who was held up by the two guards, quickly said loudly.

  "The owner of the sky machine?"

  The anger on Yang Guang's face disappeared immediately, and he said solemnly: "Master Tianji said that my death is coming?"

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