As a famous legend in all corners of the world, Wood Daoist has almost reached the peak in terms of mind, city government, and martial arts, and has no weaknesses at all.

  Now it has disappeared without a trace, nowhere to be found.

  This made many people a little uneasy, fearing that the Daoist Wood would do even more tragic things.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen paused for a while, and after everyone's discussion became weaker, he continued:

  "[Sword God List] Eighth place: Duan Tianya."

  "Reward for the list: 3000 Tianji points, low-level ninjutsu "Clone Jutsu""

  "Challenge Reward: 6000 Heavenly Secret Points, Top Grade Ninjutsu "Multiple Clone""


  "[Sword God List] Seventh place: Wood Daoist."

  "Listing reward: 4000 Tianji points, middle-grade Dao Enlightenment Pill (after taking it, it will enter the state of enlightenment, greatly improve the comprehension qualification, which can be used to learn the exercises, or deduce the lack of the incomplete pieces of the exercises)"

  "Challenge reward: 8000 Heavenly Secret Points, low-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill (the ninth-level peak powerhouse of the Great Master Realm can briefly enter the state of 'Dao's Nature' after taking it, increasing the chance of breaking through to the realm of the unity of man and nature by [-]%)"


  As this voice fell, the update of the [Sword God Ranking] was completely completed.

  The light emitted by the six golden steles in the six dynasties slowly converged.

  On the golden stone tablet, everything Feng Chen just said has been engraved, and it is clearly visible within a hundred miles.

  at the same time.

  The Ming Dynasty, on Mount Wudang.

  1.2 Duan Tianya and Shangguan Haitang are investigating the tragic scene after the war.

  The secret agents of Hulong Villa were busy in and out. Rao was used to seeing bloody scenes. At this time, they couldn't help but tremble when they were surveying the battlefield.

  The huge Wudang Mountain, every inch of the mountain is covered with blood, as if hell is now on earth.

  "[Sword God List] No. [-], Duan Tianya."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 3000 Sky Points."

  "You have obtained the low-grade ninjutsu "Clone Jutsu""

  Duan Tianya, who was talking with Shangguan Haitang, stopped abruptly as if struck by lightning, and looked around.

  Shangguan Haitang said strangely, "Brother Duan, what's wrong with you?"

  "There was a voice just now, as if it sounded in my mind, so strange, is this the method of Tianjilou?"

  Duan Tianya said with a faint awe.

  Shangguan Haitang's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed in surprise, "Tianjilou sound transmission? Could it be that Brother Duan is on the list of Tianjilou?"

  "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

  "The [Sword God List] has been updated, and I am ranked eighth."

  "Received 3000 Heavenly Secret Points, and a level of low-grade ninjutsu."

  Duan Tianya said calmly, but his heart was already ups and downs.

  He was only ranked eighth in the [Sword God List]?

  This ranking made him unacceptable. .

Chapter 87

  "[Sword God List] Eighth place? This... how is this possible?"

  After listening to Duan Tianya's words, the smile on Shangguan Haitang's face instantly solidified.

  In her mind, Duan Tianya's swordsmanship is earth-shattering.

  It can only be ranked eighth in the [Sword God Ranking]?how can that be!

  "That's the truth. It can only be said that we are experts in the Daming Jianghu, and there may be many hidden powerhouses that we don't know about."

  Although he was very dissatisfied in his heart, Duan Tianya still showed a calm look on the surface.

  Shangguan Haitang frowned, suddenly remembered something, and said:

  "I see, it must be that the owner of Tianji didn't include Brother Duan's "Imaginary Sword"."

  "After all, Brother Duan has not used it a few times in the Central Plains since he cultivated the "Imaginary Sword", and almost no one knows about it."

  "If you include "Illusory Sword", Brother Duan will definitely be in the top three of the [Sword God List]."

  Duan Tianya nodded slightly when he heard the words, and also believed that this was the case.

  This is not his conceit, but absolute confidence in his own strength and confidence in the "Imaginary Sword" he has mastered.

  Although the swordsmanship of "Illusionary Sword" is not top-notch in terms of moves.

  But it incorporates many characteristics of Dongying Ninjutsu. Once a sword strikes, it can transform into thousands of sword shadows, which is hard to prevent.

  When Duan Tianya was performing official duties, he had encountered powerful enemies many times, and he relied on "Imaginary Sword" to kill his opponents.

  "Looking at it another way, this might be a good thing."

  Shangguan Haitang spoke again.

  Duan Tianya asked curiously, "Where's the good?"

  "Did Big Brother Duan forget the 'Tianji Challenge'?"

  "Brother Duan's real strength is far more than the eighth place in the [Sword God List]."

  "In this way, you can challenge the Sword God ranked above you."

  "As long as you defeat those sword gods, you can not only improve Brother Duan's ranking, but also get rich rewards."

  Shangguan Haitang said enthusiastically, feeling like a genius 20.

  Duan Tianya is also bright.

  Ever since he learned that Tianjilou has the magical ability to bring the dead back to life, he has been yearning for Tianji Point.

  Isn't it a good opportunity to get a lot of secret points right now?

  "Haitang, thank you for your reminder."

  "When this matter is over, I will challenge the Sword God who ranks above me."

  "Although it will expose the existence of "Imaginary Sword", it is worth it for the secret point."

  Duan Tianya said solemnly.

  "By the way, didn't Big Brother Duan also acquire a low-grade ninjutsu?"

  "What kind of ninjutsu?"

  "Can you show Haitang a look?"

  Shangguan Haitang asked curiously.

  Although the Ming Dynasty and the Dongying Dynasty were adjacent to each other, there was not much communication between the two countries.

  Shangguan Haitang has heard the name of Dongying Ninjutsu for a long time, but has never seen the real Ninjutsu.

  "This ninjutsu is called "Clone Jutsu", and it is a genuine Eastern Ninjutsu."

  "In Dongying, the rivers and lakes are divided into two parts."

  "Part of it is Sword Sect. For example, Iga-ryu and Jiaga-ryu belong to Sword Sect sects, and they will basically open their gates to recruit disciples."

  "The other part is Ninja Sect, which specializes in practicing various ninjutsu and exists in the form of Ninja Village."

  "Compared to the open sword sect, the Eastern Ninja sect attaches great importance to the family and blood."

  "Each ninja village is made up of several big families and many small families."

  "The ninjas in the Ninja Village are also selected from these family members, cultivated from childhood, and have high loyalty."

  "Unless in very special circumstances, these ninja villages will basically not pass ninjutsu to people outside the village."

  "That's why I have been studying in Dongying for many years, but I have never been able to learn a real Dongying ninjutsu."

  "The so-called ninjutsu I learned are all small tricks used in conjunction with swordsmanship, and they are not worth mentioning in front of real ninjutsu."

  Knowing that Shangguan Haitang was curious, Duan Tianya patiently explained it to her.

  Shangguan Haitang said, "So, isn't this 'Separation Technique' very precious?"

  "Not very precious, but very precious!"

  "As far as I know, "Clone Jutsu" is the subordinate ninjutsu of the top Ninjutsu "Shadow Clone Jutsu"."

  "Although the power is not as powerful as "Shadow Clone Technique", it consumes very little and can basically be ignored."

  "If it can be used at a critical moment in the battle, it will have an unexpected effect."

  Duan Tianya said very excitedly.

  When he was studying in Dongying, he was very interested in all kinds of weird ninjutsu, but unfortunately he has no way to study, so he can only regret it.

  Unexpectedly, it is now effortlessly obtained from Tianjilou.

  And it can be seen from the sky machine rewards issued.

  As long as there are enough secret points, all kinds of Ninjutsu can be exchanged.

  "If you let those conservative Dongying Ninjas know that all their secret ninjutsu can be exchanged in Tianjilou, I wonder what their expressions will be?"

  Duan Tianya thought with a slightly wicked taste.

  At this moment, a Wudang disciple flew down from the mountain and said, "Two secret agents of Hulong Villa, Zhang Zhenren is invited."

  When Duan Tianya and Shangguan Haitang heard the words, they immediately calmed down and said, "Please lead the way."

  Soon, the two entered the Wudang Golden Temple under the guidance of Wudang disciples.

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