“Your martial arts talent is really amazing,” Xiaolongnü narrowed her expression slightly, but she still had a slightly shocked look.

“That is, and don’t look at who taught it. Thank you very much for teaching the tomb martial arts with me. Fang Qin said with a hippie smile.

“…… No need to be thankful, these martial arts may not be as mysterious as your mental skills. The little dragon girl looked at him with disgust and shook her head.

“It’s just that I didn’t think that your understanding was so amazing, that you learned it in just one go, and that you used it so well, better than when I practiced for many years…”

“Dragon Girl, although I already know it, I haven’t fought with people much, and martial arts fighting is far worse than yours.” Fang Qin Dao.

“Well, I usually stay in the ancient tomb, where I have experience in fighting with people, but when I was learning martial arts with my master before, the master and I practiced feeding tricks.”

“I haven’t fought with anyone at all, only last time I still had a few moves with Li Moxuan, why doesn’t the girl practice with me?”

The little dragon girl hesitated for a moment and bowed her head slightly

“Well, I’ll practice with you.”

Next, in this martial arts training room, the two of them exchanged moves, the two sides had come and gone, although they were just feeding each other, there was nothing killing, but when they came and went, Fang Qin was still comfortable with his own martial arts.

Originally, Xiaolongnü was already very well, but seeing that Fang Qin was practicing martial arts diligently every day, she did not say anything to send Fang Qin out

Coupled with the close relationship in the past few days, Xiaolong Girl also gradually developed feelings for Qin, and she did not mention anything about leaving.

Only Dao said to himself in his heart that Fang Qin still wanted to borrow the Han Jade Bed to practice, and when he was well practiced, he would ask him to leave, and when he thought of this, he felt that his chest was bored.

So in the next few days, the two practiced against each other, grinding together all day, and Fang Qin had a beautiful person to accompany him, and he was full of excitement

It’s just that Xiaolongnü has secretly thought in her heart these days, she grew up in the ancient tomb since she was a child, plus the “Jade Girl Gong” that she has practiced since she was a child pays attention to thinking less and wanting to restrain the emotions in her heart, and everything does not invade the heart, so as to achieve the effect of the practice of health maintenance.

But somehow in the past few days, after meeting Fang Qin, he was rescued from the hands of his sister, and then he cared for her to heal and detoxify to the extreme, and every time he thought about it, he was warm in his heart.

When I was with him, I was often affected by it, or laughed or shy, or angry or strange, only to feel that the emotions of these few days were more than in the past after learning martial arts, and I was really happier and happier than before, and her heart fluctuated, which often hindered her internal strength.

Thinking about Master’s dying words, he said that the internal power and mind method of the ancient tomb of this door pay attention to the abandonment of the seven emotions and six desires, and if it is emotional, it will be harmful to the skill, and when it is serious, there will even be worry about life…

Xiaolongnü knew that if she wanted to recover, she only needed to stay away from him, and maybe she could return to the same way as before, but this thought was always left behind by her, as if she had never thought of it.

On this day, the two fought with swords, Fang Qin held a long sword and the sword light in his hand flashed, the figure drifted back like a god, the little dragon girl was a little restless, seeing that he was radiant, described as handsome, his mind was shaking, he did not stand steady, his body slipped, he was about to fall, Fang Qin hurriedly threw away the long sword and went forward to hold her.

Wen Xiang fell into his arms, his eyes were facing each other, the two of them panicked at the same time, and the little dragon girl was even more ashamed. Fang Qin saw that her skin was like gelatin, there was a red halo with powder on her face, her eyes were fluttering, her eyebrows were affectionate, her heart was hot, and she was embarrassed to lean down.

“Well…” A touch of warmth came.

Rou Feng picked up and tried to push him away, but somehow lost her strength again and only touched him gently.

For a long time, separated, the two sat embracing each other, each wanting to say something, and did not know where to start, could only embrace each other without words, and experience the emotion of Fangcai.

Fang Qin’s heart was a little boiling, and he embraced this lovely child who had fallen softly in his arms, and looked at her pair of Yingying Qiubo, who seemed to be happy and disgusted, and said

“Dragon girl, I’ll call you Dragon Er from now on.”

“Hmm… Fang, Fang Lang. ”

Seeing the beauty shyly waiting to be released, it was another kiss.

In this way, the two really pointed out their intentions, and the relationship between them was already extremely intimate, as if to make up for the previous restraint.

The faint candlelight jumped slightly, and the air seemed to be a lot sweeter.

The next day, Fang Qin woke up, felt the warmth in his arms, couldn’t help but smile softly, and gently touched the green silk.

“…… Oh” a soft whisper, delicate and delicate, slightly open the eyes, then saw a pair of warm eyes, eyes full of affection, can’t help but wake up, the heart is ashamed, hidden in the quilt not to look at him.

When Fang Qin saw her like this, he couldn’t help but laugh, leaned forward to tease her, only to make her blush, and raised his jade hand to pat him before stopping.

The afterglow swept to a flower, thinking of last night, I couldn’t help but feel some love and pity, and said in her ear

“Don’t get up before you have a good rest, I’ll go get some good ones for you to nurse, and today it’s my turn to take care of you.”

Wait for the muffled ‘um’ sound to come out of the quilt, and smile.

I got up and got dressed and went out, went to the kitchen room, thought about taking out some fresh food from the [space], added some medicinal herbs that strengthened the original Peiyuan, toned qi and blood, and made some medicinal porridge.

He brought a bowl of porridge to the head of the bed in the room and said to the little dragon girl who had just gotten up

“Dragon Er, I cooked some medicinal porridge, I’ll feed you to drink.”

The little dragon girl saw that he cared for him to the extreme, and her face was slightly red

“Me, I’m okay, I’m much better, I’ll do it myself.”

“Huh? How does this work? You sit tight and I’ll feed you. Fang Qin naturally refused and wanted to take good care of her.

The little dragon girl saw that the lover was funny and insisted, and looked at him with disgust, and could only rely on him.

After eating one bite at a time, the little dragon girl looked at Fang Qin’s eyes full of soft love.

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