Fang Qin returned to a small town at the bottom of the mountain, came to an inn, and after instructing the treasurer not to disturb him, he went back to his room and called out the system.

[Host]: [Fang Qin].

【Martial Arts】:【Nine Yin True Scriptures. Remnant] [Jade Girl Heart Sutra]…

【Luck point】:【270000】


【Buddhism】:【Nine Yin True Scriptures. Remnants]【Catching Birds】【Golden Goose Gong】…【Nine Yang True Scriptures】

Fang Qin clicked open the Martial Path and couldn’t help but secretly rejoice when he saw that the Nine Yang True Scriptures had been included in it.

One is that this is a complete internal skill mastery, and if you want to compare many martial arts, this Nine Yang True Scripture can be regarded as Fang Qin’s most valued.

If it is said that the Nine Yin True Classics contain the martial arts of the world, and the internal martial arts moves are all-encompassing, which is the general outline of the martial arts of the world, then the “Nine Yang True Classics” is the internal strength and mind method that specializes in internal forces.

The Nine Yin True Scriptures are in Bo, and the Nine Yang True Classics are in Jing.

Although the Nine Yang True Classics only have the Inner Gong Heart Method in the sutra and do not record martial arts moves, they integrate the martial arts to the truth; After training, all martial arts attachments in the world can be used.

Moreover, after learning the Nine Yang Divine Gong, there are also various kinds of mysteries.

The internal force of one is endless, endless, and it can also have great attack power by doing it casually.

The defense power of the two is unmatched, and Xuangong automatically protects the body, which is uncomfortable with trauma.

The three are blessed with light skills, and ordinary vertical leaps are better than many light skill masters in the world.

The four are also healing holy scriptures, which are not invaded by poison, and the injuries can be recovered very quickly. There are many wonderful uses for internal work.

Fang Qin did not think much and directly chose to study.

“Ding, whether to study the Nine Yang True Scriptures or not, it takes qi luck points…”

“Confirm learning.” Fang Qin confirmed in his heart.


The content of the Nine Yang True Scriptures turned into a series of messages that poured into Fang Qin’s mind, and Fang Qin constantly understood the subtleties in it.

The mind moves at will, and the disk sits up and directly cultivates.

Unlike the internal force cultivated by the Nine Yin True Scriptures, this time the internal force is a burning sensation, and the internal force is constantly flowing and there is a feeling of warmth in the body.

After two hours, Fang Qin slowly withdrew from that mysterious state, and the meaning of the Nine Yang Divine Gong had already been fully integrated, and he stopped practicing.

“Hu ~ [Nine Yang Divine Gong] is really broad and profound.”

I don’t know if it is because I have already passed the Twelve True Sutras, but the Nine Yang Divine Gong has been practiced exceptionally smoothly. Two hours have passed through the second layer.

It’s just that as the cultivation gets deeper and deeper, and the momentum of cultivation becomes bigger and bigger, it can only stop first, for fear of affecting the surrounding areas and for fear of attracting prying eyes, although it is not afraid but it is troublesome.

Fang Qin decided to find a place where no one was cultivating well. This time, he was just planning to go to a sword tomb where he would go alone and seek defeat and bury his sword, see the invincible style of the world, and hunt the bodhisattva snake by the way, he was very hungry for this kind of treasure snake that could increase internal strength and bone strength.

His internal skills were exquisite, but he had already understood them thoroughly, but because his cultivation time was not long, his internal strength could not really reach its peak, and if he had the help of heaven and earth treasures, the time spent could be shortened a lot.

But before that, you have to go back to the real world. Because there will be a time when “Second World: Martial Arts” will be served.

Fang Qin called out the system and chose to go back in the “World”.

After returning to the real world, come to the computer to open it and view the information.

Fang Qin checked the official website forum information on the network, and now the netizens are no longer discussing any problems, and they are waiting for the time to start the service.

“There are still 180 minutes to start, boring.”

“There are still 179 minutes to start, boring.”

“I’ll interrupt the formation, a little bit.”

A group of idle sand sculpture netizens paddled frantically in the forum.

Time slowly came to zero, and “Second World: Martial Arts” officially opened.

The forum fell silent, and all the people who were looking forward to buying the game equipment began to enter the game.


Zhao Xiao is an L station up-owner, specializing in evaluating and complaining about some games on the market, and is loved by his sharp language and funny style, and is a big guy with five million fans.

Today is the opening of “Second World: Wuxia”, although the opening time is set at the zero point of the complaining, but there are still many people waiting, they will never wait until the next day to experience the game, will be the first time to enter to experience it.

And Zhao Xiao, as a game up-owner, will naturally not be unfamiliar with this game that has not yet been opened and is popular all over the world, so he bought the game warehouse early, prepared everything, and waited for the service to start.

Zhao Xiao did it in the game warehouse, got everything right, and took a deep breath.

“Woohoo ~ I hope this game doesn’t disappoint me.” However, the official should not be too bad. ”

Before playing this game, he has actually made some psychological preparations, although the official came forward as a guarantee, but these people in the game circle actually have frequent discussions in private, and they do not believe in 100% virtual reality, but they still have great expectations for this new game.

“Turn it on.” Zhao Xiao saw that the time was almost up, so he directly entered first.

[Ding, confirm the identity successfully].

[Distance opening time: 00:45].

Closing his eyes, there was darkness in front of his eyes, there was only one remaining time prompt box, and Zhao Xiao was inexplicably a little nervous.

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, the game opens.] 】

Time flies, and at the end of the hour, the prompt box in front of you disappears, replaced by a soft glow.

Zhao Xiao only felt as if his thoughts had sunk, and he knew that his body had not moved, but there was a feeling that was somewhat difficult to explain, and after a while a familiar sense of control arose.

Zhao Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and the curiosity that had originally existed in his eyes gradually solidified.

“This… How is this possible. Zhao Xiao looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

There was darkness and silence all around, only the faint moonlight provided some light, and I could see things clearly, which was a dense forest.

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