After walking for a while, I came to a strange place, an empty place, and when I looked up, a large piece of stalactites hung over my head.

Walking inside, a natural stone platform was in the central position, and if you looked closely, the center of this stone platform was slightly sunken down, like a huge bowl, which was full of jade-colored liquid, and Fang Qin’s heart beat slightly when he saw this.

Quickly step forward, smell carefully, a faint sweet smell came, just smell there is a cool feeling.

Seeing that the upper side was already filled with jade liquid, the upper side clicked, dripping down a drop of liquid, the entire stone platform jade liquid fluctuated slightly, only some of the surrounding spilled down and seeped into the ground along the stone wall.

“Isn’t this a natural treasure?” Millennium stone milk? Or what? Fang Qin muttered some doubts, seeing that the spilled liquid seeped into the ground, that is, into the pool of water outside, he couldn’t help but have some guesses.

“…… How to deal with this. Fang Qin was a little embarrassed, this thing looked like a heavenly treasure, but he didn’t understand this thing, it was impossible to directly pour it into his body, although he said that he was invincible, but it wasn’t something unknown that he tried directly.

“Put it away first, go back and study it slowly.” Fang Qin took out several jade bottles and cans directly from the space, which was when Xiaolongnü prepared her luggage for him before, and put several cans of jade bee pulp for him to eat later.

Later, it was slowly eaten by Fang Qin, and the remaining jade bottles and jars were naturally not thrown away, but now it was useful to directly put the jade liquid on the stone platform into the bottle.

Fill three cans straight and there is quite a few left.

Fang Qin took out two smaller jade bottles again and filled them in turn, leaving only the remaining little bit. Put those bottles and cans into the space first.

Fang Qin transported the internal force and ingested the remaining bit into his hand, there was not much left, only a few drops were captured by him with internal force.

Looking at the empty stone platform, and then looking up at the stone clock, Fang Qin did not stop here, taking a few drops of jade liquid in his hand and returning directly to the same way.

Coming to the mouth of the cave, the direct internal force erupted, and the extremely strong internal force bombarded the water curtain, and then when the water flow was slightly blocked, it directly went down.

Hiss ~

A few Pusi Qu snakes under the water, directly opening their mouths to bite, Fang Qin casually jumped out at the snake’s feet, and moved continuously, directly returning to the edge of the pool.

The surrounding snakes somehow seemed to riot, and the shock power just now seemed to be completely gone, swimming directly in the direction of Fang Qin.

Fang Qin casually collected a large number of Pusi Qu snakes with a few shocks and was included in the space.

Hundreds of Pusiqu snakes hissed, and seeing that the snakes everywhere seemed to be more violent than before, Fang Qin looked at the few drops of jade liquid he had captured in his hand.

“Is it the problem with these few drops of jade liquid?” Try it. “Separate a drop of jade liquid, a little finger, wrapped in the internal force slightly drifting forward.”

As if sensing something, the snakes arched their bodies one after another, flew straight to the jade liquid, and opened their mouths to bite.

A three-foot-long Pusqu snake swallowed it in one gulp, and the surrounding snakes directly bumped into it as if they were unwilling and tore it up.

Fang Qin looked at the snakes that reacted so greatly, and he also knew in his heart that this jade liquid might really be some kind of heavenly treasure, so that these Pusiqu snakes instinctively went to grab it.

Fang Qin’s body moved, and he directly struck and killed all the Pusiqu snakes around him, leaving only the three-zhang-long Pusiqu snake that had just eaten the jade liquid, and poured the remaining few drops directly into it.

Then he stunned it with one hand and caught it, no longer caring about the surrounding snakes, directly transporting light gong, flying by, and a few figures flashed away from the basin valley.

Only a flock of snakes was left to bite each other.

The figure galloped through the forest, and within a few moments, Fang Qin returned to the cave of the Divine Eagle, and when he saw Fang Qin’s figure, the Divine Eagle came forward with his head held high.

Seeing Fang Qin carrying a Pusi Qu snake in his hand, he cried out a few times in excitement and wanted to take it and eat it.

“Oh, brother eagle, this snake doesn’t eat, I’m going to come and have some uses, if you want to eat, I’ll take some out for you later.” Fang Qin patted the divine eagle’s wings and threw the snake aside.

The god eagle grunted with some doubt.

“Brother Diao, during this period of time, you help me look at this snake, don’t let it run, I want to study its changes carefully.” Come on, these are for you. Fang Qin said and took out several Pusiqu snakes in the space and threw them to the god eagle.

The god eagle nodded doubtfully, but also nodded his head, saw him give it a few snakes, roared a few times in excitement, and ate it.

Fang Qin looked at the fainting Pusi Qu Snake, secretly said, see what changes will occur in these days, if there is nothing to do, then directly drink some trial effects.

After all, it may be a legendary treasure of heaven and earth, and if it is true, the benefits to him are self-evident.

He said hello to the eagle and went straight back to the cave. Pan sat down to run the [Taiyin and Yang True Scripture], Xuangong operated, the body was comfortable, and the yin and yang flowed between them, constantly refining.

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