In that Liang Ziweng original work, he raised a treasure snake in the Jin Kingdom, and his function was not shallow, and in the palace of Yan Honglie, in the middle of the capital, Mei Chaofeng was hidden.

And Mei Chaofeng has the next volume of the Nine Yin True Scriptures on him, although now he does not attach as much importance to this as he did at the beginning, but it does not prevent him from profiting from it.

“If you don’t go to Zhongzhong first, it will be ten days for me anyway.” Fang Qin secretly said, thinking of this, he also made a decision.

To tell the truth, he spent twenty years on Liang Ziweng to continuously feed a treasure snake made of various rare drugs, but also some eyes, in the original work, Guo Jing drank directly to greatly increase his power and poison inviolable, this effect can be more powerful than the Pusi Qu snake bile.

Thinking like this, after a while, the little second of the shop took a few dishes and came up

“Officer, your dish, please use it slowly.”

“Okay, thank you.” Fang Qin smiled.

“Ah, no, no, that’s right, that’s right, it’s undeserved.” The shopkeeper was a little flattered, and secretly said that this guest was really polite.

The eldest brother of the four ghosts of the Yellow River was already a little impatient, and wanted to tell the little two in the shop to serve faster, but suddenly saw this, a burst of irritation, and drank

“! Your grandpa we didn’t serve, how to give it to others first! ”

Everyone around him was jumped by his cheers.

The shopkeeper was shocked, saw his angry eyes, and his heart was worried, busy

“Yes, this guest came first, his dishes are more, but it is almost finished, please wait.” Soon it will be fine.”

When the man heard this, he was still waiting, and where could he stand it, he said angrily

“Served our dishes first, hear no!”

“This, this doesn’t conform to the rules…”

“What rules, when the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he must first serve Lao Zi and his brothers well.”

The man was even angrier when he saw that he actually had to return the mouth, and felt that he had lost face in front of several disciples, and his eyes looked at Fang Qin, and saw him at a table of good dishes, eating comfortably, so it was not easy.

“Boy, bring your dishes up and honor your grandfather, I heard no.”

Fang Qin took a sip of wine, ignored it, and ate leisurely, as if he hadn’t heard what he said at all.

The man frowned upside down, looked at this man, saw that his temperament was extraordinary, not like an ordinary person, but looking at his young age, he felt that he should have no ability, and he thought that he did not know where the Gongzi Brother dared to despise him so much, and he really caught fire.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked quickly to Fang Qin.

“Lao Tzu didn’t hear you when he spoke, right, now you kneel down and beg for forgiveness, I can still not blame the past, if you don’t comply, hum, Lao Tzu broke your leg.”

These four ghosts of the Yellow River were accustomed to doing some no-cost business of killing and robbing, and they did not know how much blood was stained on their hands, and they were also unscrupulous in doing things, thinking that Fang Qin was an ordinary brother, so he lost his face, so he wanted to find the field.

The shopkeeper saw that he was in good shape, the tiger stepped forward, and the pressure in his heart was quite great, and he saw that he was embarrassed and the noble prince was busy

“Guest, guest, soon, now it’s going to be done, you just wait, it’s going to be soon.” After saying that, he bent down and said to the other Qin, “This prince, if you don’t give them the rest of the dishes first, they… Not good. ”

When the man saw the shopkeeper begging for forgiveness, he was a little self-satisfied, but he still looked at Fang Qin with a look of indifference, and only felt insulted, and a wave of anger surged up viciously

“Ah, it’s late! Now boy you must not only kowtow to apologize but also break your legs, otherwise you will not want to leave. ”

Fang Qin took a sip of wine, raised his head and sighed

“Is it bad to be alive?”

“We must also pretend not to shed the coffin, not to shed tears, and to die.”

Fang Qin’s attitude completely angered the bad-faced man, and he directly shot out, and a vicious and vicious move directly hit Fang Qin’s heart.

If an ordinary person is only afraid of being killed directly if he is hit, this person can be described as fierce.


A dull sound sounded, and in an instant, a figure flew out backwards and fell directly to the door, it was the bad-faced man, his body was motionless as if he were dead.


Everyone around them looked at Fang Qin with a look of indifference in horror.

The other three men had originally echoed and insulted to watch the good drama, but they stood up in shock when they saw this situation.

You must know that even when their master Sha Tongtian taught them, he could still hold up a few moves, and the person in front of him did not even see how he struck, the master brother directly died and died, the martial arts did not know how high, thinking that it must be much higher than his own master.

The three people looked frightened, and only the trembling one in front of them took a step forward and looked at Fang Qin in horror

“In, under the pursuit of the gun Wu Qinglie, I and the other four collectively known as the Yellow River Four Ghosts.” Master Naisha Tongtian, known as the Ghost Gate Dragon King, I don’t know which Haojie your excellency is? Fang is just some misunderstanding, maybe it is… Forehead!? ”

Fang Qin didn’t wait for him to finish speaking, and with a wave of his hand, several invisible energies hit the three people.

Those three people had been staring and did not dare to be distracted, and when they saw him move, they immediately panicked, but for a moment they felt that their bodies were cold, and then nothing happened, and they couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

Fang Qin swept and said casually

“Come on, take him with you, don’t disturb my mood.”

When several people heard this, they had a feeling of the aftermath of the disaster, and they quickly said yes, and together they set up a master brother whose life and death were unknown, and they directly fled into the wilderness, not daring to stay.

Fang Qin saw that the people inside the inn were all stunned, and they were small and two ways to the store

“Go ahead and bring the rest of the good food.”

“Ah! Yes, here it goes. The shopkeeper returned to God and said yes.

Before a group of people slowly recovered, they only spoke much quieter, as if they were afraid of disturbing this person.

Players at several tables watched the whole process.

“…… Just now, what happened? How a man so big flew out. “The fat man is a little confused.

“I don’t know, I didn’t even see him move before, and the man flew straight away.” The thin man was also dazed.

“Me, I just recorded it, I’ll go back and take a good look at it next time…”

“Really? It’s to take a good look, Nima, how to do it, so powerful. ”

“Ah ~ little brother is so handsome and powerful, this temperament this look, ah ~ AWSL.” Xiao Xia, wait and send me the video. The Qingxiu girl blushed.

“Oh…” The rest of the group sweated a little.


Fang Qin ignored the discussions of the others and ate the food by himself, as for the four ghosts of the Yellow River just now, he was not at ease. Well, how can a few dead people be relieved.

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