As a loyal fan of the second world, Zhao Xiao naturally will not pay attention to the latest news on the Internet.

I am also quite interested in topics that are gradually becoming hot.

After watching the video, he was also shocked, his recent game has always been based on hunting, with a teacher Fu learned for more than a month, eyesight is not the same as before, naturally can also be slightly compared to the gap.

Later, seeing the discussion of the combat system, Zhao Xiao felt that the game arrangement was more reasonable, the game world itself was biased towards reality, if there were some unrealistic combat systems, it always felt very collapsed, and it felt just right to join the martial arts power system.

After watching it carefully, I didn’t have much to say, and I directly logged in to the game.

After a moment of trance, he came to a hidden place, walked familiarly to the nearest small village, and walked quickly to his master’s house.

“Master, here I come!”

“Come on, I thought your boy wouldn’t dare to come today.” An old hunter with graying hair but a relatively strong body stopped what he was doing.

“Haha, how come, Master, you don’t know me yet.” Zhao Xiao was somewhat self-satisfied, although he said that death would take a month to recover, and it felt real, but he also had the confidence in his heart, so he would fight for his life and was not afraid of things.

The old hunter shook his head, he naturally knew that this somewhat mysterious apprentice was a lord who was not afraid of things, and although he was afraid to die before encountering things, he still dared to fight for his life, that is, because of his commendable courage and good temperament, he accepted him as an apprentice.

After all, people are also old, he has no relatives, there is no one to rely on, it is not bad to accept an apprentice, so he accepted him according to the trend, which can also be regarded as a pension.

Zhao Xiao went straight forward to help get the job done, and then ran directly to the fence behind him, wanting to help feed the horses.

“Huh!? Master, where is that horse? ”

Wang Jia saw that he was in a hurry, patted him, and said with some anger.

“The most taboo thing to do in our line of work is frizziness, how many times have you said it?”

“Yes, yes, the master said, though, that horse…”

Zhao Xiao saw that the master was angry a little embarrassed, to tell the truth, at the beginning he said that he wanted to worship the master just out of a playful psychology, plus before he was scared by the game, he really wanted to learn some hunting techniques, seeing the old hunter’s skillful hunting skills, he directly wanted to worship the master, and later learned that the ancient worship of the master is not better than the modern. That was the relationship between the Emperor and the Master of Heaven and Earth, and the relationship with the blood relatives was not to be spared.

Originally, there were some regrets, but later the old hunter regarded him as his own, taught him any craft, and slowly respected him from the heart, and occasionally posted the interaction between the two to the Internet to cause a large wave of netizens to like.

Even some netizens also dislike him, thinking that the old man is our idol, you are a fool do not rub the heat of the old man, once made people laugh.

“That horse was not ours originally, it was taken care of by others, and now that the owner has come, he will naturally return it to others.”

“Eh? Was it the man you said you were going to break into the depths of the forest, didn’t you say he was dead? Zhao Xiao was a little surprised, he had naturally asked about the origin of this horse before, and knew that there was a noble man who was temporarily stocked here. But later, I heard the villagers sigh and say that this prince had not returned for many days, but he was afraid that he had died inside, and he did not think that he would come back now.

“You’re a stupid baby, it’s good that people come back, don’t expect people to be good.” Wang Jia Qi did not hit a single place, but turned to Dao

“Hey, I thought there was an accident, and I planned to go over in a few days to see it, but fortunately people are not coming back.”

“Oh, that’s a good feeling, but this man has been herding horses here for so long, and he doesn’t show anything.”

Wang Jia frowned and glanced at him

“You are a baby and everything is good, that is, the utilitarian heart is heavier, and you have to change!” It’s good to go out and walk and help each other make more friends, don’t always think about some fly camp dogs. And the man has a very polite number, which is like you. He shook his head.

Zhao Xiao saw that the master was a little angry, busy saying no, hey hey straight smile.

Wang Jia saw that this apprentice was stupid and speechless, waved his hand to tell him to follow, went straight to the house, and took out a small package from the cabinet.

From it, he took out one of the two snake gall that Fang Qin had sent before.

“Eat it.” Wang Jia handed the snake gall to Zhao Xiao.

“Eh!? What is this? Zhao Xiao looked surprised.

“Good stuff, just eat it.” Wang Jia also did not say the origin, to tell the truth, he also did not expect Fang Qin to really find those dangerous strange snakes, and also hunted a lot.

You must know that many years ago, he had seen the horror of that strange snake, its rapid action, its poisonous behavior, and its strength was not small, and some tigers and leopards were either killed or injured when encountered. At that time, he was not lightly frightened, and he did not dare to step into that place again.

I just didn’t expect that Fang Qin was young, but he was so powerful, he really hunted a lot, and even sent him two snake gall as a thank you for providing the map.

“Teacher, thank you for telling me before that I can find this snake, and here are two snake gall to thank you.”

“Although this snake is highly poisonous, but the snake bile is a good thing, can strengthen the muscles and bones, but also has a refreshing function, you can take it to soak wine to drink or eat it directly, forehead, but still do not eat it directly, this snake is bold, I am afraid that your body bones can not stand.”

Wang Jia hunted since childhood, and he also had some understanding of the functions of some animals and plants, naturally knew that it was valuable, and was busy saying no, and then Fang Qin insisted on accepting it, but he still gave Fang Qin the best fur he hunted not long ago, and only then did he accept the snake gall with a little peace of mind.

Now he had taken one piece of soaking wine and was preparing to drink some of it to replenish his bones, while the other one was directly given to his apprentice to eat.

“This, eat directly?” What did this come from? Zhao Xiao saw that the things in his hands were dark purple, and he was a little overwhelmed.

“Snake bile, eat the big supplement.” If you don’t eat it, if you don’t eat it, I’ll take it to the wine and drink it, if you weren’t my apprentice, I wouldn’t have given it to you.” “Wang Jia has some bad airways.

“Oh, all right, all right.” Zhao Xiao took the snake bile, swallowed the saliva, looked at the master’s eyes, and directly closed his eyes and swallowed.

“What is the use of vomiting ~ Master, so ugly, so disgusting” Zhao Xiao was a little sick to his stomach, if it were not for Wang Jia to him, he said that he would not eat anything.

Wang Jia also knew that this disciple had some problems with pampering and habituation, and when he saw him take some water for him to drink, he said

“Okay, don’t get cheap and sell well, this is a good thing.” You’ll know later. In fact, when Wang Jia put snake bile wine in before, he couldn’t help but be hungry, poured a little drink, found that his spirit was a lot better, and he also knew that it was really a good thing.

Zhao Xiaolian drank a lot of water before stopping, seeing that the master did not want to say more, he pressed and did not ask.

After the two went hunting as usual, Zhao Xiaocai slowly realized the effect of some snake bile, in the past he had been tired of hunting for a day, and now he really felt energetic.

“Master, what is the effect of this snake bile?” It’s magical. Zhao Xiao was really surprised and asked the master.

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