“Haha, Mr. Fang, have you ever gained anything?”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “I won’t bother when I’m done.” ”

Yan Honglie sighed, “When I see Mr. Yan, it is like a friend who has not seen him for many years, and I feel close.” Alas, sir, if there is nothing to do in the future, you are always welcome to come to my house, and the door of my Zhao King’s Mansion will always be open to you. ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Is it? I don’t think so. Anyway, this time the reception is still OK, so I don’t have to worry about it with you. ”

After saying that the figure moved, a few points moved, and disappeared.

After Yan Honglie saw this pupil shrink, his heart sank.

Yan Kang walked up and said with an uneven face

“Father King, he…”

Yan Honglie interrupted his words with a wave of his hand and turned to Peng Lianhu several times

“Alas, Lord Pengzhai, Lord Shabang, and Lingzhi Shangren are all right, can you come to my living room for a while?”

Peng Lianhu looked at each other and said straight.

“Kang’er, you come with me.” After Yan Honglie said, Bento went to the living room first.

A few people sat down and asked the servants to serve good tea and snacks.

After Yan Honglie took a sip of tea, he suddenly sighed, “There are secret agents from all over the Golden Kingdom, saying that there is a thief who kills soldiers everywhere and no one is invincible.” ”

“Speaking of this man’s name, Fang Qin, it seems that he came from the Song Dynasty.” In the past half a month, the casualties of our officers and men have added up to thousands of people. ”

After looking at the somewhat discolored faces of several people, he said, “Before I was still a little uncertain, now I want to ask you, what is the level of this person’s martial arts?” ”

“How many troops will it take to take him?”

Peng Lianhu and several people were worried, and Sha Tongtian muttered, “Wang Ye, to tell the truth, my strength is actually similar, and I am also the number one person in the jianghu.” ”

“For some ordinary people, even two or three hundred people can’t wait, but if there are well-trained soldiers, there are fifty or a hundred people, they can only maneuver around, looking for opportunities to escape, one is not much, being injured to the point is even more dangerous, if the archers shoot arrows from afar, I can’t even get closer.”

“But this man’s martial arts skills are really close to my life, and if he wants to do it, I am afraid that I will not be able to stop it.”

Peng Lianhu thought of the power of Fang Qin’s previous grasp, and the hair in his heart responded

“Yes, I am also a well-informed, his martial arts are not comparable to the five, if he is strangled by the army, let alone pay hundreds of people, this is still under the condition that he does not flee.”

Lingzhi Shangren has always been arrogant, and now he does not dare to make a big fuss, but only muffles and does not speak.

Yan Honglie listened to some sudden discoloration, unbelievable

“How can one man’s strength be able to get to this point?”

Although Fang Qin had been overestimated to the greatest extent, he did not expect to underestimate it, although the statements of these people were not necessarily accurate, but some of the previous rumors and the speed of light work that Fang Qin had just performed were not low.

Several people discussed it again, and Yan Honglie told several people to go back to rest first.

There were only two people left in the living room, Yan Honglie and Yan Kang.

“Father, this matter…”

“I really didn’t expect that this person would be so amazing, and he still underestimated him like that before, but alas…

Since it cannot be used by me, then this person is my confidant and must be removed. ”

“Father, are we really going to provoke him?” If it’s a bad one, let him…”

Yan Kang was originally very resentful, but after listening to the evaluation of Peng Lianhu’s several people, he was also afraid for a while, although he was not sure in his heart, but if he really wanted to shoot, if one could not kill him, he would be afraid and frightened.

However, he was accustomed to seeing his own master Qiu’s appearance of coming and going, and in his opinion, Fang Qin’s martial arts were ten times and a hundred times better than his master, and the danger was terrible.

Naturally, I didn’t dare to have any further provocative ideas.

“Alas, now the arrow has to be sent on the string.”

“Ah, Father, you?!”

“Oh, Kang Er doesn’t need to worry, I gave him colorless and tasteless medicine at the banquet before.” This medicine is not poison, it is actually a kind of sweat medicine.

This medicine will not have an attack for a while and a half, it is difficult to detect, it will only take effect slowly, and after two or three hours, it will make him feel weak, how much kung fu can he have left at that time? ”

“At that time, I will call another team of men and horses over, just in case, I will definitely take him down.”

After Yan Kang heard this, he put his heart at ease, his face was full of joy, and he said happily in his heart, “Father Wang Yingming!” ”

Thinking of Fang Qin’s indisputable appearance before, and his own wretched appearance that he was frightened by

Then he said with a resentful face, “When the time comes, I will definitely torture him well, so that he will be better off alive than dead, it will certainly be interesting.” ”

“Oh, the guts don’t know how to be good, so naturally I can’t keep him, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep and eat.”


Fang Qin wandered slowly on the street, thinking in his heart

“Just that feeling, it’s poison, it doesn’t seem to be, but it doesn’t matter, it’s useless to me, but it’s a little interesting, just play with you.” There was some interest on his face, and his eyes flashed a hint of murderous intent.

When I came to the Gaosheng Inn on Xicheng Street, I directly saw Wang Zhiyi sitting in the corner.

Sit directly on the sidelines,

“Captain Wang Dao, what happened to those people?”

“Ah, you are…” Wang Chuyi was thinking about things, when he suddenly heard a voice, he was surprised, and when he looked up, he was even more shocked.

“My name is Fang Qin.”

“Fang Qin!? Fang Chivalry? It turned out to be you, who in my way has such a high level of martial arts, if it is you, it is normal. ”

Wang Fu was taken aback, this way north, he really heard a lot of Fang Qin’s deeds, saying that he was strong in martial arts and chivalrous and righteous.

At that time, although he knew that he was a young hero, he felt that his martial arts skills were exaggerated.

Only now it seems that exaggeration is not exaggeration, but it is to say it low.

It was really incredible to think like this, seeing that Fang Qin frowned a little, and said hurriedly

“Those two people were saved by Mr. Fang’s luck, and they were already almost as good as they needed to rest for a few days.” As for the girl, who was also upstairs taking care of her father. ”

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