Dali City, somewhere in the courtyard.

A beautiful shadow danced in the courtyard, the figure was ethereal and flashing like a goddess, and the hands were flying, or the hands were slightly raised, or the fingers were used as a sword, and the flowers and leaves around them were driven to fly and dance.

For a long time, the figure stopped, and like Guiyan, he pounced on the handsome and extraordinary figure on the side, buried in his arms and did not come out.

Jiaorou said in a soft voice, “Brother Qin, I have learned Ling Bo’s microsteps, how do you think I use them?” ”

Fang Qin hugged his soft body and smiled, “Very good, already used well, after that it will be good to practice diligently.” ”

“Mm-hmm~” Huang Rong nodded obediently.

At this time, a crisp sound suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

Huang Rong pouted when she heard the voice, and said sourly, “This wooden girl is real, why do you come here every day?” You can’t talk well, are you right? Brother Qin. ”

Fang Qin looked at her helplessly and leaned down slightly, a touch of softness.


Huang Rong’s face turned red and she gently pushed him, “Let’s go, go out and see what’s going on.” ”

When the two came to the door, Mu Wanqing was standing quietly outside the courtyard, when she saw Fang Qin come out, her eyes were happy, and then she saw the cunning eyes behind him, a little sour.

“.. Father said he wanted to invite you to the banquet, and I came to tell you if you would come. Mu Wanqing did not look at Huang Rong, every time she looked at her defiant eyes, she would feel angry, and she could not beat her, and…

Looking at Fang Qin, he secretly said that he was by Huang Rong’s side, and who hurt her?

Fang Qin saw this girl whose eyes were black and bright, and her veiled face seemed to be hidden in the fog, and he also sighed a little.

In the past few days, Fang Qin really had some incarnations of the melon-eating masses, and Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, had made a series of disturbance operations.

First of all, the matter of the Ten Thousand Disasters Valley before, Mu Wanqing’s life was known to Duan Zhengchun, and he wanted to make up for his daughter in pain and take her to the Zhennan King’s Palace, originally this kind of thing Mu Wanqing suddenly knew that his life was determined not to go back.

However, a certain Mr. Fang wanted to go to Dali Duanshi as a guest, so he also followed back in a daze.

Later, her mother Qin Hongmian was introduced, and then Duan Zhengchun, with superb skill, immediately eliminated the resentment of this person for more than ten years, and restored the relationship between you and me with Qin Hongmian.

Later, he accidentally learned that Zhong Ling was also his daughter, and with a sigh, he once again used technology to coax Gan Baobao back and take Zhong Ling back to the palace.

The speed of the technology is impressive.

The evil Zhong Wan was so angry that he directly ran to ask for someone, but the result was weak, and the people were unwilling to go back with him, and finally he was driven away.

However, Duan Zhengchun finally failed to do so, and the knife Bai Feng, who almost ran away in the back, directly drove Qin Hongmian and Gan Baby away, achieving double killing, worthy of being a super god player sword Bai Feng, the strength is terrifying!

However, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling did not say anything, plus Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao let their daughters stay, and the illegitimate daughters of these two Zhennan Kings also stayed.

It is worth mentioning that the Zhennan Shizi Duan Yu had just recovered his body, and when the guards were weak in the Tianlong Temple, he slipped out again, leaving only a letter.

Putting Duan Zhengchun and Dao Bai Fengqi half dead, he did not expect Duan Yu to learn a lesson this time and hurriedly sent people out to look for him, but this matter had nothing to do with Fang Qin.

“How do you think?” Want to go? Mu Wanqing was a little worried, she had always come with Zhong Ling before, and it was the first time she had come to find him by herself.

Fang Qin saw that there was some anticipation in her eyes, and was trying to speak, when Huang Rong next to her said, “Brother Qin, let’s go!” ”

Mu Wanqing was a little surprised, Huang Rong had been teasing her before, how could she be willing to help her speak this time.

However, since she had said everything, Fang Qin basically would not refuse, although some of them were not tasteful, but they were still happy on their faces.

Then I heard “I’m going to leave tomorrow anyway, so I will get together for the last time to say goodbye.” ”

The smile that had not yet opened froze and blurted out: “You, are you leaving?” ”

Fang Qin scratched Huang Rong’s nose, turned his head, and said, “Yeah, things are over here, we’re ready to go, and finally count as a separate one.” ”

“…..” Mu Wanqing flashed a trace of loss in her eyes and nodded her head without speaking.

Then several people went directly to the Zhennan King’s Mansion, and Duan Zhengming also came directly to participate after he knew it.

At the banquet, it was quite fun, after all, each other Qin was very in awe, and did not dare to offend, so each of them was respectful and courteous, of course, the only one who could be most open here was Zhong Ling.

Directly wrapped around Fang Qin Huang Rong’s side, Fang Qin’s brother, Rong Er’s sister’s voice shouted, giggling, both well-behaved and lively, both of them liked her very much, and Huang Rong sometimes directly took her into her arms.

Duan Zhengchun sat and saw this scene, his face was smiling, his face was teachable, and then he looked at Mu Wanqing, who was covered in veils and did not speak, and he was a little angry, and he sighed a little.

The sword Bai Feng on the side saw his thoughts, but she also agreed, if this miraculous Mr. Fang could climb a relationship with the Zhennan King’s Palace, it would be extremely beneficial to the Dali Duan Clan or to Duan Yu.

Thinking of Duan Yu escaping and sneaking out, it was really a bout of anger, at this time, he should first establish a good relationship with Fang Qin, if he could make friends with him, he would go out to walk later, and others would be suspicious of a few points when they knew.

Mu Wan sat quietly, somewhat envious of Zhong Ling’s ability to talk to him so naturally, but she could only sit here.

Frequently sneaking around to Fang Qin’s side, there were some words in his heart that he wanted to say to him, but he didn’t know how to get past and how to open his mouth.

The whole banquet did not eat anything, absent-minded, Duan Zhengchun and Dao Baifeng looked at the eyes, but also shook their heads.

The banquet ended quickly, after which they went back to rest.


The next day, after Fang Qin and Huang Rong packed up their things, they were going to leave Dali.

“Brother Fang Qin, Sister Rong’er, will you still come to see Ling’er in the future?”

“Of course it will.”

“Oh yes.” Zhong Ling’s little girl said goodbye and did not feel how, laughing and giggling happily.

“Mr. Fang, I don’t know when we’ll see each other today.” Duan Zhengchun and Duan Zhengming both came to send each other.

“Oh, see you later.” Fang Qin returned the favor and hugged the boxing.

The crowd of people in Dali directly performed a ritual and said, “Sir, go slowly!” ”

Fang Qin smiled, rode on the black horse given by Dali, and took Huang Rong directly to the distance.

Walking to a forest, I stopped and saw a young woman dressed in black standing in front of me.

Huang Rong drummed his mouth, sighed, and pushed Fang Qin: “Brother Qin, you go and talk to her, she is afraid that she has been waiting for you for a long time, I am waiting for you here.” ”

Fang Qin nodded, and his figure jumped and came directly to Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing’s heart fluttered and jumped, only to feel some heat on his face, saw him come over, walked forward, and stared at him seriously.

“Oh, Wooden Girl?”

Mu Wanqing gritted her teeth, reached out, and took off the veil on her face, revealing a snow-white face, smooth and crystalline, a cherry small mouth dexterous and decent, lips Yan red, really a beautiful woman.

A red halo rose on his face, and he looked at him darkly, and then he lowered his head and said, “You are the first man to see my face….”

“Wooden Girl…”

Mu Wanqing didn’t wait for Fang Qin to say something to put on the veil again, turned around, and carried the light gong more and more, and a voice came slowly.

“And thank you for saving my life…” _

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