Huang Rong picked up a copy of the Dragon Capture Gong and looked at it, and said with some amazement: “The master of collecting secret books is really a good skill, and he can collect so many martial arts.” ”

When he had something else to say, he suddenly frowned and looked outside the attic, and the other party Qin said, “Brother Qin, someone is coming, do you want to leave?” ”

Fang Qin nodded, he had already collected the martial arts here, so naturally there was no need to stay.

Coming to Huang Rong’s side and preparing to leave, a silhouette directly flew in, and several exquisite martial arts were used in his hands, and the sound of air tearing sounded in the attic.

A voice as pleasant as a clear spring followed, “Hmm, who dares to sneak into my Langya Jade Cave?” ”

The woman’s figure struck, and she also revealed her absolutely beautiful and true appearance, wearing a blue dress, and her body seemed to have a light cage of smoke and mist, and she was really not an earthly person.

Fang Qin saw that her martial arts were exquisite, and her internal strength was exquisite. Huang Rong was a little moved, and broke away from Fang Qin: “Brother Qin, I will go to meet her.” ”

Saying that, the Nine Yin Divine Claws were used in his hand, and the momentum surged and waved over, and the woman’s eyes lit up when she saw this, and she said good martial arts.

Peng Peng Peng!

A dull sound sounded!

The two directly competed, the figure flew over, these two people are the world’s most beautiful, this fight is pleasing to the eye, only those who are flying with vigor, some of the bluestones that have been smashed will remind others of the dangers here.

The more Huang Rong shot, the more shocked she became, seeing that this girl was not very old, similar to herself, but her martial arts were terrible, and every shot must be her own flaw, and her internal strength was so strong that she was much stronger than herself.

If it weren’t for the fact that she had learned the Nine Yin True Scriptures and Ling Bo’s microsteps, and avoided the crisis between her one move and one style, she would have been defeated long ago.

However, Huang Rong was only surprised that this person was so young and had such a high level of martial arts, but he didn’t feel any danger, Fang Qin’s brother was watching from the sidelines, how could he possibly be injured?

Fang Qin was also a little surprised to stand aside, this woman’s birth was extremely beautiful, quite similar to the face on the previous jade statue, seeing that she was old enough to think that it was Wang Yuyan.

Just now what’s going on? Wang Yuyan was actually able to gain the upper hand in the battle with Huang Rong, and it could even be said that she was at ease.

You must know that Huang Rong has not just come out, following him for a period of time, taking the Crimson Treasure Snake Blood and the Pusi Qu Snake Bile, plus the method of mutual cultivation, it can be said that the skill has increased greatly, and after learning the Ling Bo microstep, it is also possible to pass a few tricks against the five absolutes.

And this girl has deep internal strength, although the combat experience in her hands is slightly lacking, but the moves are against the flaws, which can be said to have learned martial arts very strongly.

Although it is said in this original work that she is a martial arts student and proficient in the martial arts moves of the world, she herself has not practiced martial arts.

How did she get here so powerful, looking at her skill, I was afraid that it was not much different from the five absolutes. It’s just that it’s still a little childish, plus she left her hand, so Huang Rong can hold out for so long.

The two fought more and more vigorously, one did not care about danger, the other was extremely surprised to see the martial arts on her, although she could quickly defeat her in earnestness, but when she saw the subtlety of her martial arts and the ethereal nature of her light skills, she couldn’t help but leave some hands to take a good look.

In this way, the two of them quickly exchanged hundreds of moves, and after a few moments, the last pair of palms retreated.

Both of them looked at each other, and they were shocked to see each other’s beautiful appearance, and they sighed and said that they were beautiful people.

“Who the hell are you?” Why am I in Langya Jade Cave? Wang Yuyan frowned slightly, looked at Fang Qin’s side, and then withdrew his gaze, just an ordinary person, extraordinary, but there was no cultivation internal strength, no need to care.

“Hum, don’t tell you~” Huang Rong returned to Dao Fang Qin’s side, and some looked at Fang Qin: “Brother Qin, let’s go!” ”

Huang Rong wanted to cry as tears, and reacted, this woman was born with a beautiful face, a pure and holy temperament, no worse than herself, it was better to leave early, and now she stayed, I was really afraid of another big enemy.

Looking at Fang Qin’s handsome face, he secretly said that my brother Qin is so good-looking, and he can often meet so many good-looking women, I have to pay attention to it, but I can’t let those women entangle him.

Fang Qin didn’t care, looking at Wang Yuyan and said, “I heard that the martial arts of the world were collected in the Langya Jade Cave of Mantuo Mountain Villa before, so I came to see it, and it is indeed worthy of the name.” ”

Wang Yuyan saw that he was not ashamed, and frowned, this person came to someone else’s house to peek at how martial arts were still so rational and strong, and said: “How come you don’t feel guilty at all when you do this thief’s business?” ”


“Isn’t it? Coming to my side without visiting or obtaining the consent of the master’s family, directly broke into here to check the martial arts secret books, is this not stealing? ”

“Well, it’s really wrong to come uninvited, and I apologize to you!”

Huang Rong saw her aggressive and said with some irritation: “What are we going to steal martial arts, what about you?” Seven or eight percent of the martial arts in the world are included here, are these martial arts that you are just going to take? No, I still go to steal the transcription. ”

Wang Yuyan opened her mouth, and she was a little dumbfounded by her, unable to refute it.

“All right, Rong’er!” Fang Qin saw that Huang Rong was a little angry, and laughed in his heart, what is this thing that can’t be done, and said to Wang Yuyan: “So, girl, I will pass you two martial arts, even if it depends on how much you are paid for martial arts here?” ”

Wang Yuyan saw Fang Qin talking, looked at Fang Qin seriously, saw that he was very handsome, and secretly sighed in his heart that it was much better looking than that cousin, but the martial arts were even worse than him.

“You… I think it would be better to call you a girl and pass on the martial arts she used before me. ”

Wang Yuyan was a little moved, the martial arts tools that Huang Rong had just used were extremely mysterious, she was very interested in this, if she could learn it, it seemed that it would not be a loss.

Huang Rong saw that she seemed to look down on Fang Qin, and she was really angry, “What do you know, Brother Qin’s ability is a thousand times stronger than mine, how can I not teach you?” ”

Wang Yuyan was shocked to hear this, and looked at Fang Qin with some surprise, seeing that he had no traces of martial arts all over his body, and he had some doubts.

Fang Qin smiled, picked up Huang Rong, and went directly to Wang Yuyan’s body, Wang Yuyan only felt a flower in front of him, the two of them had already come closer, secretly shocked, and then they met a pair of deep eyes.

Only to feel that the brain was groggy, and a series of oral riddles came into the ears, so exquisite that Dengshi unconsciously indulged in it.

Huang Rong looked at Wang Yuyan, who was a little sluggish, with some curiosity, and the other party Qin said, “Brother Qin, what have you done?” How does she…”

“Well, a wonderful use that came out of the Soul Shifting Dafa passed on the Ling Bo Microstep and several martial arts to her.”

Huang Rong puffed up his mouth, and some of them tasted: “Oh ~ she is so good-looking, but also have to be better to her, isn’t it?” ”

Fang Qin pinched her tender white face and smiled, “Rong’er is really a vinegar jar, why are you jealous of everything?” ”

“Who told you that everything you met was so good-looking?” Still so good for anyone? Huang Rong muttered a little.

“….. Cough, let’s go! ”

“Is she all right?” Although Huang Rong was a little annoyed with Wang Yuyan, she was also a little worried when she saw her like this, so she asked.

“It’s all right, she’ll be back in a minute.”

“Brother Fang Qin, are you a god, how can you be so powerful and can do anything?”

“Haha, the immortals are naturally not, but maybe later.” The two figures were already gone.

Only a shadowy figure was left standing in the same place with some confusion.


In the rudder,

A heroic figure sat upright, frowning a little, this trip to Jiangnan was supposed to investigate the cause of the death of Ma Vice Gang Leader.

But now the investigation seems to be full of doubts, and there has been no progress in these days.

At this moment, suddenly a member of the beggar gang hurried to the front.

“Helper, that one, that Mr. Fang has also come to Jiangnan.”

“Huh!? Mr. Fang in Suzhou? The man stood up, somewhat moved.

“Yes, yes, I heard that he went to Dali before, and my brother just saw him in Wuxi City.”

“I will definitely meet such a character, and you will lead the way.”

“Yes.” _

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