A few days later, the Shaolin Temple was revered.

Fang Qin and Huang Rong sat in the hall, and next to them sat Master Xuance.

“Amitabha, Lord Fang, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Master Xuan Ce looked at this increasingly otherworldly Fang Qin and sighed.

He remembered this man who paid money without a word, and then he heard about Fang Qin, and at that time he thought it was the same name and surname, and then as things developed, he gradually realized that it was indeed the visitor, and his heart was also shocked, and he secretly lamented that this person’s martial arts were so high.

He didn’t think that Fang Qin had come to Shaolin the last time to look for martial arts, after all, even the most powerful martial arts could not be so powerful in an instant, he himself was already so powerful, so why should he look at other people’s martial arts.

“Oh, Master, I said earlier that I would visit here again.”

“Yes, but I never thought that the donor of martial arts was so powerful, did so many chivalrous and righteous deeds, and then killed the four evil people of Wulin and eliminated a great harm for Wulin.

The fact that the four evil men died at the hands of Fang Qin has gradually become well known to the world, in fact, at the beginning, it was the people of Dali Wulin who said that Fang Qin had eliminated the first three of the four evil people for Wulin.

However, after the passage of time, the body of the crane in the cloud was also discovered, but I don’t know who killed it, and then it slowly became Fang Qin’s statement that he directly killed the four evil people, although it was also consistent with the facts.

Fang Qin and Master Xuan Ce greeted each other and suddenly said, “Master, when I come back this time, I actually came to your temple to ask for something.” ”

“Amitabha, I already know roughly what the benefactor has come to ask for.”

Xuan Ce was about to say something when suddenly there was a noise outside the house, and a majestic monk walked in, with a look of compassion on his face.

“Oh? Who is this? ”

“This is Master Xuanci, the abbot of my temple.” Xuan Ce stood up and performed a salute and returned to Fang Qin.

“It turned out to be Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin, disrespectful!” Fang Qin frowned when he saw this.

“Amitabha, Master Xuance, you should go back first, and I will talk to Lord Fang.”

“Oh, it’s the abbot’s brother.” Master Xuan Ce answered, said hello to Fang Qin and Huang Rong, and withdrew.

Fang Qin squinted, this Shaolin abbot was the person that Ye Erniang had in mind, and he was also the ‘leading big brother’ in Qiao Feng’s matter, and he didn’t know what he was going to do?

“The fame of Lord Fang Shi shocked the world, and I also paid some attention, and now it is really extraordinary to see it.” However, I am afraid that you are not here to copy the Dharma scriptures like you did last time.

Some time ago, I heard that you went to visit Wudang Mountain and discussed martial arts with Zhang Zhenren, and I thought that if it was not bad, you might come to my Shaolin next. ”

“Haha, the word about martial arts out of Shaolin in the world is well known to everyone, although I don’t agree with this statement, but this statement does have some truth.”

Therefore, this time I came here, mainly to see the Shaolin martial arts mastery, the last time I came to only copy the Buddhist scriptures, I did not see it, it is a pity. ”

“Amitabha, the world has falsely praised, the Wudang sect is no worse than Shaolin, and some hermit sects are no worse than Shaolin.

Just Fang Shi Lord, my Shaolin martial arts are rarely passed on, if you want to learn my Shaolin martial arts, you can only enter my Shaolin faction. ”

Huang Rong, who had always been well-behaved and did not speak, couldn’t help but look annoyed when he heard it: “Oh, who is going to be a monk, my brother Qin will not become a monk.” ”

Fang Qin calmed Huang Rong and said to Xuan Ku, “Abbot, you know that this is impossible, just say what you want.” ”

“Amitabha, it is a pity, originally my Shaolin martial arts will not be passed on, but Fang Shi Lord went north to the righteous deeds to be admired by the people of the world, hoeed the strong and supported the weak, and later put … The four evil people have killed them all, except for a great harm to the martial arts in the world, such a chivalrous name, my Shaolin is naturally not good to refuse…”

Fang Qin raised an eyebrow, and the meaning of his words was probably that if you weren’t too strong in martial arts, and you were practicing chivalry everywhere and being admired by the world, our Shaolin Room would definitely not show you martial arts. Moreover, when talking about the four evil men, this mysterious face was somewhat abnormal.

Fang Qin shook his head and said, “If the abbot has something to say, please speak directly.” ”

This Shaolin Temple had even been rejected by Zhang Sanfeng before this, and at that time, Zhang Sanfeng wanted to exchange Shaolin with Shaolin a part of the Nine Yang True Classics that he knew, hoping to save his apprentice’s child Zhang Wuji, but this was still rejected by the Shaolin Temple.

However, Fang Qin was not Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng was worried about his own teaching of Master Jueyuan, plus in fact, even if he got the Shaolin Nine Yang Gong, he might not be able to achieve results, after all, the three Nine Yang Gong combined was only a small part of the Nine Yang True Scriptures, and finally he could only return disappointed.

But Fang Qin was different, he had no scruples, and his full strength was much stronger than Zhang Sanfeng.

This thing is also like this, even if Xuan Ci refuses, won’t Fang Qin take it directly? Who could stop him, it was just that Fang Qin didn’t want to make things so ugly, otherwise he didn’t need to say anything, he would just enter the Scripture Cabinet, who could find him, even if there were sweeping monks guarding him, it was still not enough.

Even Zhang Sanfeng was actually just a martial arts realm high energy discussing martial arts with Fang Qin, and you were absolutely invincible if you let him fight Fang Qin directly.

At that time, when Fang Qin unleashed the Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon, he was greatly shocked, and for a moment he felt that this person could not say that he could not be a god, all because Fang Qin’s strength and power were too great.

“Donor, if you can pass my Shaolin Three Sets of Formations, then the secret book of the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet will be for the donor to watch.”

“Oh? Which three sets of formations? ”

“I Shaolin King Kong Voldemort Circle, Shaolin Eighteen Bronze Man Array, and Shaolin One Hundred and Eight Great Arhat Formations.” If the donor can break through, what is the harm in my Shaolin martial arts to let Shi Shi read it! ”

Abbot Xuanci’s face was calm, but his mouth said the formation that made people in the martial forest change color.

These sets of Shaolin formations can be described as world-shattering, and no one has ever cracked them.

The former Vajra Voldemort Circle alone is three Shaolin monks, sitting day and night for thirty years, practicing with each other, having reached a state of tacit understanding, one person moves, the other two immediately understand the spirit and exert it, not to mention the world’s masters, even twenty or thirty world-class masters can resist.

Xuan Ci chanted the Buddha trumpet and thought to himself.

This benefactor had done such amazing deeds before, so it was good to embarrass him with these sets of formations, and it was also good for him to retreat in frustration. ’

Fang Qin was a little surprised, this person said that this is not equivalent to letting him go directly to the Scripture Cabinet, what is the use of hundreds of people, even if the formation method is strong, but he is open, how can he stop him.

Huang Rong also frowned on the side, skimmed her lips, secretly said that there are you who are good, after a period of time with Fang Qin, she still has some understanding of Fang Qin’s strength, it is not too much to say that it is a land immortal, it is simply impossible for these people to want to embarrass Fang Qin.

“Lord Fang, what do you think?”

“Yes, as you wish, please.”


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