Fang Qin ignored these noisy and noisy people with ill intentions, and casually swept away, and found that some of them had walked away with interest.

Then he looked at Huo Du and said, “I originally wanted you to die a decent death, so as not to pollute the area around the ancient tomb, since you are looking for death, it will also satisfy you.” ”

Huo Du sneered, “Xiao Wang is here, if you are, ah!” ”

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a chill rise in his body, a sharp pain came, and his body shook and fell directly to the ground and rolled over.

There were also more than a dozen people around them screaming at the same time, and the chill rose all over their bodies, accompanied by boundless severe pain.


The terrible scream made the people around him who were not abnormal screaming, and their faces were shocked, completely unaware of the situation and what had happened.

Huo Du, who was huge and holding a golden pestle next to him, saw that his disciples were in such pain and was also anxious to come forward to support him.

“Ah! Hurt me! Huo Du screamed in his mouth, and lifted up his internal strength to try to balance it, but as soon as the internal force touched the cold source in his body, he disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.

And I don’t know if it triggered anything, that cold internal force suddenly had a strong horizontal suction force sweeping through, and the irresistible internal force in the body was sucked away by it.

“No! No! My skill! Huo Du was suddenly terrified, and his own strength of more than ten or twenty years had already disappeared in two instants.

I don’t know if the source of that yin cold absorbed the internal force, it was quite strong, and an even more intense cold breath gushed out.

Huo Du lacked the support of internal strength, his body was extremely cold, and the cold frost raised his eyebrows, and his mouth breathed out cold air, and after only a few moments, he had frozen into a bruise, and he had already lost his voice.

Darba looked at Huo Du with a frightened face, and saw that he had lost his voice after only a few clicks, which was both panicked and sad.

“Brother Master, Brother Master, what’s wrong with you?” A cold and piercing sound came from the place where his hand touched, and he hurriedly put Huo Du on the ground, and raised his hand to see that his hand was already a bluish purple color, and he was seriously frostbitten.

“Ah, abominable!” Darba was a sluggish elm man, stupid and stupid, but he was extremely gifted with great power, and he worshiped under the Golden Wheel Mage and learned a high and strong skill.

Seeing that his master and disciple were dead, he didn’t know what was going on, only that the person in front of him did it, and regardless of the consequences of this, he picked up the huge golden pestle on the side, regardless of the pain in his hand, and waved it straight at Fang Qin.


The golden pestle was extremely heavy, and a whistling and tearing sound sounded, straight to Fang Qin.

Fang Qin was a little surprised to see him call with complete disregard, raised his hand, and probed forward.

The golden pestle that had fallen like a thousand pounds of gravity was gently blocked by him, and the terrifying force disappeared into nothingness.

Darba looked stunned, completely unaware of what was going on, and looked at it with some stunned eyes.

Fang Qin’s inner strength in his hand shook slightly, and with a loud bang, the golden pestle made of the golden iron turned into shattering.

Nadalba only felt a huge force coming, and his body shook violently, and he fell back directly and fell to the side of Hodu, supporting him with some difficulty.

Everything was only a few moments in the past, and the rest of the internal strength was not as good as Huo Du, but it was longer than him, but after ten breaths, they were all covered in cold breath, straight to death, no sound.

The cold on his body froze all the nearby ones, and slowly spread around, and a faint frost rose.

The frightened people around them finally reacted and looked at Fang Qin in horror.


A strong man who had just followed in a few words shook his body and directly knelt down, shocked and terrified, and prostrated his head and begged for forgiveness: “The Great Immortal spares his life, the Great Immortal spares his life!” The little one actually offended the big immortal, the little one damned, the little one damned…”

Without realizing the problem in his own words, seeing such a terrible and strange scene, his mind was already frightened.

The people around them also immediately woke up, and immediately knelt down and prostrated their heads and begged for forgiveness.

“Spare your life! The Great Immortal spared his life! ”

Fang Qin watched indifferently, raised his hand, and a void flame rose in his hand, only to burn the air and twist it, swinging forward at will.



A reddish qi that was five inches long and wide swept directly through the crowd like a full moon curved knife.

The crowd felt a burning sensation coming, and they were about to scream, as if they had no feelings, and there was no sound in front of their eyes.


The momentum of the flame knife swept straight to the rear, a loud noise was heard, dozens of trees broke in unison, and a scorched black scorching heat at the fracture site set off a flame, gradually burning.

Huang Rong on the side was also sluggish on the spot when he saw such a mighty power, and his heart was shocked.

Darba had just stood up and fell straight to his knees, and the picture he had just seen was like the miracle of the Buddha punishing the sins of the world, so that he had no heart to resist, even if he was as stupid as a pig, he also had a heart of awe and respect, as if he were kneeling down in worship.

“Ah, this must be the reincarnation of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva, so it turns out that the Buddha wanted to punish the master and disciple, so it will be all right.” He thought so in his heart and sincerely worshipped.

Fang Qin ignored him, looking at the fire that was gradually spreading, the internal force surged and directly waved, a fierce wind struck, roaring past, and the flame that had not really risen was already extinguished, laying a faint layer of frost.

Looking back at the only one alive in the group, Darba said, “If you drag the bodies of these people away and don’t pollute this place, you will spare your life.” ”

Darba had already regarded Fang Qin as a heavenly Buddha, so naturally he did not dare to resist, nor did he think of resisting, and said directly: “Ah, the Buddha asked me to do so, and I will do it.” ”

After saying this, he bowed respectfully and did not dare to get up.

Fang Qin shook his head, and he didn’t intend to kill this person, this was a decent person here, and he didn’t have any bad intentions.

However, the death penalty can be hidden, and some punishments are also wanted, and asking him to carry away the body here is a punishment for him.

Don’t underestimate such things, one of these people has a terrible cold breath, and the other has a burning hot gas on their bodies, although it has begun to dissipate, but almost a hundred people are afraid that they are enough to choke.

Fang Qin swept slightly, looked at one place for a pause, and then looked at another place.

With a sigh, his figure flashed, and he went directly to thirty meters away, and within a few moments his body had already come to a place two hundred meters away.

“Yikes!” With a cry of horror, a beautiful Daoist girl in an apricot yellow Daoist robe looked at Fang Qin in horror, wanting to escape, but she couldn’t afford to have strength anyway, just like the scene of the immortal god, she was shocked that she had no master, her hands and feet were weak, and she couldn’t move.

“Li Moxuan, we haven’t seen each other for a long time!” Fang Qin saw her and said softly.

“I, I…” Li Mo opened his mouth and said a word, only to feel a wet feeling coming from below, panicked to the extreme, afraid and did not know what to say.

Seeing that she was so horrified that she could not speak, Fang Qin shook his head and directly grabbed it.

The figure jumped, flashed a few times, and returned to the ancient tomb.

“Rong’er, let’s go in!”

Huang Rongdao, who was still a little dazed on the side.

“Ah, ah, okay.” Huang Rong returned to his senses, and even Li Moxuan, who was controlled by Fang Qin’s hand, did not care, and looked at the collapsed tree, and the cleared space had both scorched black marks and faint frost, and his heart was shocked.

Although he knew that Brother Qin was powerful, but now this kind of power is no longer a mortal, saying that he is a god and a god is afraid that he is a person who has seen, no one will not believe it. _

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