“Well, you must come back early…” Xiaolongnü stood in front of the ancient tomb and looked at Fang Qin, some eyes slightly red.

Fang Qin hugged and kissed it, and said with some tears and laughter, “Yes, I will come back soon, just go over there to read some Taoist scriptures.” ”

“Then I’ll wait here for you to come back.”

Fang Qin comforted her for a while, before she agreed to go back and wait for him, it seemed that leaving for a few months really made her very sad, so that she was a little like a frightened bird, afraid that he would run away for a few months.

After all, the last time he also said that he was going to go to Chongyang Palace, after returning he said that he would leave for a while, and now when he heard him say that he was going to go to Chongyang Palace, he was a little scared in his heart.

“Brother Qin~” Huang Rong on the side was not worried, but just pretended to be reluctant and looked at Fang Qin crying.

“…..” Fang Qin saw at a glance that this girl was pretending, but still went up and hugged and kissed it.

“Hee-hee, come back early, I’ll go back with Sister Dragon and wait for you.”

Huang Rong’s face was slightly red, and she ran to the side of the little dragon girl and hugged it, and the little dragon girl who provoked her exclaimed in surprise and left together.

Fang Qin smiled and watched them go back, turning back, a little bit of figure flashed under his feet, but after a while, he came directly to the gate of the Chongyang Palace, this time he did not go directly in, but officially visited and entered from the main gate.

“Who are you, Er, this prince doesn’t know what happened to me in the Chongyang Palace?” A sword-wielding Daoist saw someone coming to speak loudly, but as soon as he saw Fang Qin, he inexplicably rose in awe, and his tone involuntarily weakened, somewhat respectfully.

In his heart, he secretly said that this person looked so extraordinary, but he could not offend at will.

“Well, I’m going to visit Quanzhen Seven Sons.” You go in and talk to the head of the Wang Department, and then you say that Fang Qin has come here to visit, and he will know. ”

“Fang, Fang Qin!? Ah, it’s Mr. Fang, please come in, please come in! ”

The Daoist priest was directly surprised, he did not expect that this handsome and extraordinary young man was the famous Mr. Fang Qin, it was really incredible, and there were many rumors about him recently.

Saying that he was a martial artist of the world, teaching him the ultimate learning to Qiao Feng, making his strength even more terrifying, even the Hong Lao Gang was ashamed of himself when he saw that set of absolute learning, and he was fascinated by it.

Wudang Zhang Zhenren did not dare to be careless when he saw this Mr. Fang, and the formation that Shaolin had never been broken for hundreds of years was randomly broken by him.

The sound of fame could be heard everywhere in the martial forest, and the Daoist priests did not dare to be sloppy, so they quickly respectfully invited Fang Qin to sit down and pour tea in the hall of the Chongyang Palace to receive distinguished guests.

After performing a ritual himself, he hurriedly went to report to the seven sons of Quanzhen.

After a while, a series of rapid footsteps sounded, and Wang Chuyi ran in, and when he saw Fang Qin, he was immediately surprised: “Mr. Fang! I didn’t think that you actually came to my Chongyang Palace, it was really brilliant. ”

“The king’s way has not been seen for a long time.” Fang Qin smiled.

Later, several Daoist monks walked in, namely the Seven Sons of Quanzhen.

“I’ve seen Mr. Fang.” Ma Yu and several people did not dare to slack off when they saw the equipment, and immediately performed a salute.

The heart is secretly amazed, a good fairy-like figure, flowing extraordinary, at first sight let people know that it is extraordinary.

After the crowd sat down to introduce each other, Wang Chuyi first said, “Sir, I have never seen Mr. again that day, and I regret it.” They have only heard of Mr. Mister’s high deeds, which is amazing. ”

“Oh, over the prize, Guo Jing, what happened to them?”

Wang Chuyi was a little smiling when he heard this: “Yang Tiexin and his wife are already living in seclusion in the Central Plains, and Guo Jing Xiaoyou is separated behind and does not know where to go.” Ah, yes, Aunt Mu seems to be out and about. ”

Saying that, he looked at Qin’s face again, saw that he did not express it, and sighed darkly, if this girl did not change her mind, I am afraid that it would be difficult to leave in the future.

The two were talking about something, and although Ma Yu and the others on the side wanted to talk to Fang Qin, they were bitter that several people were not familiar with each other, and they did not dare to be too arrogant, so they could only echo a few words.

As soon as the king spoke on his lips, his heart suddenly thought of what had happened around the ancient tomb a few days before, and his heart suddenly moved.

“Mr. Fang is on the Zhongnan Mountain today?”

“After a few days, I have something to do today, so I’ll come and visit.”

Wang Chuyi let out a sigh, only to feel his scalp tingle, his heart beating, and he hurriedly said:

“Sir, a few days ago, a group of crooked demons and evil ways came to the mountain behind the South Mountain, but I didn’t know…”

“Oh, those people, disturbing the purity of the ancient tomb, let them not go, and uttering foul language, they directly killed them.” Fang Qin said casually.


Ma Yuqiu and the others took a breath of cool air, looked at each other, and saw the shock in their eyes, it turned out that the sacredness that their group had been speculating about was this Mr. Fang.

Thinking of the rumors that have recently circulated, I can’t help but smile bitterly, what martial arts are strong, divine skills are world-class, this Mr. Fang is a god.

“First of all, sir divine power, it is really like a prison.” A few people in the king’s office did not dare to sit down any longer, and immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.

“Okay, you don’t have to.” Fang Qin shook his head, Ma Yu and a few people only felt an inexplicable force to lift themselves up, looked up, saw Fang Qin still sitting on the top, they were shocked, this hand already thought it was a divine means, facing such a thing, the heart was even more in awe.

After several people thanked him, his heart was also inexplicably stressed, only Wang Chuyi knew Fang Qin at the beginning, and it was better.

“Sir, is the man of the ancient tomb?” When Wang Chu came back to his senses, thinking of Fang Qin’s words just now, he was a little confused, and several people around him were surprised, although they had very little contact with the ancient tombs on the side, they also knew that the ancient tombs were all women, and there were never men.

“My inner dragon girl is a person of the ancient tomb, and I am naturally counted, haha.” Speaking of the little dragon girl Fang Qin, she was a little happy.

When Wang Chu and the others listened, they all secretly sighed in their hearts that this tomb girl was so blessed to be able to be with the first-class figure of the Immortal God.

“As it is, the so-called immortal companions are as good as ….. I wonder what the gentleman just said? Wang Chuyi was amazed, and then he asked with some trepidation, this person who came here has something to do, afraid that his side will not be satisfied, is it not ugly.

“It’s not a big deal, it’s just that I want to borrow some Taozang.”

“This, what is the matter of my Tao, sir wants to see it, I can’t wait to see it.”

Ma Yu and several people were a little surprised to hear it, if this gentleman could stay a little longer again, he said that he would not have the opportunity to teach some immortals, and when he thought of the scene left by the ice and fire he had seen before, his heart was a little hot.

These cultivators, who are not endlessly pursuing the matter of becoming immortals and attaining the Tao, have their hearts and minds set their minds on it, but in the past, only the Tao was illusory, and they only knew one or two things from books, even if there were really immortals themselves, they had no chance to see it.

However, this time is different, a living true immortal is in front of him, if he can get some benefits, I am afraid that he will benefit infinitely.

Naturally, I hope that this person can stay a little longer, and stay as long as he wants. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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