When Fang Qin returned to the ancient tomb, he saw that the two beauties were practicing Ling Bo’s micro-steps again, and a smile appeared on their faces, and they looked at it from the side.

Seeing the two people dancing like Ling Bo fairies, one is beautiful and vulgar, the other is delicate and agile, it is really a beautiful scene in the world.

After a long time, the two of them stopped practicing, and then they found Fang Qin, who was watching from the sidelines, and they were all happy, and the little dragon girl directly broke into his arms.

“Dragon Er, I said I’ll be back in a minute, don’t worry.”

“Well, I’m just a little scared, Fang Lang, I’m going to follow you wherever you go in the future.”

Huang Rong watched from the side and his eyes were hot and directly pounced.

“And me, I’m going to be with me.”

“Well, all together.” Fang Qin couldn’t laugh and said hurriedly.

“Brother Qin, how did you go to Chongyang Palace, did you gain anything?”

“Okay, the Taoist classics really helped, and I found the way.” Rong’er, Long’er, after that, I may go through this for a while every day to look at the scriptures. ”

“Brother Qin, I will also have some knowledge of Qimen gossip, and if Brother Qin wants to listen, I can also tell you about it.”

“Haha, Rong Er is really erudite, good! Every day after that you will tell me something. ”

Fang Qin naturally did not refuse, Huang Rong, as the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, naturally watched hundreds of classics from a young age, and was more proficient in the knowledge of the Five Elements Bagua and Qimen Qijia.

Now that Fang Qin has opened his mind, he is not limited to learning martial arts secret books, some other hundred classics, Qimen knowledge can be turned into his nourishment, constantly enriching himself, turning into a foundation, maybe at some point in the future there will be unexpected help.

The three of them talked for a long time, and after eating, they began to practice martial arts again.

Although Fang Qin did not understand the spiritual cultivation method for a while and a half, at present, his “essence” and “qi” had not yet reached the peak, and both were constantly getting stronger and constantly feeding back [gods].

Fang Qin guessed that even if he didn’t comprehend the special spiritual cultivation method, just go on like this, and after the peak of the two, the [god] would slowly increase, and after the three slowly reached the peak, they might be able to complete the breakthrough and transformation.

It’s just that this time may take several years, for others, let alone a few years, even decades will be ecstatic, but for Fang Qin it is still too slow.

Naturally, he would not treat it so negatively, and the upper realm of martial arts involved the path of eternal life in the future. He now has two beautiful people to accompany him, and he hopes to go on forever, but he does not want to be alone after a hundred years.

If it was only immortality, with his current strength, but in terms of his perception, he would have a life span of two hundred years, which is the most conservative estimate, and the real situation may not be certain.

All this is because Fang Qin’s body essence is already the most terrifying in this world, a body qi and blood can remain unchanged for a long time, and the vast and pure internal force can warm the whole body’s essence, which is naturally a great increase in life span.

This is still a characteristic that he does not specifically address the aspect of Shouyuan, and if he had this idea and applied action, perhaps this value would have to be doubled.

The internal gong mind method in this martial arts world basically has some life-prolonging effect, just to see the size of the difference, and the internal gong mind method that is biased towards Taoism is generally more powerful in this regard.

Let’s just say that the “Quanzhen True Heart Law” and the “Wu Dang Xin Method”, the two most basic martial arts internal skills of the Quanzhen Wudang and Daoist sects, if they have been practicing diligently, it is not a problem to increase their own life expectancy by ten years without suffering any serious internal injuries.

Of course, other advanced martial arts similar to the Nine Yin True Classics and the Nine Yang True Classics can be practiced to a high depth, and it is not a problem that Shouyuan will increase by one or two decades compared to the past, but these internal skills are not deeply involved in this field, but only the effects of the high and deep internal forces.

Some of the internal skills that are specialized in this way can be even more powerful.

For example, Tianshan Tongmao’s “Eight Wilds and Six Combinations of Solipsistic Respect Skills” has the effect of rejuvenating and rejuvenating children, and “Xiao Wu Xiang Gong” also has the effect of staying in the face and living a long life.

The former is in his nineties or looks like an eight- or nine-year-old child, which is simply appalling, and the latter takes Li Qiushui as an example, who is also in his eighties as if he were thirty years old, which shows the magic of these exercises.

If you can read it, you may be able to save some time to understand it on your own.

However, at present, there is no hurry, first read the Daozang of the Chongyang Palace here to pay attention to the others.

In the following period, Fang Qin lived a two-point and one-line life, most of the time in the Chongyang Palace to watch the scriptures, other times in the ancient tomb with Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong, practicing martial arts, and Huang Rong would also find time to explain the knowledge of the Qimen Qimen Qijia Five Elements Bagua to Fang Qin.

After a week of this, Quanzhen Qizi and Fang Qin gradually became familiar with each other after slowly talking, and they also had some understanding of this Mr. Fang’s personality.

Being easy-going, as long as it does not touch his bottom line, it will basically not anger him.

After several people discussed it, they came to Fang Qin and said, “Mr. Fang, it is really a sin to rush to disturb you to read a book. ”

Fang Qin closed the book, a little surprised, but thinking of their respectful courtesy in the past few days, he also arrived: “What is the matter?” Let’s hear it. ”

Ma Yu and several people were a little surprised, and quickly handed over a simple pamphlet:

“Sir, yes, when I learned that Mr. Wu was quite fond of martial arts, and I felt that some of the martial arts in this library could not enter Mr. Shu’s eyes, I decided to hand over the “First Heaven Gong” of my family teacher to Mr. Wang.”

“…..” Fang Qin was a little puzzled, looked at their faces, and knew in his heart that he wanted to come and ask for advice.

His mind about these internal martial arts was no longer as persistent as before, all because his martial arts were already extremely high, not some of the more divine martial arts did not care much about it, but they directly sent them, naturally they would not refuse not to look.

“Okay, I’ll take it, and I’ll point you out when I’ll have time.” Fang Qin smiled and took over this “Heavenly Skills”.

“Yes, thank you sir, then I will not bother first, I will wait for the farewell.” Ma Yu and several people were ecstatic, and it was enough to have this sentence from Mr. Ji, and they did not dare to disturb it, and they hurriedly retreated.

There was only Fang Qin left in the library, and he looked at the “Heavenly Gong in his hand”, and his face was a little strange.

I didn’t think about the first time I came to look for it before, I didn’t find it, and this time I didn’t have this kind of mind but I got this ultimate learning due to fate.

It’s pretty magical. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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