“It turned out to be the Engong who had saved each other before, and Yang Xiao thanked him again!”

“Wei Yi smiled and thanked him again, thank you for saving your life.”


Previously, in the hall, Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao, Wushanren and other people who had been saved by Fang Qin all looked grateful and thanked each other.

“No, it was the little brother who saved him.” Fang Qin stopped talking.

“Where did Eun Gong say this?” If you hadn’t saved this little brother, I and others would have been killed directly by Cheng Kun, so naturally I would have been saved by you. ”

Speaking of this, Yang Xiao sighed and said, “Engong’s kindness, I am waiting for my heart, but now that the situation is like this, I am afraid that I am powerless to return to heaven, and I am not enough to wait for death, but Engong cannot take risks!” ”

“Yes, Engong is kind to me and so on, and I must not involve you, but I am afraid that I will not be able to repay you.” It is better to say that it is not a monk or a Tao.

“Grace Gong, heart collar!”

Humble is also grateful, but he cherishes words like gold.

“Engong, these people are many and powerful, you…”

Some people in the small sect looked at the leading Shaolin and other people, and wondered in their hearts, not knowing why they suddenly fell silent en masse.

Then he looked at Murong Fu, who was standing in the middle of the field, and sighed a little, this famous man did not expect to be looked down upon here, and he did not pay attention to him.

Murong Fu only felt a wave of hostility rise, the man was so faceless, let him lose face in front of the world, and saw Wang Yuyan did not look at him, following behind that person, even more jealous, no longer wanted to accept anything about not accepting the Ming Sect, there was only one thought, that is, to kill the person.

“Ahem! He dared to help the Ming Sect, and everyone in the Demon Sect was cursed! If you collude with the Demon Sect, you are also a person in the Demon Sect, die! ”

Since he was already planning to kill the killer, he directly occupied the Daode Shout first, the inner qi surged, the body rioted, and directly rushed towards Fang Qin, raising his right hand as a finger, a family martial arts reference finger, and the thunder quickly hit the other side.

“Sizzle! Murong benefactor and slow! Master Kongwen shouted out unconsciously, but unfortunately Murong Fu had already ignored it all, and only wanted to kill the man in his eyes.

“Oh Amitabha! Empty smell, recite the mantra of past life for him! Master Xuanbi also sighed, if this person did not speak so badly, he would have wanted to stop it, but Murong Fu spoke to the exit, and it would be difficult to harvest the water, if he intervened, he was afraid that it would cause the gentleman to be dissatisfied.

Murong Fu’s figure was extremely fast, and everyone around him also exclaimed in surprise, thinking that this person was strong in martial arts, worthy of Murong Nan!

Wang Yuyan stood beside Fang Qin and swept the back, then ignored it, this kind of strength if she had dealt with it a few months ago, but now it was out of sight.

Looking at Fang Qin, he wanted to know how he solved it.

The Ming Sect people in front of them looked directly at each other and shouted to be careful, Yin Tianzheng and Yang Xiao and the others had already stood up and wanted to come forward.

Fang Qin saw that he had taken the poison and sighed, “I didn’t want to pay attention to it originally, I didn’t speak later, I was in a good mood and let you leave, why should I find death?” ”

I also had no interest in going to Rong Fu’s study again, and I waved it casually a few feet away.


Murong Fu saw that he was about to succeed, and with a victorious smile on his face, he felt a terrifying force coming, and before he could react, he clicked a few times, not knowing how many bones had been broken, the pain was extreme, and his eyes were bulging.

The figure fell backwards at a faster speed like an arrow off the string, falling straight to the distance of more than a dozen feet, raising a piece of dust.

There were some noisy and noisy voices on the scene and immediately fell silent!

A crowd of people looked at Murong Fu, who had fallen to the ground motionless, with shocked faces, only to feel a cold breath coming straight up, and this person’s strength was also too terrifying.

Before the words of the Ming Sect people were finished, they were stuck in their throats, and they could no longer say anything after seeing this scene.

Song Yuanqiao and the others sighed, this person is also looking for death, I don’t know what it is.

“Mr. Fang also left his hand, otherwise he was only afraid…” Ma Yu and several people were also shocked, but they also knew that this was still the restraint.

“…..” The extermination master was too panicked, just one step away from death, unconsciously some grasped Zhou Zhiruo on the side, Zhou Zhiruo did not care, the beautiful eyes were shining and looking at the figure who did not care, only to feel that this person was really powerful.

“Dude!” Bao Different and the Evil Storm ran to the front with a frightened face, and Deng Baichuan’s face turned miserable when he probed the breath.

“Boy he… Already…”

“You killed Grandpa Gongzi!” Yes! ”

Bao Wei looked miserable, and then looked at Fang Qin, his eyes were split, and he shouted and rushed straight over.

Fang Qin saw this and sighed, this person who was loyal in the original book died at the hands of Murong Fu, and now he also had to fight in spite of the gap between the two.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

Wang Yuyan was also shocked to see the power of Fang Qin’s hand, knowing that her decision could not be an opponent, but she also refused to directly admit defeat, so she planned to try her best later.

Seeing Bao different and others rushing in, she frowned, knowing that if she didn’t care, she was afraid that she would die, and she didn’t have any disgust for these Murong family courtiers, so she wanted to save their lives.

“Miss, don’t you understand his intentions?” This person…” Bao saw Wang Yuyan standing in front of him, with an angry face.

Wang Yuyan frowned at Liu Yan, that Murong Fu had been looking at her with a disgusting look since he had come to Mantuo Mountain Villa to see her, and after being taught a miserable lesson by her martial arts once, he had relented a lot, but that fake look was also disgusting to her.

“It was Murong Fu’s first poisoner, and you should have seen it.”

Several people’s faces changed for a while, and they naturally saw it, but they didn’t expect the price to be so painful.

Fang Qin shook his head and turned back to look at the Ming Sect again, “What? If you can listen to what I say and do, I will save you once. That is to say, there are many of you, and what you do is quite righteous, otherwise… Hum! ”

A cold hum sounded in everyone’s ears, the sound was not loud, but it made people feel frightened, inexplicably afraid, and frightened a group of Ming Sect people, secretly shocked, I don’t know who this person is, so powerful.

Looking at each other, Yang Xiao first said, “Since Engong spoke, you saved my life, and Yang Xiao obeyed.” ”

“I smiled and naturally promised Engong, and in the future, I will fall ill, and I will not do evil things, and if I disobey, the sky will thunder!”

“Say that the monk also promised Engong!”


Others also promised one after another, and now that it was time to survive, the strength of this benefactor was difficult to guess, and perhaps it could really get them out of trouble.

“Good! In that case, I will help you once. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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