Seven days had passed since the Battle of the Bright Peak, and Fang Qin had been reading books for the past few days, reading all the scriptures.

With his understanding, it was enough to understand the meaning of the truth at one time, and then he collected all the martial arts secrets he had obtained these days.


Inside the room, Fang Qin sat cross-legged, yin and yang and qi flowed, and a mighty stream of internal force and qi and blood continued to surge and flow, constantly running, and a roar sounded.


“Ding, [Tai Yin Yang True Scripture] characteristics [Healing Holy Scriptures] enhanced to [Life and Creation]”

“Ding, [Tai Yin Yang True Scripture] increases the characteristics [Rejuvenation and longevity]”

[Birth and Creation]: All diseases are not born, and all poisons are not invaded. The Yin and Yang Qi is created through the Xuan, contains a thick life essence, any damage can be quickly restored, and has the effect of returning dead wood to spring and resurrection from the dead.

【Rejuvenation and longevity】: Internal force contains the body, greatly improves the longevity, and the power is not scattered, the appearance will not age.


Fang Qin let out a breath, only to feel a sense of warmth and happiness, and he had already absorbed all the subtleties of the Divine Illumination Sutra and the Little Wu Xiang Gong into himself.

The mysterious understanding of the effect of reviving the dead in the Divine Illumination Sutra is transparent, which enhances the characteristics of its own skill, greatly increases the healing effect of internal force, and a trace of internal force contains a pure breath of life.

That is, someone is dead, there is no need to distinguish between internal injuries and external injuries, as long as the time is not too long, he can be treated with internal force, and this effect can be much more powerful than the original [Divine Illumination].

In the past, he could also do it with his deep internal strength, but it was not so simple, but now after absorbing the exquisite deduction, after the characteristics of the Taiyin and Yang True Scripture were enhanced, he could do it very simply.

Another characteristic is that the subtlety of life extension in “Xiao Wu Xiang Gong” plus the previously collected exercises such as “Changchun Gong” that have an effect on Shou Yuan are deduced and smelted.

Although he had only just gained a little, his life expectancy had increased by at least one hundred years, which meant that he had at least three hundred years of life, which was still small.

If it is passed out, I am afraid that it will cause a shocking sensation.

After all, the most powerful exercises basically increase the life expectancy of several decades, and the other ordinary exercises are only a few years at most.

However, the “rejuvenation and longevity” feature directly doubles this life expectancy, so that life can continue for a hundred years.

Of course, this is under the premise that the human body itself has no disease and no disaster to live to this age.

Many of them are due to some external factors, such as external injuries, internal injuries, dark wounds that are knotted inside the body, etc., which lead to the inability to truly live to the limit of Shouyuan.

However, for Fang Qin, this was just simple, and even he did not attach much importance to this feature.

Because these are just constantly excavating in the current realm, if you want to truly enhance your own life essence, you still need to make a breakthrough in the combination of spirit and spirit.

Only then can we truly enter the extraordinary situation.

Fang Qin stood up and walked out of the door, and saw the little dragon girl and Huang Rong in the courtyard testing martial arts, and Xiao Zhao watched obediently.

The strength of the two was not much different, and both had cultivated the Nine Yin True Scriptures, of course, their habits were different, and the moves they used were naturally different.

The little dragon girl replaced the sword with her hand, and her hands each used the Jade Girl Sword Method and the Quanzhen Sword Method, and the two swords struck together, and the Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique was like wearing a butterfly through flowers, attacking Huang Rong.

Huang Rong was naturally not weak, and the Fallen Ying Divine Sword Palm and the Nine Yin Divine Claw in his hand became more and more skilled.


The two of them came and went, their bodies flashed rapidly, and between the two spirits, it was like two heavenly fairies dancing, which was extremely beautiful.

Xiao Zhao’s eyes were shining brightly on the side, and he only felt so beautiful, and the two sisters were so powerful.

After a while, both men stopped and smiled at each other.

“Dragon Er’s sister’s Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique is so powerful, Rong Er is better than ah, hee-hee-hee-hee-

The little dragon girl stepped forward and gently hugged the cunning little girl, “Your Nine Yin God Claw and the Fallen Ying God Sword Palm are also extremely well trained.” ”

As he spoke, he felt Huang Rong’s soft little hand probing from his waist, looked at her with disgust, raised his jade hand and pinched Huang Rong’s tender face.

The two little girls have been together for such a long time, they have learned a lot about each other, they are already as close as sisters, they like and are kind, but they are often intimate.

Fang Qin smiled, and his figure moved directly to the two people’s side, his hands were wrapped together, and he hugged them into his arms in the two exclamations, and a faint fragrance struck, which made people feel shocked.

Xiaolongnü and Huang Rong’s faces were full of color, and they all looked at Fang Qin with disgust.

Xiao Zhao on the side saw that his face was hot, and he thought how Mr. Xiao was so in broad daylight… What a pity!

“Fang Lang, are you cultivating well?”

“Well, the cultivation is good.”

“Hee-hee, Brother Qin must have gained a lot.”

The three of them talked, Xiao Zhao went to prepare some tea to eat and eat over, now she is helping to take care of trivial matters every day, although Huang Rong and Xiaolongnü both told her not to do this, but she did not listen, and served the three people seriously.

So well-behaved and diligent, but also let several people have a lot better impression of her, Huang Rong is teasing her every day, Xiaolongnü is also often talking with her, getting closer and closer.


Only after that day, the Ming Sect followed the promise of Fang Qin and seriously changed its style of acting, and for a period of time, the atmosphere of the Ming Sect’s headquarters was positive.

Yang Xiao and the others made up their minds to send manpower to discipline the brothers within the sect of the Tianxia Branch, and they could no longer be as unscrupulous as before.

Of course, even if they didn’t care, since the rumors of the Bright Peak came out, they all knew about the Divine Strict Order Ming Sect.

Even those relatively depraved branches of the Heavenly Ming Sect heard about this and were so frightened that the two forces were at war, and they retracted and did not dare to do such evil things again.

The next day, Fang Qin, Xiaolongnü and the others bid farewell to the Ming Sect and left the Bright Peak.

“Alas… I don’t know when I’ll see this again today…” Yang Xiao sighed with a face.

The rest of the others were also sighing, they naturally had some ideas, that is, to let Fang Qin be the leader of this Ming Sect, but several people in the back felt extremely inappropriate when they thought about it.

How could Mr. Ming Sect Leader be a god and immortal figure who had lowered his identity to be a Ming Sect Leader, naturally he did not dare to mention it, but in his heart he regarded his words as golden words.

“Gentlemen, I have survived with the help of my husband, and if I die, I will fulfill my promise.”

If I hear later that someone has violated Mr. Wang’s will and done some evil deeds, even if Mr. Yang Xiao does not care, I Yang Xiao will clean up the portal at the first time, and then don’t blame me for ignoring my feelings for many years. ”

Yin Tianzheng snorted coldly, “This sentence should be what I told you, the old man has long been unaccustomed to your wanton behavior.” ”

“Okay, even if I don’t say it, I will never break my promise to my husband, where do I need you to say?”

Although several people were somewhat unaccustomed to Yang Xiao, they were all extremely respectful of Fang Qin, and naturally they would not dare not dare to break their oaths.

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