For three consecutive days, Wu Xingyun was really a bit waxy, and he did not go to catch deer blood for three consecutive days, and his strength did not recover at all.

And I have to pretend to be a little girl all the time, and I have to occasionally lie to me, and sometimes I say that my goosebumps are up.

However, what else can I do, I have to put it on with tears in my own clothes.

If she is accidentally known to this mysterious person of her identity, no matter what his purpose is, she will have no place for herself.

Thinking of this, his eyes stared fiercely at Fang Qin’s figure, a fierce look, a dark bastard guy, if my strength is restored, I will definitely make you look good.

As soon as Fang Qin turned around, he saw Wu Xingyun, who looked like a bulging little girl, and almost didn’t laugh out loud.

A fierce expression, if others come to do it, it is naturally extremely majestic, but if this little girl comes to do it, it looks very cute.

Fang Qin directly handed over a roast meat in his hand, Wu Xingyun’s face changed, secretly saying that I did not eat the food that came from the mouth, Qiong nose smelled, the aroma was pervasive, and the hand directly took it and ate it without dispute.

Wu Xingyun: “…”

Forget it, or don’t live with yourself, just when he is his servant, so he thinks about it, and his mood is much better.

“Oh ~ have been looking for a few days, did not find the Tianshan Tongmao, this old guy is too able to hide, really hateful.”


Wu Xingyun took a deep breath, thinking that I didn’t hear, I wasn’t angry, just when he said the wind in his ears.

After a while, Wu Xingyun asked timidly, “Big Brother, why are you looking for that Heavenly Mountain Boy Grandmother, yes, what are you going to do?” ”

Speaking of this, my heart was also curious and tight, I didn’t know what this person was looking for himself, could it be that he really came to seek revenge.

His eyes swept over Fang Qin’s rather happy figure, thinking that in the past few days, seeing his body movements, it seemed that he knew some martial arts, and it seemed that he would not know any martial arts, just some simple hunting skills.

It’s just that she wasn’t sure, she always felt a little weird tight, and her skills only recovered a little, or she didn’t take risks.

And I thought, ‘When the old lady recovers her strength, she will surely teach you bastard a good lesson, you have to peel your skin and cramp, and hang up and fight!’ ’

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but be a little happy, and I giggled again, took a bite of the fragrant and delicious roast meat, and narrowed my eyes.

Secretly calculated, these days are still taking care of me, so it is not so cruel, let him always be a cow and a horse to do things for me.

Fang Qin saw that her face changed and changed, and she giggled again, but she was also a little inexplicable, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

However, he still said, “Ah, nothing, just heard that this Tianshan Tong Yao is the most vicious, killing people without blinking, and is a female demon head.” Ha ~ Who am I, the embodiment of chivalry! Naturally, it is truly incumbent upon him to come out and destroy such demons. ”

To tell the truth, these days, Fang Qin is also a bit of a play, and it is simply too interesting to act with Tianshan Tongyao.

“Nonsense, say what is this about you”

Wu Xingyun skimmed his lips and whispered, ignoring him, secretly saying that this person was still cramping and peeling his skin.

Fang Qin laughed loudly, making him a little annoyed, and wordlessly came back to look at him.

“Let’s go, since we can’t find it, let’s go back first!”

“Where to go?”

“Go to the place where I live nearby, my nearest foothold, I came out to look for someone these days and didn’t see anyone, I came here, and then I met you, let’s go back.”

Wu Xingyun frowned, the whole Miao Miao Feng was very familiar to her, where did she come from, only the Spirit Vulture Palace, could it be…

It was also not right, her own palace was full of women, and without her orders who dared to let a man in.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn’t think of it, so I could only nod my head and not speak.

Fang Qin pulled up her arm and walked straight outside.

When he came to a cliff, Wu Xingyun looked at Fang Qin with some curiosity and didn’t know how this person was going to go up, he seemed to know some martial arts, but he had never seen the specific how.

Fang Qin smiled back at her and directly picked her up, startling Wu Xingyun and turning her face red.

It was both irritation and a dizziness, wanting to struggle.

Before he could speak, he heard a word in his ear.

“Hold on, I’m going up.”

Before they could respond, they felt that the picture in front of them was blurred, their eyes were flowering, and the two of them had reached the height of five or six inches from the ground in mid-air.


Wu Xingyun was secretly shocked, but he hadn’t seen anything in the past few days, thinking that he was just a young man with ordinary martial arts, and he didn’t think that he would even look away.

This kind of light skill can be described as extremely clever, even she needs to be in her heyday to barely do it, looking at Fang Qin with a lost face, who is this person.

Is he really looking for himself to do what he wants to do to exorcise demons, to kill himself? At this thought, her face turned pale slightly, she had only been practicing for a long time now, how could she have the ability to resist such a master.

If he knew that he was the Heavenly Mountain Boy, he was afraid that his life would not be in danger.

Thinking like this, Fang Qin had already taken her feet and moved continuously, went up, looked at her face, and smiled secretly.

This was still the result of his restraint, if he let go, he was afraid that he could come up in an instant, and it was not necessarily necessary to scare this person directly.

Wu Xingyun looked at this young man with some trepidation, secretly saying that this guy would not be an old demon who was almost a hundred years old like her.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Let’s go.” ”

After saying that, he pulled the stunned Wu Xingyun and walked directly to the top of the Tianshan Mountain.

“…..” Looking at his leading path, Wu Xingyun inexplicably had an ominous premonition in his heart.


Half an hour later, Wu Xingyun looked at the complex in front of her with a silent face, she was all too familiar with it, she had lived here all these years.

Some silent turned back, there was no longer that little girl’s timid look on his face, and his eyes stared at Fang Qin deadly: “You knew it early on?” ”

When her face was expressionless, she had a strong majesty, and although her little face was cute, those eyes were awe-inspiring and intimidating.

Even the voice became much calmer, less childish than before, much more mature, delicate and crisp.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “If you don’t know in that situation, it would be stupid.” ”

“….. You’ve been playing me! Wu Xingyun was really angry, thinking about what he had done in the past few days, in retrospect it was really goosebumps, and he was angry and aggrieved, how did this person do this, forget it when he died.

“Cough, I originally just wanted to tease you at first, but I didn’t expect you to play with me.” It’s interesting. ”

“You!” Wu Xingyun exploded, raised his hand and directly punched it.

Fang Qin just smiled and didn’t return the hand, not to mention that during her current period of dissipation, that is, her heyday, he stood still and did not defend to let her hammer with all her strength, and he could not hurt him a single point.

Wu Xingyun had stopped after a few hammers, knowing that he could not hurt him, but made him laugh.

“Say, what do you mean exactly?” What is the purpose? “Since it has been said, it is natural not to hide.”

As for what he said for Skywalker, it was even more of a joke, if he really wanted to do it, why wait until now? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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